ICONS :D You Best Like Them *ROFL*

Jan 23, 2007 10:11

As you all know, i stopped making icons a while back :D

But i've felt like making them just for me.

Here are some that i wanted to share with you.

The icon that i'm currently using was made by ME :D

I'm very proud of all of them and i hope you like them.


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Comments 20

ckll January 23 2007, 18:53:01 UTC
VERY nice babe!You got improved so damn much!!
Take and credit


ilovesn January 23 2007, 18:54:45 UTC

Thank you sweetie *huggles*

YAY! you are soo much LOVE :D



alchemyonfire January 23 2007, 19:13:17 UTC
Oooh. *Snags a bunch*
You didn't post your Tommy Sex Toy one. I like that one. But I already have it, so if you don't wanna share, I don't really care. Hee.
Love these, darling. ♥


ilovesn January 23 2007, 19:42:00 UTC
HEY, who told you, you could use my sex toy :(




*giggles* thanks for the love :D



alchemyonfire January 23 2007, 20:38:41 UTC
You, ya dork. But I'll let you have him first. I don't mind taking seconds. Or, ya know, I could clone him and we'd both have a sex toy. I think that works best for me. Hee.
Haha mean girl. We could start a club. JSquared Mean Girls. I am so lame. Haha. ♥


ilovesn January 23 2007, 20:55:11 UTC
NO i didn't.....did i? *facepalm* :D

Yeps. I want the ORIGINAL :D


You are lame but i LOVE YA



ongiara January 23 2007, 21:03:56 UTC
Oh, lovely! Is the third one a Duquette one? Gorgeous!
The one from the Aussie promo kicks ass, so cute! Great work on the above icons.
And yay for smeckles *dies*


ilovesn January 23 2007, 21:09:32 UTC
*giggles* yeps, it's denny *kisses him* soo very cute

Thanks sweetie :D I love that icon.

That is one lucky BUTTON ROFL

*giggles* thank you for that.




ongiara January 23 2007, 21:13:09 UTC
*misses Denny* speaking of which, that scene of Izzy finally deposting that cheque, OMG, that scene had me laughing and crying

That is one lucky BUTTON ROFL
LOL, lucky bastard. Jensen's uncomfortable laugh at the end is so adorable ♥


ilovesn January 23 2007, 21:15:34 UTC
OMG! she deposited it? I havent' seen GA in a while.

So, what is she going to do with the money?

OMG! that laugh is LOVE :D

I just adore thim to DEATH :D

*loves you too*


theburnoutkid January 23 2007, 22:15:05 UTC
ROFL omgosh I love them. Especially "fan girls go boom". The second I saw that picture I was thinking:
"Lis is gonna have some bondage fun with that picture!"

That Jensen. A face that could cure cancer.


ilovesn January 23 2007, 22:46:42 UTC

Thanks you sweetie


I KNOW, that face is LIKE OMG! you are just too hot for words :D


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ilovesn January 30 2007, 05:27:44 UTC

I KNOW. I loved it

Thanks for the lOVe


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ilovesn January 30 2007, 20:18:20 UTC

Thanks soo much.

You are soo sweet. SHould be posting it soon. :D


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