ICONS :D You Best Like Them *ROFL*

Jan 23, 2007 10:11

As you all know, i stopped making icons a while back :D

But i've felt like making them just for me.

Here are some that i wanted to share with you.

The icon that i'm currently using was made by ME :D

I'm very proud of all of them and i hope you like them.


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alchemyonfire January 23 2007, 19:13:17 UTC
Oooh. *Snags a bunch*
You didn't post your Tommy Sex Toy one. I like that one. But I already have it, so if you don't wanna share, I don't really care. Hee.
Love these, darling. ♥


ilovesn January 23 2007, 19:42:00 UTC
HEY, who told you, you could use my sex toy :(




*giggles* thanks for the love :D



alchemyonfire January 23 2007, 20:38:41 UTC
You, ya dork. But I'll let you have him first. I don't mind taking seconds. Or, ya know, I could clone him and we'd both have a sex toy. I think that works best for me. Hee.
Haha mean girl. We could start a club. JSquared Mean Girls. I am so lame. Haha. ♥


ilovesn January 23 2007, 20:55:11 UTC
NO i didn't.....did i? *facepalm* :D

Yeps. I want the ORIGINAL :D


You are lame but i LOVE YA



alchemyonfire January 23 2007, 21:40:34 UTC
Haha. I told you I was taking it and you said okay. But if you want me to make it go bye bye I will. :)
Haha. I'll clone him and take the clone. I'm okay with that. XD
I love ya, too.


ilovesn January 23 2007, 21:42:14 UTC
DUDE, i totally forgot :D

NOPE, it's cool :D

LOVE YA and my ORIGINAL TOMMY *kisses*


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