New Fic YAY!

Nov 14, 2006 11:27

This is something that came out of nowhere and i just love the way it came out

Thanks to everyone that has been so supportive and loving to this comm and my creations

I really value you and i hope that i have showed you that


P.S. I know that there should be a paragraph or something in the beginning of this fic to set the tone but i could not ( Read more... )

fic, wincest

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Comments 73

:-) pal6412002 November 14 2006, 19:59:27 UTC
Lovely story. I enjoyed it a lot.
Thank you for sharing.



Re: :-) ilovesn November 14 2006, 20:00:58 UTC
Thanks for reading.

I'm glad that you enjoyed it. and since you're here.

Feel free to look at my other fic and icons



orphan_project November 14 2006, 20:12:24 UTC
Awww that was hella cute!!! -hearts-


ilovesn November 14 2006, 20:13:47 UTC

thank so sooo much





orphan_project November 14 2006, 20:25:13 UTC


You should hear the giggle fit I was just having with my friend.....My mind seriously lives in the gutter! LOL


ilovesn November 14 2006, 20:26:07 UTC

*Loves back*

Tell me, i want to hear.


a_phoenixdragon November 14 2006, 20:32:28 UTC
Just dropped in to say I love you...


Let me know iffen ya ever need my fic (though you have plenty goodies without!)



ilovesn November 14 2006, 20:35:20 UTC

You are soo sweet *is loved*

*dreamy sigh*

*smoochies back*

Let me know iffen ya ever need my fic (though you have plenty goodies without!)

The Iffen ya ever need stuff confussed me a bit but i love you still

*snuggles closer*


ckll November 14 2006, 21:16:10 UTC
SO so beautiful. I have told you that you write so good the emo stories.You describe so well the intimate along with the emotional part.
((Many kisses))


ilovesn November 14 2006, 21:26:04 UTC
oh babes

*huggles you*

you are always so supportive of me




fenci November 14 2006, 22:38:30 UTC
This is so lovely!
Great first kiss, it's very hot and tender. :)


ilovesn November 14 2006, 22:40:10 UTC
Thanks so much for the feedback


I know. so nice and stuff


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