New Fic YAY!

Nov 14, 2006 11:27

This is something that came out of nowhere and i just love the way it came out

Thanks to everyone that has been so supportive and loving to this comm and my creations

I really value you and i hope that i have showed you that


P.S. I know that there should be a paragraph or something in the beginning of this fic to set the tone but i could not think of anything


Title: Longing For You
Pairings: Sam/Dean WINCEST YAY!
Rating: It's an R, i think.
Thanks: I would like to give thanks to my wonderfull beta
unamaga She is very special to me for reason on she knows *giggles* but seriously, without her i would still be struggling with this *kisses*

After finding Dean and kicking some serious ass.

Sam brought him back to their room and treated his wounds. The alcohol stung Dean’s sensitive skin as Sam applied it, making him hiss. Sam could feel Dean's eyes on him, watching every move he made. Those eyes never left Sam’s body and hands as they tenderly applied the alcohol to his wounds. Sam's blew gently to ease the hurt and Dean’s eyes locked on his mouth, gaze burning him. He looked up and locked eyes with his brother, still blowing. Dean licked his lips.

Sam’s breath was hot, and even as it helped the sting go away, it made Dean want more. After all they had been through, all of the struggles and all of the loss. This was all they had: each other.

All he wanted was to protect Sammy and make sure that he was safe and happy, but every time he pictured Sammy with someone other than him, his heart would start to break a little. He would never tell Sam the truth, though.

He’d never tell him that, ever since he can remember, all he’s wanted to do is hold him and kiss him, feel his heartbeat and share everything that always seems to come so easy to Sam.

He’s in love with his brother.

He should feel wrong. He should create distance and run, but it hurts too much to be away. Not being able to make him laugh or to see him smile, or have him endlessly talking about something that Dean couldn’t care less for. But he cares about Sam, so he listens, just to hear that voice.

Today is the day that he can finally have that, have him and love him. His heart and his stomach are making it hard for him to get the words out.

To let him know that he needs and wants him, so much that it hurts.

Only a few moments have passed by.

Sam just looks at Dean, his eyes never leaving Dean’s. He can see that his brother is coming back from somewhere else.

“Are you ok, Dean?” Sammy says and smiles at him. It’s sweet simple smile that makes Dean want to kiss him.

Dean’s heart is leaping in his chest. This is the time, right here, so he leans forward and kisses Sam. It’s just how he thought it would be, soft and sweet at first, then just amazing and breathtaking.

He breaks the kiss and pulls back to look at Sam, who seems to be in shock. There’s something in his eyes, though-a look that Dean has never seen before, unknown and mysterious.

Sam brings his hand to Dean’s cheek and they lock eyes again, feeling the heat of each other’s bodies as it radiates off them. Sam’s thumb moves slowly to Dean’s bottom lip, and Sam can feel him jerk a bit as he touches and feels it. It’s soft and supple.

It’s funny how things happen.

He had wanted this since Dean came to Stanford to recruit him to help find Dad. And after all these months, the feelings had grown deeper and stronger, and Sam had always wanted more. He was just afraid of being rejected.

That would sting the most, having Dean look at him as if he were a monster that needed hunting, as if he were something unnatural, something to be feared.

Sam dreamed of him everyday, always stood too close or touched him for no reason, and it had been enough just to feel. But, now, everything had changed.

Dean had kissed him, made the first move.

Dean’s lips parted to lick Sam’s finger, and he slowly ran his tongue along the tip of it. Sam moaned at the contact and moved his finger so he could capture Dean’s lips in a passionate kiss.

Sam’s hand held Dean closer as their mouths and tongues became one. Dean’s fingers threaded through Sam’s hair, and it was all too much to take in. They had both waited too long for this, and it was everything they’d ever thought it would be: passion and love, lust and hunger, brothers to lovers.

They were never normal, nothing about their family was, and, hence, this was nothing to fear, nothing that would change the way they felt or how much they cared for each other. This would only deepen the bond that they had formed.

Sam broke the kiss, still keeping his hands on Dean. They were both breathless and seeing each other with new eyes.

“I love you,” Sam said, holding Dean close. Dean’s eyes grew soft, already knowing, but loving the way it washed over him. He had never thought he would finally get all he wanted.

“I love you, too,” Dean smiled as he gently kissed Sam.

fic, wincest

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