the downside to social networking

Apr 07, 2010 23:25

Most of the time, I like Facebook. It's a good way to keep up with what's going on with my friends in their day-to-day lives, especially those that I don't see very often. And it definitely comes in handy for instances like this morning, where I had an entire private message conversation with one of my students' moms about changing the time of her ( Read more... )

friends, fun, wrists, too much information, craftiness

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Comments 7

balrogthane April 8 2010, 14:20:13 UTC
Wow, your ex is clearly a classy fellow. Whatever led to breaking up? :P

And yum for the ham... I recently cooked one myself, and I've since become addicted to making my own breakfast burritos. They're still kinda sloppy, but I'm getting better. Slowly.


smor April 8 2010, 18:23:03 UTC
He dumped me, after about 3 months. If I remember right, he decided he wasn't good for me. ;) I was pretty upset at the time, since I was only 16 and he was my first boyfriend and it was the week before Homecoming :P but he wasn't ever the brightest crayon in the box, so now the only feeling I have for him is smacking myself in the forehead for dating him in the first place. :P


balrogthane April 8 2010, 18:43:50 UTC
Haha. Yes, the smacking-self-in-head disease... it's a bad one. My brain is very fond of bringing up stupid things I've said/done in the past, and I'm just like "...GAH. Did I really... GAH!"

Stupid memory.


ladybluestar April 8 2010, 15:21:51 UTC

That's just lovely. :( We got money back, but had a lot of deductions with having kids, building a house, etc.


smor April 8 2010, 18:25:04 UTC
I think I got some deductions here and there for car useage and such, but honestly, I was watching the numbers on TurboTax as my dad was plugging them in and the deductions I had didn't help me one iota. :P


whereismysam April 9 2010, 13:46:19 UTC
Is this the one that we found out sort-of both liked us and was a major jerk anyway?

No more facepalming. I will not allow it. I have spoken.

PS - I miss you!


smor April 9 2010, 18:46:31 UTC
No, you're thinking of boyfriend #2, aka "the boring one", whose main interests in life were wanting to buy a Honda Civic Del Sol, and stereo speakers. I'm really not sure why on the latter, since I only remember him actually liking about 3 musical acts, which were Creed, Metallica, and Kenny G. And who didn't like movies (period) and drove over to my house on one of those days of freshman year that we got off for the tropical storms to break up with me. (And whom Adam, who is still friends with him, admits is pretty much a jerk to his wife and that it's a good thing I'm not still with him. Coming from my brother...yeah.) This was boyfriend #1, aka "the ska-boy", who was mainly interested in bands like The Supertones (nothing against them) and probably whacked his head against other people's skulls in the mosh pits a couple of times too many, because he also wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. (And, apparently, is also the one who feels the need to announce to all of the Facebook network that he automatically associates a comment ( ... )


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