the downside to social networking

Apr 07, 2010 23:25

Most of the time, I like Facebook. It's a good way to keep up with what's going on with my friends in their day-to-day lives, especially those that I don't see very often. And it definitely comes in handy for instances like this morning, where I had an entire private message conversation with one of my students' moms about changing the time of her make-up lesson today. I don't always remember to check my work email first thing, and so this worked great for that (and had the added bonus of meaning I didn't have to talk on the phone!)

However, when it comes to things like seeing one of your ex-boyfriends making vulgar comments about certain bits of female anatomy on the status of a mutual friend...I can do without that. >_< TMI much?

Otherwise, been a pretty decent week. I've had less teaching because of spring break, namely no band today. I got to spend a pretty good chunk of today doing crafty things while catching up on the episodes of Chuck, Lost and Castle that I missed this week. Got to hang out with Nicole a little on Monday night, since she stopped by on her way home from spending Easter with family, and I helped her alter a thrifted dress to fit. I'm absolutely loving this taste of summer. I've done a lot of cooking with ham (3 dishes so far, and I still have leftover chopped ham from that free one!) Really, the only downside to this week was doing my taxes--not as bad as last year's, thanks to losing about a third of my garden center pay to it every check, but still pretty bad. Also, I discovered that apparently I don't have health insurance from Aflac after all, and the school never told me. That, and my carpal tunnel has been acting up pretty badly-- I also spent a good chunk of today with braces on my arms. So I'd better wrap up this post since I've already been on here for a little bit.

Also, I'm now on the songs not labeled with albums on the iPod!!! Looks like about a hundred or so songs there. Plus about 7 albums that I got or uploaded more recently but haven't written up yet. And about 20 additional songs from an iTunes free compilation where they listed all of the songs as their original albums. But I'm getting close!

friends, fun, wrists, too much information, craftiness

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