And Randomly...

Feb 08, 2010 23:15

I have this bad habit of hearing songs I like, going to buy them, and then listening to the entire album previews. So, um. Does anyone have any strong opinions on either of the Silversun Pickups albums, Little Jackie's "The Stoop" or Muse's "Resistance"? I have "Apocalypse Please" from the "Absolution" album and it's a little uh, dramatic for me ( Read more... )


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smittywing February 9 2010, 23:22:06 UTC
I had heard Silversun Pickup on the radio and sort of never paid attention to which songs they were associated with until I went looking for the Panic Switch one. I am weirdly torn between singles and albums - mostly I am with you on the singles thing, but I have acquired several albums where I have ended up preferring songs other than the ones for which I bought it. (I think that's in English, whew.) iTunes needs to do a thing where if you buy a single and then buy the album it's on, they take off a dollar or something. Because this is totally holding me up. :P


zeenell February 9 2010, 16:09:47 UTC
I like all of Muse's the resistance?

IDK, I don't like telling people if they should get something, because my musical tastes tends to be, uhm, eccentric?


smittywing February 9 2010, 23:23:26 UTC
Cool, thanks for letting me know!

I know, it's hard, isn't it? I mean, even just looking at the list of things I was talking about, they're all pretty different.


wychwood February 9 2010, 16:42:08 UTC
I generally buy whole albums if I like a song, because mostly I will turn out to like other songs on it as well. Actually, often I end up liking a different song more than my original "hook". There's odd exceptions, but not enough to change my mind :)

Silversun Pickups - I have Carnavas, which I quite like. "Lazy Eye" is one of the tracks I'm ok with, but I really like "Rusted Wheel" best. The whole album seems pretty decent?


smittywing February 9 2010, 23:26:38 UTC
Cool, this is good to know! I was just going to get Panic Switch and then I clicked on Lazy Eye to see if I recognized it and I didn't, but I wound up liking it even better. So now I'm kind of perplexed. I know what you mean about buying the whole album, though. I have done that a lot. I was just kind of hoping to not have to spend that much.


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