And Randomly...

Feb 08, 2010 23:15

I have this bad habit of hearing songs I like, going to buy them, and then listening to the entire album previews. So, um. Does anyone have any strong opinions on either of the Silversun Pickups albums, Little Jackie's "The Stoop" or Muse's "Resistance"? I have "Apocalypse Please" from the "Absolution" album and it's a little uh, dramatic for me, but "Uprising" seems to be within my tolerance.

As for Silversun Pickups, I liked "Panic Switch" and decided I really liked "Lazy Eye" when I heard the preview but of course they are not on the same album. Criminal Minds used the Little Jackie song "28 Butts" in "52 Pickup" and the rest of the album seems to be just as much fun.

So does anyone have opinions for just buying the one track vs. the entire album? I have an iTunes gift card so I'm trying to keep it around $15 but I'm flexible. (I can, of course, just buy the singles and hold on to the rest as well. I just sometimes wonder if I a missing out when I ignore the rest of an album.)

Mood not indicative of this particular dilemma.


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