
Jan 07, 2010 15:03

My office is freezing today. Ick. So. Memes.

Ask me one fandom-related question in the comments. This can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general ( Read more... )

wip, fandom, writing

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Comments 10

mingsmommy January 7 2010, 20:47:21 UTC
- 9 Rossi/Prentiss (I'm sure everyone saw that coming.)

Can I just say YAY!!!!!!!!!!?

One Question, many sub-parts: How do you write? Or more specifically, what is your process? Do you start with one idea and expand or a thought or a phrase that you want to write? Or do you start and just see where it goes or do you always know how it's going to end? Do you outline it or plot it out or just let the characters lead you?


smittywing January 7 2010, 21:40:59 UTC
Ah, but the real question is whether they ever escape the WIP list! (They probably will. Most of them are rewrites of wojelah's stories.)

Haha, I am flattered that you think I have a process, instead of a mess, which is closer to the truth.

Usually my ideas come from a conversation with reccea or wojelah or someone in chat that starts with, "Wouldn't it be great if Character X were John Sheppard's ex-wife?" or "You know we left Emily thinking she just had a one-night stand. How does the second time happen?" Chat used to be awesome for that - lots of people, lots of ideas flying around. (Is that what the 1hour2write weekly chats are like? I'd like to do something like that again, now that I have internet.) Or I sign up for something and get a prompt, and sort of play around with it until I figure out what I want to do with it ( ... )


mingsmommy January 8 2010, 00:57:26 UTC
huh...that's actually very similar to my "process" except for the part where I whine on Twitter and make smacky30 so mad she threatens to drive the four and a half hours specifically to kick my ass. And I don't do an outline.

1hour2wwrite chats are like that if someone has a problem, the rest of the time they devolve into bawdy discussions about sex and/or smut or both.

And nothing you could do would ever ruin your reputation with me.


ariadne83 January 8 2010, 05:26:48 UTC
At some point I usually have in my head exactly how it goes and then I fall asleep and lose a bunch of it.

At some point, I usually know exactly how it goes and decide I don't really need to write it, because dude! I know how it happens! There's no point to writing it now!

At some point I decide it's terrible and I'm a hack and I never want to see it again.

At some point I decide it needs to be done NOW, OMG, and that's when I start using Write or Die to get stuff out.

At some point, I decide that I have Stockholm Syndrome, anyone else I've dragged into this has Stockholm Syndrome and can't possibly be objective about the this, and I need a fresh set of eyes.

Hahaha your process is exactly like mine.


thepouncer January 7 2010, 23:55:57 UTC
Has Callan ever met Sam's mom? (What? It's totally a fandom question)


smittywing January 8 2010, 02:49:18 UTC
Oh, completely. And she loves him. And sends him stuff. And asks Sam how he is when she calls. And Sam is so annoyed and yet also sort of glad his mom loves G because it's not like G has anywhere else to go on the holidays.


(The comment has been removed)

smittywing January 8 2010, 02:54:44 UTC
Hmm, that is an excellent question. I think it has something to do with getting to nearly the same place in vastly different ways. Cam did it by being the head of the class, the football captain, the homecoming king, whatever was going on, he was the best at it. John did everything wrong and followed his instincts and acted impulsively instead of steadily planning, and each of them wishes there was just a little of each other in themselves.

Also, John = Hot; Cam = Hot => John + Cam = HOT LIKE FIRE. :)


aurora_84 January 8 2010, 02:47:02 UTC
Jensen Ackles/Ben McKenzie RPS


smittywing January 8 2010, 03:03:45 UTC
Is that not the weirdest thing ever? It was because reccea wrote In Production for the J2 Big Bang, and there's this whole thing about Jared starring in a tv show in the future with Allison Mack, and when she goes out on maternity leave, Ben McKenzie comes in for a season. And for some reason I REALLY REALLY wanted Ben and Jared to have like, a little fling of some sort. To be the friend-sex that Jared couldn't really have with Jensen. And in the course of trying to convince reccea to write that for me, I got on a bigger thing where Jensen would be totally jealous about that, which reccea told me that I would have to write myself so...yeah. *hangs head a little*


wojelah January 8 2010, 03:52:32 UTC
Starts wondering how to poke various fics along, notably Hotch/Elle, Rossi/Prentiss, Weir/Sumner, Weir/Sheppard, and... oh who are we kidding. All of them.

Is willing to bribe.


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