Awesome Things!

Sep 19, 2006 21:38

I love the LJ Pirate Theme. I fail at talking like a pirate, but that doesn't mean I could resist updating just to use the "Update Captain's Log" button.

summercon is up! It's...a con you don't have to get off your ass to go to! Yay svmadelyn! Today appearse to be comment ficlet day. It's multi-fandom and there is fandom for EVERYONE. (And I can say this ( Read more... )

house, summercon

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Comments 4

pentapus September 20 2006, 01:51:28 UTC
*impressed* my homework is so not done, it's not even funny. please bribe with fic.


jarodrussell September 20 2006, 03:11:00 UTC
Batman and Wolverine in the same scene!

If you really want to go geeky, notice which side Alfred's on. ;-)


trinityofone September 20 2006, 04:14:30 UTC
Have you read the book The Prestige is based on? I'm desperately trying to find someone who's also read the book so we can discuss certain...elements.


aurora_84 September 20 2006, 18:58:47 UTC
NOBODY could resist that buttong. *g*

Wow, I'll be watching out for The Prestige!


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