Awesome Things!

Sep 19, 2006 21:38

I love the LJ Pirate Theme. I fail at talking like a pirate, but that doesn't mean I could resist updating just to use the "Update Captain's Log" button.

summercon is up! It's...a con you don't have to get off your ass to go to! Yay svmadelyn! Today appearse to be comment ficlet day. It's multi-fandom and there is fandom for EVERYONE. (And I can say this because I went through ALL the prompts and at least the last one is, "Choose Your Own Fandom Not Listed Here." So there.

I saw a commercial for The Prestige tonight. The title's kind of stupid but it's about magicians and has Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman in the same movie along with Michael Caine and David Bowie and some other people. I think my ovaries may explode. Batman and Wolverine in the same scene! (Also, love triangle, because we all know where those can go.)

Despite a terribly shaky beginning with House (OMG, seriously, I didn't think I was going to be able to watch it) it turned out really good. I don't really talk about House much anymore, but I had thinky thoughts which may or may not lead to fic, depending on whether I can cough up a sufficient narrative vehicle for the idea. (Yes, yes, I know, along with everything else I'm not having time to write.)

It's only quarter of ten and I'm almost done my homework!!!

house, summercon

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