2010 DeanCasMinibang

Aug 16, 2010 20:46

Title: Fortune est Absolute - 2/3
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural/Angst
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Gabriel/Crowley (estab.)
Rating: R
Word Count: 17,201
Warnings: End of the Apocalypse Fic, implied torture, Crowley is a fusion with GO/SPN. ^_^ Veers
from the show during 05.21 & 05.22 though some elements remain the same.

Artist: Togos
Art link: Art Masterlist

Summary: Team Free Will and its members, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby and now Crowley make a
Last ditch effort to stave off the end of the world. Only unbeknownst to them a plan that has been
In motion since before the beginning of time is coming to its completion and the boys are caught
right in the middle of it.

OooOooOooOooO Part Two OooOooOooOooO

Four months and nothing, it was like Lucifer had just fallen off the face of the planet. But of course the Enochian script on Sam’s ribs was still in effect, so there went that notion of tracking Team Evil. Castiel was nearly sick when they had realized before they left for Detroit, that he would not be able to remove the engraving, and well Crowley said he couldn’t touch angel magic with a ten-foot pole; some little thing about being vaporized if he even tried. Crowley had been waiting for them at Bobby’s when they returned from Detroit, haggard and in worse shape than they had ever seen. Beaten and bloody, his ever-immaculate suit was in tatters and dried blood could be seen littering his body through the gaping holes. The grounds at Bobby’s were the safest place on the planet right now, no one could get in or out without being noticed by either Crowley or Castiel, however, the demon was feeling wary at the moment.

The three had gotten out of the van and eyed the demon carefully, he was leaning against one of the older beat up cars near the house, skittish and ready to bolt until Bobby just sighed and told them to follow him; he really needed a drink. When Crowley hadn’t followed at first the older hunter just called over his shoulder, telling him to ’get his butt in gear, and get the Hell into the house’. Castiel gave him a nod and a small smile as he led the still groggy Dean from the van and up the front steps. The demon noticed there was no Sam and that Dean’s green eyes were bloodshot and swollen, the human’s very being seemed to sag with despair. He chose not to mention it as he entered the house Bobby shutting and warding the door behind them.

That was how Crowley found himself hiding out with two humans and one slightly fallen angel. There was a price on his head and apparently it was damn large one if the size of the first attack party had been any indicator, but surprisingly enough, the promise to Dean had been kept. No attacks were initiated against Sam’s family, at least. Crowley was currently sprawled in one of Bobby’s larger chairs soaking up the warmth from the afternoon sun a sleepy happy expression on his face. Dressed in a pair of old ratty jeans and t-shirts he and Castiel both looked about as different as one could from their former selves. ‘Shedding their old skins,’ Dean had said. Both of the hunters looked at Crowley oddly as he broke out into hissing laughter, waiving the explanation away, even Castiel had cracked a smile at this. Castiel and Bobby were researching their current case as Dean cleaned their weapons, for what seemed like the hundredth time. Crowley made a contented little noise in the back of his throat snuggling further into his chair and the warm spot he found there.

“This sucks.” Hissed Dean tossing down his rag and running his fingers through his hair.

“What does?”

“This. All of this, what in the Hell is he waiting for?”

“The foretold time. Until then we can only hunt and try to take out as many as we can.”

“He’s right son.”

Dark eyes blinked open as Crowley looked about sleepy, “Huh? Wha…Waz ‘rong.”

“Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

The demon humped and made a grumpy noise about bossy angels and their obnoxious boyfriends but did as told and went back to sleep.

“And what the Hell is up with that?”

“What Dean?” Bobby tried not to laugh. Dean and the angel were an old married couple the way they acted. Clueless both of them, before this was over he had to make sure they figured this whole dynamic between them out, even if it meant locking them in the damn panic room and loosing the key.

“Crowley, why is he napping in the chair like a freaking cat or some sort of lizard?”

Blue eyes looked up at the demon for a split second before going back to Dean. “He is hunted Dean endlessly. When you and Bobby were off last week in Nebraska, you should have seen what he looked like when he appeared here at the house. He has not been granted the same protection we have. And I do not think he is at his full power as of now.”

“He’s falling? Can he get any lower?”

“No Dean, it’s hard to explain. But he also needs to sleep and eat now, like me.”

“You and he are nothing alike, Cas, nothing.” The blue eyes watched the demon for a moment before turning back to the younger hunter, something in their depths but not something Dean could put a finger on, not bad really but thoughtful.

Bobby watched the argument fondly before going back to the creature that had given him legs back. Something did seem off kilter with their fourth member, he seemed to sag around the edges just a bit, eyes pulled and tired, he had been tremendous help these last four months. Crowley mumbled something in his sleep his face knitting in discomfort as he tried to get comfortable. Bobby leaned back and took a swig of his iced tea, and tried not to make a face. The angel had proposed that drinking was worsening Dean’s boughts of depression, so he had come to Bobby with those damned puppy eyes of his and practically pleaded with him to teach him something to take the place of alcohol. He managed to hold out for all of ten minutes before he told the angel to fetch the sugar out of the pantry. The angel must have had a talk with the other two because they obediently drank their tea without complaint, though he had to admit it was pretty damn tasty. Bobby stood stretching, he needed a break, they hadn’t found an omen in the last two weeks, and things were getting creepily quiet out there. Nothing was happening, even hauntings had dwindled to nearly nothing. It should be relaxing but instead it had them all on edge. Bobby walked to get a refill and a snack to settle down and watch the game for a bit.

Castiel was pointing something out to Dean on the computer. The human just chuckled and smiled fondly as he went back to his cleaning and sharpening of their blades. The angel had taken to finding the most obscure and ridiculous stuff online and insisted on showing it to Dean whenever he could. Bobby shook his head and grabbed the remote switching on the television and settling down for a good old-fashioned game day. Sighing he flipped the channels until he came upon the image of what looked like a large auditorium filling up with people as his cell phone rang, causing him to pause. The noise woke Crowley with a start, which turned into a yawn, stretching as he scratched at the bit of skin exposed above the top of his jeans.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, phone call. This is Bobby.” The older man walked out leaving his snacks unprotected as Crowley slithered his way over and made a play for the sugary goodness known as cookies. He was munching happily when he looked up to see what was on the Television. Something about it peaked Crowley’s interest as Castiel came over to sit beside the demon and munch on the cookies as well, setting his reading glasses aside as they watched.

“What’s going on?”

“Not sure yet, something…something seems off though.”

Castiel nodded in agreement as they watched, people continued to fill in as the music began to play. The angel nearly glowed in happiness as Crowley growled and stuffed a cookie in his mouth.

Dean looked up from the blade, “What’s going on?”

“The angel here found the only blood revival being televised.”

“Actually Bobby found it, I just intend to watch it. I haven’t seen one of these in years. They do lift and lighten one’s spirits.”

The other two occupants ‘humped’ but let the angel watch his show, curled on the couch eating chocolate chip cookies with a demon. Dean wasn’t sure his life could get any weirder. He went back to his blade, he missed Sammy, he’d be down there with Cas in a heartbeat watching and singing along. It was funny that the believing and praying child ended up on the other side of the coin. He felt his eyes burn, wiping them he went into get some more tea when a gasp and a curse changed his focus.

The sermon and singing had been going on for about twenty minutes the crowd watching in absolute rapt silence, when a musical laugh cut through the air and a figure appeared in the far back of one of the isles. Cas called for him from the other room causing Dean to rush in. There in all of his shining glory stood the Devil wearing his brother, and an impeccable white suit. A serene smile graced his face as he walked down the isle whistling happily a dark look in his eye, as all eyes stared at him, Dean could not seem to hear what was being said, all he could see was that monster peaking out from behind Sam’s eyes. His brother wasn’t there, instantly Dean knew, Sam was gone, and probably had been for a long time now. The preacher on the screen was staring wide-eyed and panicked as the Archangel approached, he knew, something inside of him told him who this creature was. He looked out into his flock and prayed, Dean could see his mouth moving, his throat working.

“Flock is an appropriate notion Pastor. For that is what you are, sheep, simple-minded sheep, following blindly not questioning, never questioning. Being led to your slaughter, toward the wolves that are allowed to live among you.”

“We do question, we do wonder. You are not welcome here.” The man paled but stood strong.

“Do you really think he’s going to help you now? Swoop in here and save your precious little flock? From my pack of wolves?” With a snap of his fingers his army appeared nearly one for each of the people in attendance. “He doesn’t care. Hasn’t cared for a very long time. In fact I’m pretty sure he wiped his hands of you all quite a while ago.”

“Lies, you speak lies.” The human gulped trying to calm his fears, his soul reeling from the proximity of the creature before him.

“Do I? How can your great and wonderful God, my Father, let the world go so astray?” Dean and the other two watched as the preacher actually held his own in the argument, Dean had to give the guy props, he had a pair. But they all knew what was coming, soon the angel would grow bored and the preacher would make his way to his reward in Heaven, but he would not be the first or only human to go. They debated and Cas’ heart ached at the doubt that was beginning to show in the people’s faces, some of them knew, sensed what was going on, who it was that stood in their presence. But most had no clue at what was unfolding before them.

“You are the King of Lies. Do not listen to him, he taints our minds, would have us doubt what we know to be true.”

“How have I lied?” He spread his hands innocently, his hazel eyes wide in a parody of Sam’s puppy face. “All I wanted to do was talk with my Father and brothers is that too much to ask? Really? For him not to replace the love he held for us with the love he holds for you. You, pathetically fickle and fragile creatures.” He stroked the preacher’s shoulder gently as he turned to face the crowd and cameras grinning. “Where is his champion?” The hazel eyes bore into Dean as he watched the scene unfolding before him.

With that a gasp filled the air as the Pastor’s heart was ripped out of his chest, after a moment a peaceful look passed over the man’s face as he whispered something. A look of pure wrath washed over Sam’s face as the man died and sank to the floor. The angel regarded the man at his feet for a moment before; the smirk reappeared on his face, as he looked right into the camera. “I’m bored, you don’t want me to start entertaining myself do you?”

At this the national news, interrupted the broadcast, reporters frantically apologizing for what the public had just seen and the speculations began. Bobby watched from behind them mouth hanging open, phone hanging forgotten by his side.

“Well damn.”

“What are we going to do?”

“We certainly will not leave those people to die by his hands.”

“Cas is right, load up the car. I know where they are.”

Three sets of eyes looked at him as he tossed the freshly cleaned weapons into his duffle bag.

“Lawrence, that’s the auditorium at the college.” They were out the door in less than five minutes, and it took less than six hours to arrive.

Team Free Will was huddled up together in Bobby’s van watching the front door of the stadium as it buzzed with demons. “Um mates we’re buggered, I can’t get us past that.”

“It’s a safe bet to say that they already know we’re here.”

It had been forty-five minutes and they still hadn’t come up with anything that would allow them to enter the building undetected. Crowley was chewing on his lower lip, lost in thought.

“What if we have a distraction? A diversion?”

“Why didn’t we think of that?” came a snarky retort.


“Ya okay genius what do you suggest?” Crowley looked at Castiel who shrugged at Dean’s response, seeming to say ‘what can you do”.

“I might be able to occupy him long enough so that you can get in unnoticed.”

“Do you think that will work?”

Crowley shrugged, “Can’t hurt to try, at least their focus will be on me for a bit.”

“But, he’s an Archangel, Crowley, you will surely be destroyed.”

“Well we’re buggered if we just sit around here. I’m not saying its my best plan, but I’m not as rusty as you might think, I think I can manage to hold my own for a few minutes before he starts to over power me.”

Bobby and Dean watched the argument with interest, they had switched to ancient Greek about four sentences in, and Bobby could barely keep up with them, at the rate they were talking.

“Crowley are you certain?”

“No, but I can bide you some time. Be ready to go in five minutes.” Without so much as a good bye the demon blinked out and appeared directly in front of Lucifer. Castiel growled and told them to ‘get a move on’ as the demons at the door turned to look inside.


Crowley’s long coat whipped around him as he appeared before his ancient master, Lucifer was sitting upon the dais that had been erected for the gathering, watching as his demons played with a few unlucky enough to try and fight back. For the most part the humans were sitting still as mice caught in the cobra’s gaze. The prayers buzzed with energy causing demons to flinch and curse whenever they energy grew too charged. One roared in anger and the energy dissipated for an instant as the humans shrunk in fear. Sam just watched it all unfold with an amused glint in his eye, he sat straighter as he spied the demon before him.

“Ah I wondered when you would arrive. Come to grovel before me, Crowley?”

“No not as such.” He looked around as the troops gathered around him, “I’ve come to stop you.”

At this the demons laughed, as did Sam, delight filling his face. Crowley forced back a shudder as he watched the angel before him; it chilled him to see Samuel in this way. There had never been any love lost between the youngest brother and himself, but deep down there had been good in the boy. But now, now it was burnt away, and only this remained.

Lucifer’s smile grew, “Truly you mean to stop me?”

Crowley did not say a word just smiled, in the blink of an eye several things happened all at once, the television cameras turned to take in the confrontation. Crowley let out a growl as he called for his wings, and launched himself at the Archangel summoning his blade as he did. Lucifer’s smile took on a hungry glimmer as he called forth his own weapon, as they met in a flurry of beating wings and clashing swords.

Bobby and Dean looked up at the sound as Crowley and Lucifer clashed, both frowning as they saw the smaller demon pull away and land perched on the side of the wall, a snarl on his face and blood running down his temple, his hand tightened on his blade as he attacked again, getting in a good shot.

“What the Hell Cas?”

Blue eyes regarded the scene before him, before turning his gaze onto Dean. “I tried to tell you, Crowley is older than even I. He is one of the fallen, he was cast out of heaven after the Great War.”

“So Crowley’s an angel?”

“Was an angel, the Serpent of Eden in fact; he retained some of his powers and a form of his grace. Though it has been severely weakened as he is cut off from all sides. We must hurry before he is defeated.”

They looked shocked, as Castiel regarded them. “He knew he would loose, Dean. It is only a matter of how long he lasts we must get down there and see if we can get to them before his overpowered.

It was quickly becoming obvious that Crowley was tiring and fast; he stumbled as he felt yet another cut from the Devil’s blade cutting across his abdomen, nearly spilling his innards, for all the world to see. He wasn’t healing properly. He was getting ready to block a particularly nasty thrust when he felt the dagger slip between his ribs. His eyes grew wide as he felt the blade pull away, and the blood begin to flow freely. A smooth hand grabbed his wrist and tore away his sword flinging it away and into the crowd of waiting demons.

Crowley was forced to his knees as a face appeared before him stroking his cheek softly. “You know, I never dreamed it’d be you that betrayed me. You of all my children were the most loyal.” The blade slipped in again, this time twisting before being yanked out. Hazel eyes trailed over the demon’s form and then towards the areas over his shoulders and behind him, to his wings, that were surely visible to the creature that bound him.

“They are…actually quite beautiful Crowley.” The appendages were so black they shown nearly blue in the light, though the humans could not see them as they stretched down the isle behind him. Long fingers came up to touch the feathers on the left wing, in a parody of a lover’s caress. Crowley fought back the shudder that tore through him; he had never had his wings touched by anyone else before, the sensation was almost over whelming.

“Get your hands off of me.”

“No pet I don’t think we are done just yet.” With that and a snarl the Devil swung Crowley around closing his claws over this left wing and pulled. The demon in his grasp howled in pain as the claws tore into flesh loosening the wing from its socket. The demon tried frantically to get away, but the grip on his wing bound him to this spot. Another pull and a sickening crunch, a pop and a wet tearing sound filled the air as he failed to swallow his screams of agony. The demons around them laughed as the humans cringed away and his three team mates looked ill as they tried to get closer, knowing that despite what happened, they would not get there to help their ally.

With a third and mighty pull the wing dislodged, brining forth a sound from the fallen angel that chilled everyone, as he hung limply in that long fingered grasp, gasping for air and whimpering as he tried to get a way. Eyeing the beautiful wing, the Devil tossed it into his crowd who immediately pounced on it tearing it to shreds. Grabbing the other wing, he made not pretence of playing with this one, he instantly settle his fingers home and tore ripping the wing from the body that had housed it for more than six thousand years. Crowley could barley scream as his second wing was ripped and tossed away like some garbage. The snarling in the audience brought focus to what was happening to Crowley’s wings and what soon would be happening to the demon. Dean stopped and looked back up as Sam smiled a sweet smile at the creature in his grasp, blood staining his hands and the perfectly white suit.

“You will be begging for death before they are through with you, Serpent.” With that he tossed the demon away carelessly. He landed in a heap on the floor before he was grabbed and drug away to be played with. Smiling Lucifer went back to his seat, Sam was screaming in his mind, fighting the bindings, frantically trying to get free. He tried to soothe the boy but laughed as he snarled and bit back at the hands that tried to calm him. Lucifer would meet his brother on the battlefield; he just has to up the ante. Two down, three to go, Dean Winchester was nothing if not predictable.


“Cas where the Hell are all the angels man?” Normally Dean would be against any heavenly interference but reality was starting to sink in. This was the Devil, THE DEVIL; they were talking about, the big evil. They were so screwed, what the Hell had they been thinking?

“Dean they can not interfere, until the...”

Holding up his hands Dean ran his hands through his short hair as they heard Crowley scream again, this time quieter, more broken, all the while reminding the human of his time in the Pit. “Ya, Ya I know.” He muttered something under his breath.

Bobby put a calming hand on the younger man as they all flinched, at yet another scream. Bobby wished they could march down there and put the creature out of his misery, he had never heard anything like the sound of agony that had tore its way out of the demon’s throat. Castiel had been near to having a psychotic break as he almost made a dash toward the battle, Dean the only thing keeping him at their side. He could read it in Dean’s eyes, another life on his head, even if it was a demon. Crowley kind of wormed his way under your skin, like a tick, couldn’t get rid of the bastard no matter how hard you tried. They had to be closer to activate the spell, well at lest close enough so that getting Lucifer into the cage was at least a possibility. They were on the move again, when the Devil’s voice carried through the auditorium, all eyes looking up at the young woman, being escorted down the isle.

“How nice of you to join us my dear. Please have a seat.” He stood and went down the dais, taking the young woman’s hand in his own and escorting her to a seat at his right.

“Sam?” she eyed the man in front of her, her eyes going wide. “No, you’re not Sam. Where is Dean?”

The not Sam smiled an oily smile at her, “Oh he’s here don’t worry, my dear. He’ll be showing up very soon.” A quieter whimper filled the air followed by laughter somewhere off to the right of the stage. She turned to look toward the sound but a finger gently pulled her gaze back to Dean’s brother. Gone was the kind, awkward and lanky young man, this what ever it was, seemed old, confidant, the mal intent oozed off of him as he patted her hand gently again. “He’ll be here very shortly you need not worry your self about that.”

“Dean.” He shouted in a singsong. “Someone wants to say hello to you my boy.” He looked at her expectantly, making motion with his hand, indicating that he wanted her to speak.

“Um Dean?”

“Louder my dear. We need him to hear your lovely voice.” He said pleasantly, Lisa swallowed and complied.

The human froze at the sound of the voice echoing in the quiet room, all three eyes widened as they peeked out to look. There on the dais sat Lisa, wide eyed and tense as Sam rubbed his hand gently up and down her arm, smirking at the room as a whole, his eyes met Dean’s and his smirk grew.

“Yes Dean, why don’t you come on out and stop being rude, my boy.”

Suddenly the remaining trio found themselves standing before Lucifer.

“Lisa, you okay?”

“Um ya, what the Hell is going on?” She hissed back at him.

“He hasn’t told you? Tsk, tsk, tsk Dean, its not fair keeping something so important from the girl of your dreams.” The Devil smirked as blue eyes suddenly snapped in Dean’s direction, the flicker of hurt brief yet unmistakable.

“What is going on? Sam you’re acting weirder than usual.” She said trying to calm herself. Maybe if she just thought of this thing as Sam, she could think a little straighter.

“Why my dear, ‘it’s the end of the world as we know it.’” He chuckled at the joke. “Armageddon, Ragnarock, the Apocalypse is upon us. Isn’t it fabulous?”

She looked to Dean for an answer; he looked away from her unable to meet her questioning gaze. “The Apocalypse?”

“Oh yes. And you my dear have a front row seat.”

“Who are you?” she gulped and sat down leaning away, as he leaned in crowding her. Lisa’s very being recoiled and shied away, in response to his proximity.

“Oh, I think you know who I am. They all know who I am.” He gestured encompassing the room with his hand. “Even the ones who do not believe. All of them watching on an instinctive level know. Their very souls fear me.” He smiled and leaned away, “Isn’t it grand. I don’t exist and yet, I will destroy them all.”

She made a pained noise and tried to scoot even further away from the thing that looked like Sam. “Oh you have nothing to worry about, at least for now. Dean and his little band of rebels however, have a great deal to worry about.” He turned his attention back to the audience, snapping his fingers several demons parted to reveal the broken and bloody Crowley being drug forward. He was dropped at their feet.

Lisa tried to scoot away from the sight of the bloodied form but was held firmly in place, by the hand on her arm. “Pathetic really, to think he could take me on, and stand a snowball’s chance in Hell.” He chuckled, “You mud monkeys have such interesting sayings.”

He looked at Lisa, “You see, he was forced out for not choosing a side. Not being able to side with either of his brothers, his only crime, and for that he was cast out of Heaven, his home. Does that seem fair to you, what kind of all-loving father does that? All he did was have a question one innocent little question. And looked what happened. Punished, feared, rejected by all. Did we deserve that?” He watched her intently. “Answer me my dear.”

Lisa could barely breath little lone answer the thing before her, her dark eyes wide as she looked at Dean and the two who stood beside him. Luckily Sam did not seem to actually want an answer and continued on, too lost in his rant and the anger that boiled and rolled off of him.

The low intense voice was more terrifying than yelling could ever be. “Dean, however, has broken his promise. He set his attack dog on me. I gave you my word Dean yet you insist in forcing my hand, and frankly I’m tired of dealing with angels.”

With a look and a tilt of his head, Castiel vanished, without so much as a sound. Dean blinked as he felt the warmth spread all over him, running into his eyes, the salty coppery liquid running into his mouth. Dean looked at his hands, at Bobby and back at Sam, green eyes wide and disbelieving. Sam wore a faux sad look on his face as the hunter frantically tried to comprehend what had just happened. Green eyes grew wider; his breath was starting to come in waves of panic. Castiel, his angel, the one who saved him from Hell had just been disintegrated. Like he was no more significant than a bug under the Archangel’s boot heal.

“You know my dear, he promised to take care of Dean and Mr. Singer over there.” Lisa’s brown eyes were wide and fearful as she took the scene in before her. Dean wasn’t moving; he was staring at where the other man had been standing just a moment before, red running down him and Bobby. Little bits she tried not to look at clinging to them both.

“Sam made Dean promise that if he’d ever got out of this mess alive that he would find you and your delightful little son and settle down. Live a normal life, picket fence. Barbeques the whole shebang.” He looked at Dean. “Honestly, I did you a favor. He never would have left that pesky angel’s side. Sad really. I gave Castiel a chance to join me you know, Dean, to save him self. But alas he wouldn’t take it.”

Dean looked up at him, “I had him bound when your little attempt with the colt failed. Even then he wouldn’t leave your side Winchester. Too bad really, if it makes you feel any better I do think he really did love you; though I’m not sure he even realized it.” Not Sam shrugged.

Bobby moved and the eyes darted up, “Uh oh missed one.” Bobby had a moment to look at Dean, their eyes locking before, the Devil flicked his wrist, the older hunter’s neck snapped like a twig as he fell to the floor with a gasp dead. Dean made a choking noise and fell to his knees as wrapped his arms around himself trying to get a hold of the fear that had been building since the whole ordeal had started nearly two years before.

“Dean I warned you not to interfere with us. They left you alone did they not?” He rose out of his seat and started walking toward the hunter. “All Sam can do is whine about you, worry about you. All of you, even this piece of trash.” He kicked Crowley, who had been drug back, hard. “And frankly it’s become tiresome.”

He paused and picked up Dean, hitting him and sending him flying toward Lisa, landing hard on the steps. The angel did not notice when Dean dropped the rings right into Crowley’s broken fingers.

”I won’t fight you. I won’t hurt Sammy.”

“Oh but Dean you do. Surely you have to know that. You have done nothing but hurt this child all of his life.” The hunter made a pained noise in his throat, more from that comment than from the punches and kicks that were struck against him. The lies coming from Sammy’s mouth were the worst part. He knew what was being said was a false hood, but something in the words compelled him to believe, made him listen, to despair just a little more.

“That truly was his heaven Dean. To be away from your father and yourself, that is what he most desires in this world. To be free from you, its a simple wish really.” He purred as he continued in that silky way of his, the words had a way of seeping in and taking root. “That is what I gifted him with, no longer does he have to feel guilty about his gift. Wondering when an angel might show up and smite him just for fun. No more worries of you abandoning him when he becomes too much of an abomination for you to ignore, or worse too much like the creatures you hunt. Coward that you are more than likely would simply plunge the knife into his back as he slept.” He leaned in and whispered something in Dean’s ear, causing the hunter to make yet another whimpering sound and grasp at the familiar hand that was clasped around his throat.

Lisa watched as the Devil beat Dean mercilessly, spouting lies about his brother, about his friends and his angel. An angel, Dean had his very own guardian angel. She looked down to where Crowley was clutching the rings and muttering under his breath, the four rings clasped so tightly in his hand, that blood ran down his fingers and onto the floor. Soon the air in the stadium began whipping around them as the howling grew into nearly a roar. Snarling Sam turned back toward the demon, dropping Dean as he strode over and kicked the Serpent in the head until he stopped talking, stopped moving and just lay there. He bent down and snatched the rings away from the unconscious creature.

“Still with the rings? I thought we’d be past this by now.” He fingered the pieces of metal in his hand. “This is the best plan the righteous man could come up with? Really Dean, I expected more out of Michael’s sword, his vessel. This is actually kind of pathetic.” He snorted as he continued hitting and kicking the green eyed human, spilling forth the secrets Sam had hidden from Dean, from the world. He hated his brother, his father, and this life. It was Dean’s fault Jessica was dead, his dreams trampled. Was it too much to want to be normal? His pleasant ranting came to an abrupt halt when he felt the spell being formed behind him for a second time. Dropping the hunter he turned toward Crowley, who had managed to get into a kneeling position, and was curled over hissing the spell, trying to activate the rings still in Sam’s hand.

With snap of his fingers the spell died on the demons lips as he gasped and blood came gushing out of his mouth and nose, Dean made a frantic last attempt to grab the Archangel. He was flung aside, with ease, landing in a broken heap beside the last of his living allies. Green eyes met the pained hazel gaze for a moment, both knowing, there would be no death for either of them; they would suffer for all eternity. Green eyes closed sadly, broken and filled with despair he lay curled in a ball and felt the last of his hope draining from him. They had gambled that they were strong enough to face this, they had failed and the world was going to burn for their error.

OooO Onto Part Three OooO

deancasminibang 2010., fan: fanfiction, fan: fanart, pairing: gabriel/crowley, pairing: dean/castiel, fan: supernatural

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