2010 DeanCasMiniBang

Aug 16, 2010 20:36

Title: Fortune est Absolute - 1/3
Author: Smiley_Bandit
Fandom/Genre: Supernatural/Angst
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Gabriel/Crowley (estab.)
Rating: R
Word Count: 17,201
Warnings: End of the Apocalypse Fic, implied torture, Crowley is a fusion with GO/SPN. ^_^ Veers
from the show during 05.21 & 05.22 though some elements remain the same.

Artist: Togos
Art link: Art Masterlist

Summary: Team Free Will and its members, Dean, Sam, Castiel, Bobby and now Crowley make a
Last ditch effort to stave off the end of the world. Only unbeknownst to them a plan that has been
In motion since before the beginning of time is coming to its completion and the boys are caught
right in the middle of it.

OooOooOooOooO Part One OooOooOooOooO

Dean was lying on the hood of the Impala, comforted in the solid feeling beneath him. Here the world was literally being delivered to ‘Hell in a hand basket’ and he could still always count on his girl being there for him. It was simple, his relationship with the Impala, though Sam teased him endlessly about it. Take care of her, don’t do anything too stupid and she’d take care of you, simple as that. And in three hours time he was going to commit, what was truly the most reckless, idiotic thing he had ever done and this included sending himself to Hell for forty years.

He was hunting Death, the Grim Reaper himself. Sighing he took another swig of his now tepid beer. He couldn’t deal with this; frankly he found denial to be the best medicine in these kinds of situations; and he, Dean Winchester, was a regular pro in the art of denial. They just had to look at it like any old hunt.

Only this time it would be just Dean and the Crossroads Demon Crowley. Bobby, Sam and the nearly human Castiel were set to take out the supplies of the Croatoan Virus that were due for shipment the following morning, Dean shook his head at this and smirked, his own little gang of domestic terrorists. In the long run it would, more than likely, be better for all involved if they lost. The sheer number of laws they had broken over the last year alone would guarantee them a nice long stay in a sparkly new Federal prison. In fact they’d probably just loose the key and forget the Winchesters and their gang ever existed.

The hunter rubbed his eyes tiredly as he heard the lighter footsteps of Castiel approaching. Instinctively he moved over to the side allowing the angel to climb aboard his baby and lay with him. Castiel, sat tense for a moment before relaxing and lying down staring at the sky trying to see what the hunter was looking at. After a moment, he turned his blue gaze onto the profile next to him.

“What are you doing Dean? We really should be completing preparations at this time.”

The human gave a little shrug and took another large swig of his warm beer. “Just watching the clouds go by. I haven’t just sat and watched them in forever.” He gave a small smile before he continued.

“Sometimes when we were little, Dad would take us out into the country and pull over. The three of us would lay on the hood and just watch the clouds looking for shapes that drifted by.”

Castiel frowned as his gaze turned back towards the sky. He tilted his head bringing it into light contact with the one next to him. He considered the clouds for a moment. They really didn’t have time for this but something about the way Dean’s voice sounded and the tension threading its self through his frame indicated that his human charge needed this moment badly. Narrowing his blue eyes the angel gazed back at the clouds trying to see what the other man was talking about.

The green eyes watched the angel, for this is what Castiel would always be in Dean’s mind, trying to make out shapes. His eyes were squinted slightly and the pink tongue peaked out from between his lips as he concentrated, a line present between dark brows. With a smile Dean took pity on him, as he pointed allowing Castiel’s gaze to travel along his arm.

“There that one. It looks like a bunny.”

The frown grew; the head tilted the other way, as the angel made a little ‘humph’ noise in the back of his throat.

“See it. There on the left there are the ears and the head.” He traced the outline of the form until a little ‘oh’ of surprise appeared on the brunette’s face.

“Oh, there it is. Yes I do believe I see it Dean.” He sounded so proud that the human couldn’t help but smile.

“Now you try.”

Castiel thought hard and suddenly smiled, “There. That one, it looks like a rooster.”

The hunter smiled, “Good one.”

They went back and forth like this for several minutes before being joined by the other three members of ‘Team Free Will’. Sam jumped onto the hood of the car schooching Dean and the angel over a bit, while Bobby walked up and shoved them over even more. Dean had to place an arm around Castiel pulling him close so that he didn’t end up on the ground, in a pile.

Earlier that morning the demon in their little group had mentioned the little perk he had placed secretly in Bobby’s contract. Bobby had been granted a brand new pair of fully functional legs. Crowley hung back not wanting to intrude on the moment for the family. The humans and angel seemed relaxed as they lay on the car. The amusement filled the air as the fit grew tighter but they somehow managed to all fit onto the hood of the Impala.

“Um, what are you blokes doing?” The demon finally asked as Sam crowed that he had found a dragon and received murmurs of agreement.

“Looking at cloud shapes. I have been informed that this is an acceptable past time for a human to partake in.” Crowley frowned and looked up at the sky. “You should as well, we have all been under a great deal of stress, it will be, relaxing.”

Dean and the others craned their necks to look at the lone figure toward the back of the Impala. The demon gazed at the sky intently, before cocking his head in a way that reminded the humans of the angel in their midst.  A very small smile broke over the demon’s face.

“There. It’s a….” the smile on his lips faded when he looked down and saw the various expressions on the humans. Castiel looked at him in question.

Suddenly feeling defensive Crowley bristled “It’s a stupid way to pass the time if you ask me.” He adjusted his cuffs and sniffed, his defenses shooting up even higher, retreating behind his usual mask of disdain.

“Well no one asked you.”, sneered Sam. The dark gazed narrowed a moment before Crowley blinked out of sight with out word. Blue eyes regarded the spot Crowley had occupied before turning to Sam.

“I believe he saw something he wanted to share.” Castiel said softly after a moment.

None of them said anything as they watched the clouds go by. Crowley didn’t show back up until later that night as they were preparing to go their separate ways.


Chicago was in chaos by the time Dean and Crowley arrived, the storms moving in as Death took up residence. The hunter was currently parked on a street corner under the train that ran throughout the entire city. Dean just shook his head and raised his hands at the demon; who was motioning to him from the doorway of a pizzeria. The hunter just watched the demon’s attempts at pantomime as he saw Crowley shoot him a look of disbelief and was beside Dean in a blink of an eye.

The man rolled his eyes and pointed at the little restaurant, “He’s in there, genius.”

“A pizzeria?” The demon just shot him a look.

“Fine, fine I’m going.” With that Dean took a deep breath, grabbed up the scythe Crowley had located and went to meet Death head on.

Dean had never been this terrified in all of his life, and that’s saying something. He had seen some pretty freaky stuff over the years, but none of that compared to eating dinner with the Angel of Death. It was an hour later when Dean emerged completely intact and headed back toward the Impala, white as a ghost with the fourth and final ring tucked snuggly in his pocket.

“So what happened?”

Green eyes turned to look at the man next to him, the demon seemed worried. “He gave me the ring.”

“That it?”

“Ugh we ate some pizza.” Dean shrugged his shoulders. The dark gaze watched him for a moment before turning away with a sniff growling something uncomplimentary under his breath. Dean frankly couldn’t wait to get out of Chicago, putting as many miles between them and the city as he could. Without wasting another second he fired up the Impala, and headed toward Bobby’s. Trying decidedly to not think about the others and whether or not they were okay, as he drove.


Dean and Crowley drove back to the salvage yard in an awkward silence. Even the hunter’s beloved music could not soothe his mind; resulting in the pair having only the hum of the road and the steady drum of Crowley’s fingers on the door to fill the silence, causing Dean to sigh irritably. The demon watched the scenery pass around him, farmlands with meadows full of wild flowers passed outside the window, crops and animals just dozing lazily in the sun, happy and carefree. He hadn’t been to America in ages and the heartland, it seemed, hadn’t changed all that much. He sighed and glanced back at the human after several miles passed.

“You know, it’s a solid plan if he can pull it off.”

“I am not discussing this with you.”

“Well you need to discuss it with someone, and you certainly aren’t going to discuss it with your angel.”

Dean’s grip tightened as he clenched his jaw, “He’s not my angel.”

The demon shot him a look of utter disbelief; the man was as dense as a block of wood. “Ya okay, what ever mate.”

“Why are you even still here? Shouldn’t you be crawling under a rock ‘bout now?”

“I promised my aide, and I keep my word human.”

Dean snorted, “Ya whatever man, I’ll believe it when I see it.”

Without saying anything the demon glared and disappeared leaving the car eerily empty. The others were waiting for Dean when he finally arrived later that evening. They were blood spattered and tired looking but the two humans were wearing grins so it must have gone okay. Castiel regarded Dean with a serious look for a moment before looking down at the beer Bobby handed the younger hunter. Dean watched as Cas gave Bobby a small smile and then turned that smile onto Dean himself, as the angel took a beer of his own. Tossing the rings down on the table Dean sat as they all eyed them worriedly as he began recounting his meeting with Death.

They were all quiet, as he finished and stared at his brother, for a long awkward moment.

“When were you going to tell me about this grand plan of yours, Sammy?” the anger boiling in the green eyes was palpable in the air. “I thought we were past the whole keeping secrets. Bobby?”

“Look Dean we were going to tell you as soon as you got back, this wasn’t something you needed to be worried about.”

“Instead I learn of it from Death himself? Damn it. Cas did you know?”

The angel had courtesy to look away and shift in his seat before steeling his blue gaze; “It was my reasoning that we should tell you after all of our successes. If we failed then we would have to concoct another plan of action and you would have worried and been distracted for nothing.”

“You really think you can over power the Devil? The Devil, Sam. Who will be stronger than ever before because he’s wearing you. You actually think you can do this?”

“Yes. I do. Maybe at the least I’ll be able to slow him down a bit.”

“Dean, even Death agreed with this plan. His is not an opinion we should take lightly.”

They all sat quietly before the eldest Winchester got up and stalked away tossing his beer hard enough to shatter, fingering the rings absently as he went. Bobby nodded at Sam to follow his brother, the boys needed to have a heart to heart.

“Come on Kiddo looks like you and me are on dinner duty. Ever cooked meatloaf?”


“Well you’re gonna learn. Time for some good old fashioned comfort food.” Frowning a bit the angel followed Bobby who began imparting the wisdom and the wonder that is Mashed Potatoes onto the angel. Castiel did as he always did, listened with rapt attention, storing the information away for a later date, nodding solemnly as he assisted Bobby with the nightly meal.

Sam approached his brother quietly; sitting beside him as they stared off into the moon lit sky. They sat there for nearly a half and hour before Dean sighed and shifted closer to Sam.

“Why Sammy? Why did it have to be us?”

It was quiet for several minutes, save for the hoots of an owl off in the distance as the clouds danced lazily in front of the stars and moon.

“I don’t know Dean.” Sam said finally his hands balled in his lap, “But someone’s got to do it and at least we can say we gave it our all.”

Dean snorted in response as they fell into silence once again, more comfortable this time around.

“Ugh you sound like a Hallmark card dude.” The elder brother said finally pulling a face. Sam found he couldn’t stop laughing. It wasn’t even that funny. Dean snickered and joined in tears filling his eyes as he tried to get himself under control. After several minutes the two brothers lay back down on the hood of the car and just watched the stars, chuckles still coming out every so often. Simply happy in the presence of each other's company.

“You know if I thought there was any other way.”

“I know Sammy. I also know that you’re an adult and able to make your own decisions. It’s just, I’ve just been watching out for you for so long, it’s kind of a hard habit to break. I don’t like it. But frankly so far it’s the best plan we’ve got.” He was quiet for a few moments before he continued, so quietly that the younger man nearly missed it. “I…just don’t want to loose you Sammy.”

“I don’t want to be lost. But, I have to do this.” Dean just grunted and shifted just a hair bit closer to his brother. They sat watching the night sky pass them by, both knowing that they’d never have this chance again.

It was two hours later that found Castiel watching the brothers sit and talk quietly. Dean looked over in his direction and smiled. It caused funny little things to happen in the angel’s chest at the sight of the rare smile.

“Hey Cas, come on over, we’ve got plenty of room.”

“Thank you Dean but Bobby has sent me with instructions to call you both in for dinner before you catch your death of a cold. He also told me to call you both idiots.”

Laughing the two men sat up and followed the dark haired angel obediently, Dean slapping Cas on the shoulder, and slipping his arm around briefly giving the angel a small hug.


Dinner was a surprisingly happy affair with Bobby recounting the stupid things the boys had done when they were younger, and tiny terrors. Castiel chuckled, smiled his small smiles and was comfortable enough to ask questions when he needed to. Dean sat back and watched the angel laugh. The blue eyes crinkled up and he even had a little snort that he would do when he was trying to stifle the sound. The most endearing thing was when the sound would come forth and almost surprise him. The blue eyes would go wide and he would look shocked for a second before relaxing and smiling. Dean rolled his eyes at himself, as he sipped his beer and tore into another of Bobby’s awesome biscuits.

‘His angel.’ Pshft as if, stupid demon, Dean looked back up at Castiel and Bobby who were having a debate about something they were translating out of ancient Greek. Sometimes, Dean had to admit he felt left out when the conversations became too intellectual, feeling like a fake for the entire world to see. He had been raised to shoot, run, and fight, to follow orders with out question. Sam though, Sammy was different. Dean had practically raised his brother. He, Bobby and now Castiel were cut of a different cloth. They loved the research aspect of a hunt, reading and searching in dusty old libraries and moldy old books. He looked at Cas again with his tax accountant coat, that the angel insisted he wear; it was easy to forget that he was a soldier first, well a foot soldier actually. Heavens equivalent of Infantry, but he had seen him fight and wipe the floor with foes four times his size, like it was nothing. He was trained to take orders with out question as well, but it was evident that while he was skilled in combat, the planning and research was what he loved to do. He would get an excited little gleam in his eyes, and practically bounce in place, like he couldn’t wait to tell them what he had found or come up with. Dean sneered at himself; well there went that excuse. The thing of it was he never believed he was as smart as his brother. His low scores almost seemed expected; his dad brushed them off with little more than a glance. Stating that ‘it was fine, as long as he could hunt and shoot he’d be okay’. Sitting back in his chair he stared absently at the hole in the table cloth he and Sam had put there nearly ten years ago one eventful Thanksgiving.

Castiel looked up from his plate to see his charge staring off into space, a frown between his eyes his soul flickering with unease. It was not the same unease that Castiel had grown to associate with the oncoming Apocalypse, but rather it was the kind when Dean grew melancholy over various memories and thoughts of his past. Biting his lip Castiel bumped Dean’s knee with his own, drawing the man’s attention. Sad green eyes met his blue ones, and Castiel gave him a shy smile.

“Dean, I fear your brother and Bobby do not know when they are beaten.”

“Actually guys you do realize he was there when they spoke ancient Greek ya? I’m thinking the winged wonder over here knows his stuff.” The smile that graced Castiel’s face did not make the hunter’s stomach flip in delight, absolutely not, Dean cleared his throat and put his attention back to the meal.

Soon the meal took on more of a reminiscing feel as they talked of old movies and explained them to Castiel, who seemed even more confused after the explanations.

“I wonder where Crowley has gone. Was he not supposed to dine with us this evening?” Castiel asked suddenly out of the blue.

“Nah probably hidin’ out somewhere, curled under his rock waiting to pounce on some unsuspecting souls.” Sneered Sam. “I’m not all that comfortable brining him along if you want to know the truth.”

“Sam, dude, we’ve been over this. We need all the allies we can get.”

“How can we trust him?”

It was Castiel that spoke up. “Do you not know who Crowley is? He is..” Sam cut him off.

“He could be the freakin’ tooth fairy for all I care, I don’t trust him. Look at what trusting a demon got us the last time.”

“Putting your past associations aside, Crowley’s word is his bond. If he has pledged himself to assist us then he will.” The angel was so absolute, in his tone that the others let the conversation drop and moved on.

Dessert was consumed in front of Bobby’s old TV set watching a football game, much cheering and taunting ensued as the angel sat back and enjoyed the feelings floating around him. For the first time in a long time the humans he had aligned himself with, seemed for the most part happy. They were joking as Sam and Bobby taunted from their chairs. Dean had absently pulled Castiel down onto the sofa beside him, the angel sitting dangerously close to what could be called a ‘snuggle’ into Dean’s side.

The elder Winchester had been extra careful with him since he had gotten out of the hospital, constantly touching the angel in innocent little gestures. Castiel was warm, full, and content, and as a result before long he found himself slipping into sleep, his head on Dean’s shoulder, curled against his side. No one mentioned the fact that Dean did not move the angel away but shifted slightly so the blue-eyed creature would be more comfortable, pulling him just a bit closer.


Crowley was waiting for them outside when they awoke the next morning looking tired and antsy. Today they took the offensive; Crowley had an awful feeling that today, well today was the day they died. There was a murder of crows on the roof of Bobby’s house, their beady eyes staring at the demon. One sent out a low mocking ‘caw’ as they settled in to watch with their knowing gazes. Crowley forced down the shiver that crept down his spine, this was going to be an extremely bad day.

The drive to Detroit was surprisingly normal; Dean and Sam bickering, Castiel dozing in the back seat snoring softly, the exhaustion catching up to him; Bobby, telling the boys ‘not to make him come up there’, and the three humans glaring at Crowley whenever they spied him in the mirror or out of the corners of their eyes. Well mostly Sam glared, the other two looked more like they couldn’t figure out his angle. The King of the Crossroads did not, however, miss the little glances and fond smiles Dean shot Castiel whenever he checked on the angel in the rear view mirror. The hunter checked on the brunette far more often than he would ever admit. The angel was surprisingly the only one that did not seem to resent the demon’s presence on this little adventure in lunacy; of course he was currently sleeping and had been for the last two hours.

As they neared their destination, however, the tension built until it was almost choking them, their hearts in their throat. Crowley could feel the energy in the air, he shouldn’t have come, he cursed his ill placed sense of honor as they arrived and piled out of Bobby’s van. Crowley sat with Sam as he finished off the cartons of ‘Power Juice’; Dean refused to call the demon blood for what it actually was. Wiping his mouth Sam came around the car and stood near his brother, not meeting anyone’s gaze.

“You can still back out Sammy. No one will think any less of you.”

“I can’t Dean. You know this better than I do.”

The eldest brother ran his hand through his short hair, “Ya, ya I know Sammy.” He gave an awkward smile.

Sam turned to say goodbye to the others, giving Bobby a long hug, and whispering something into the older man’s ear. Singer just gave a watery smile, and hugged the boy with in an inch of his life telling him to be safe. Sam even hugged the angel, telling him to take care of Dean and Bobby.

Castiel, honest as ever told him, ‘that it would never be accomplished.’ Sam ever patient with the angel, just rolled his eyes as Castiel continued.

“Oh, this is where I lie to make you feel better. Um, sure no problem.” The smile the man gave was hilarious and awkward, Crowley actually snorted and laughed out load at the sight. The smile had broken the tension, as Dean bumped shoulders with the brunette. Good lord the human was clueless. A chill passed over Crowley as he gasped and clutched at his chest. He was too close; there was nothing he could do here. He needed to leave. He said this aloud, causing Sam to glare and challenge him.

It was Dean that came to his rescue, seconded by Cas. “I need…I’m…” he didn’t finish as he disappeared.

“Damn fine time…”

“No Sammy, it’s fine. He’s pretty high on their shit list, he’s right there really isn’t anything he can do right now, anyway.” Dean turned to look at the other two before heading off with a nod and one last look into those blue, blue eyes, locking his own green with Castiel’s for one brief moment that seemed to stretch into hours. They’d be ready and waiting whatever may come, with another nod Sam and Dean grabbed the rings and headed straight for the building in front of them.


It was cold in the area, bone chillingly cold as Bobby and Castiel watched the two hunters make their way toward the abandoned building that housed the Morning Star. There were reapers all around, Castiel could see them, they were as grim as their name suggested, having been pulled here by the catastrophe that was sure to follow. The demons in the street did not interfere with the two men that stayed behind just watched them carefully, parting as the brothers passed. This was the part that Bobby hated the most, the waiting. Sitting and waiting, normally he’d be doing research, making calls, searching the internet something, but this, this was driving him insane. After forty minutes or so, a bright blinding light filled the room on the second floor and burst forth breaking windows with a roar that was deafening, Bobby shut his eyes and tried to cover his ears but he noticed that Castiel was at full attention watching intently.

“Sam has been taken. It has begun.”

Bobby felt his stomach drop from his body, there was no going back, this either worked or they had just hammered in the last proverbial nail in place on the Apocalypse.


“Dean, Dean, Dean. Did you really truly think that your little plan would work? I told you I would get Samuel in Detroit, and lo and behold here we are.” The smile was chilling and the sweetly venomed words were wrong coming from Sam. Holding the rings he smiled, “I knew about these as well.”

He walked around the man who was kneeling on the floor, hands clenched so tightly that blood was running from the cuts in his palms. Stopping behind him he put both hands on the man’s rigid shoulders and bent down, his mouth close to the hunter’s ear.

“Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m feeling benevolent today; I am going to return you back to the kindly Mr. Singer and your angel. You stay clear of my affairs and you will all live, happily. I will ensure that you are safe and well cared for.” He wrapped his arms around Dean in a hug resting his head on the human’s shoulder.

“And if we don’t?”

Dean could feel the smile that graced his brother’s face as his lips were pressed into his neck. “Oh, trust me you wouldn’t want to do that Dean. I can be very unpleasant if I choose to be. What do you say?”

“Fuck you.”

The Archangel pulled back laughing happily as he did, “I so hoped you would say that. But I have much to do, so much to prepare for so I must be going. But do not fear I won’t be killing any of you today. We have plenty of time for that.” He cupped Dean’s chin, “He’s fighting me you know. Tooth and nail, I can hear him, feel him. He’s not going to win.” He stood up and backed away, “Just so you know.” And with that Dean was standing outside beside Bobby and Castiel.

The look in the green eyes told them everything.


“Son what happened?”

“We need to get out of here, I’ll tell you later.”

It was something the hunter had always resisted, his flight instinct according to Sam was non-existent, but here and now it was on full alert, they needed to flee, run, regroup, plan. But they needed to get as far away from here as possible. They were twenty minutes outside of the city when they saw the explosion brighten the night sky, Detroit was the first, and they all knew it wouldn’t be the last. It was on, Armageddon was here, and they had handed the greatest weapon over nearly gift-wrapped. No one said anything as Dean curled into Castiel’s embrace fist clenched and eyes screwed shut. If Bobby saw Dean’s shoulders shaking ever so slightly he never mentioned, and if Castiel’s jacket was wet when the eldest brother finally succumb to exhaustion, well the angel just smiled and kissed the top of the short brown hair, carding his fingers through it and singing soft songs of peace as he guarded Dean’s dreams, curling his remaining grace around the human’s soul.

Blue eyes met the hard one’s of Bobby’s in the rear view mirror. They had already lost one Winchester to this war; they would be damned before they lost another one.

OooO Onto Part Two OooO

deancasminibang 2010., fan: fanfiction, fan: fanart, pairing: gabriel/crowley, pairing: dean/castiel, fan: supernatural

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