all i have to say is "thank you". all week i have been feeling the same way. everyone keeps saying, this is so horrible and awful, but it happens everyday and goes unnoticed or evven noticed and just dismissed as "normal". People go off on tangents about the girls being raped, but fail to see the girl next door who is hurting and no one seems to care. afterall, it is estimated that 1 in 4 girls will be assaulted by age 18. Then that number goes up to 1 in 3 by age 24 due to a huge grouping of women that get raped their freshman year in college. yet it takes national news to get people to look up from their coffee and go, "wow, how can anyone do that?"
yah pisses me off haha. Just wish people could be passionate like that all the time..unfortunately, the anger of our nation si already starting to fade and the rest of the children remained unaffected by it....oh well.....i guess they'll just continued to be victimized while we all turn our eyes away....what else is new?
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