Title: The Sound of Settling
Pairing: Hints of Nate Ruess/Brandon Flowers. If you squint.
Rating: G-ish
Dedication: To Andrea and Laila. ♥
Author's Note: More 150 word fic. What the hell, self?
Part of the Boarding School AU, in case you were interested.
Summary: For
fanfic100 prompt 097. Writer's Choice -- Roommates
“What’re you doing
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Comments 4
I may just die of cuteness. This was so lovely! And just imagining Nate all flustered because he has just got a glance of Brandon.
Darling, you are too awesome for words.
(also *random* this guy i know vaguely through the internet just facebook'd me and he looks like the lovechild of nate and adam lazzara, it's so bizarre)
(And haha. Oh Facebook, where would we be without you?)
This AU makes it almost HP-esque for some reason, possibly because my brain has a huge defect. And Leto? LETO? Is that the Leto I think it is!?
Of course it is. Write more of this plz.
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