Title: The Sound of Settling
Pairing: Hints of Nate Ruess/Brandon Flowers. If you squint.
Rating: G-ish
Dedication: To Andrea and Laila. ♥
Author's Note: More 150 word fic. What the hell, self?
Part of the Boarding School AU, in case you were interested.
Summary: For
fanfic100 prompt 097. Writer's Choice -- Roommates
“What’re you doing?”
“Spying,” is the only answer he gets.
“What’re you doing?”
“Spying,” is the only answer he gets. He’s tempted to just roll his eyes and go back to his assignment for Professor Lacey when Ricky adds, “Someone’s moving in across the hall.”
The pencil nearly falls out of his hand, “Like, across the hall, across the hall?”
“Yeah. Leto’s room.”
Nate moves to kneel behind Ricky, peering out the door to their room, “Sucks to be him.”
Ricky nods and they sit there watching, until the kid turns his head and looks right at them. Nate scrambles backwards, blushing. Ricky just laughs, and Nate pretends to busy himself with his assignment.
Except now he’s distracted, thinking about the kid who has no idea what he’s getting into. And who’s sort of cute, with his scruffy hair and big eyes and...
He groans, burying his head in his hands. This assignment is never getting done at this rate.
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