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Comments 173

finalxboss July 12 2008, 17:56:45 UTC
Holding a (long) list of the students, Porky stood in front of the bus, waiting for the children to arrive, as well as the other teachers. The man was looking a little bit bored here. Nothing interesting was going on, yet, but nevertheless, he was very much excited for the hot springs trip. One of the reasons is because, obviously, he would get to see the female students and staff (save a few) in their towels. Just thinking about this made Porky giggle. However, he didn't look forward to the long bus ride there. He hated bus rides and now, he was one of those people who had to make sure everybody stayed in line, which was worse. Behind him, three Porky-Bots stood, ready to follow the Pig King's orders. He looked around and noticed Leon. "Leon!" cried Porky, waving to him, "Need help there, buddy?"


torment_parade July 12 2008, 18:37:23 UTC
"Hello Mr. Minch," the reptilian looked up after yawning. "All's well, I guess. Just another year for another springs trip." He reached for his tote bag in the bottom shelf of the cart and pulled out a pouch drink. "You can just make sure the more massive creatures in on this trip take one of these balls because the busses are going to be cramped! Then I guess we'll have to arrange the seating?"


finalxboss July 12 2008, 18:43:31 UTC
"You mean you guys had one last year?" Porky asked, interested, "What was it like?" He needed the extra details to this. After all, Porky was interested at exactly how many lovely ladies he would get a chance to be with. He also heard about the "Spring of Youth", which piqued his interest for some time now. Porky was interested in living a young, immortal life. This just might be the ticket to that.


torment_parade July 12 2008, 18:53:09 UTC
"The school has one every year," Leon shrugged. "I just haven't been around for the last two. Personal business back home. Anyway, our school books three private bath rooms for the weekend- two for students-one girls one boys, and a co-ed room for faculty since we're apparantly either more mature than students or there's a severe lacking in female faculty. You're in for quite a relaxing soak before those summer mid-terms come in, but every year a bunch of us gets involved in something stupidly chaotic and we're never allowed in the same bath house the next year so the headmaster searches for a new location every year."

Yep! It was nothing new to Leon. "I don't know much about the springs we're heading to this year. I'll have to look for the brochure!"


blondprodigy July 12 2008, 18:27:05 UTC
Jeff hadn't slept much the previous night.

Of course, that was nothing new. However, instead of working on homework or some personal project, he'd been busy checking and double-checking (and triple-checking!) to make sure everything was packed. After all, how humiliating would it be to get there and realize he forgot his new swimsuit?

He was going through his belongings one final time, then zipped the duffel bag shut in satisfaction.

"Right. This should be a nice little break, right, Ionia?" He smiled and held his hand out towards the windowsill, allowing the Pikmin to hop onto it. He made his way out of the dorm and towards the parking lot. Seeing Porky there dampened his mood a bit, especially since that meant Porky would probably be wandering around in a towel (or less)... and that was a mental image he really didn't need.

Oh well.


pkloveomega July 12 2008, 19:16:09 UTC
This was so exciting! Lucas was certain he was prepared -- he'd even gone out and got a few extra things for Ioina, though it was a little hard to pick out clothes for somebody when you didn't know how big they were going to be. Worst case scenario, they could always ask Kumatora to lend her something, right?

Like Jeff, he was less than thrilled with seeing Porky there, but it wasn't like anything could happen on a school trip, right? He was more excited about seeing Mr. Powalski and his transformation balls.

"Ah... hi, Mr. Powalski," Lucas muttered, helping himself to a few spheres, "I... uh... thanks again for these." It was a little bit awkward talking to somebody whose class Lucas... really didn't agree with, but it was still nice of the chameleon to supply transformation balls for Ionia.

And speaking of that...! "Oh...! Jeff! Hey!" Lucas waved, making his way over to the other blond.


blondprodigy July 12 2008, 19:29:24 UTC
Jeff returned the wave, his spirits instantly picking back up. "Hey! Oh, good, you got the balls." ...snerk. Real mature, Jeff.

He looked between Lucas and Ionia, making a thoughtful noise. "Think we should do it now, or wait until we get there?"


pkloveomega July 12 2008, 20:04:40 UTC
"Good question." Ball jokes, it seemed, were still over Lucas' head somehow. He stared down at the Pikmin in Jeff's hand (she waved) and shrugged. "On one hand, it might be nice not to have to worry about losing her on the bus or having somebody step on her or something, but... I guess it also depends on if they have room on the bus for another person or not. I'd rather have her on the same bus as us if she's going to be human for the first time, y'know?"


evilwithnumbers July 12 2008, 18:36:34 UTC
One of the charter buses was going to be driven by Gruntilda since as a minor member of staff it appeared plausible she help drive.

She looked out the bus door window with an extremely bitter expression and grumbling herself incoherently.

"Look at all the stupid annoying little brats outside...with almost the WHOLE school coming along it's going to be one hell of a ride..."


gimmeabanana July 12 2008, 18:42:28 UTC
Diddy was nervously sitting towards the front of Gruntilda's bus, backpack clutched over his lap.

How hell of a ride could this be?


evilwithnumbers July 12 2008, 18:44:33 UTC
Gruntilda stared Diddy down with a wicked glare. Filthy ugly monkey, he knows Banjo...


gimmeabanana July 12 2008, 18:56:28 UTC
Diddy stared back at the witch for a moment. That's the scary old bag antagonist in Banjo's country!

Then he glanced out the window towards Conker.


a_long_day July 12 2008, 18:47:04 UTC
Conker showed up at the bus. Although he had loosened up since his talk with Lucas, he was excited to get this chance to loosen up even more. He eagerly awaited the arrival of his friends.


gimmeabanana July 12 2008, 18:54:40 UTC
Diddy saw conker out the window and banged on the glass. "HEY CONKER! OVER HERE!"

A huge grin stretched across his monkey face.


a_long_day July 12 2008, 19:09:06 UTC
Although the bang on the window startled him, he soon heard Diddy's voice and turned around grinning.
"Hey, Diddy! Banjo and Kazooie show up yet?


illstopyourswop July 12 2008, 19:14:25 UTC
Kazooie stormed up behind Conker and gave him a firm spank on the back. "I'm right here, bucko!"

She then stomped her way up the bus stairs. "I'm deeming Gruntbag's bus the "VIVA PINATA!" She chuckled heartilly and decided to wait outside for Banjo.


ghostly_nyx July 12 2008, 18:54:14 UTC
Nyx adjusted the bag on her shoulder as she left the school, a small grin on her face.
What with all the pranks going on, People were getting pretty damn pissed, this hot springs trip oughta loosen people up enough so Nyx won't get murdered so quickly.
She walked up to the line, thr grin fading quickly at the sight of Porky, and avoided his eyes as best she could. That stupid announcement of his... damnit. Everyone knew she's had something to do with the pranks now.


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