Blind Dates C Tables

Oct 02, 2011 17:07

Who: Anyone who was sent a note with C table numbers.
Where: Off-campus restaurant. AND BEYOND!
When: September 30th
Warnings: Who knows depending who is here.

[The third group's restaurant is a rotating fancy restaurant, the tallest in all of FDC! The place is high up in the air, and you can see all of the city from ( Read more... )

kasugami (okami), giratina (pokemon), apple kid (mother), dana/dialga (pokemon), marie/squirtle (pokemon), ness (mother), weavile (pokemon), ulki (fire emblem), luigi (mario), byrne (zelda), lighter (mother), ron delite (ace attorney), caim (drakengard), lieutenant surge (pokemon), amaterasu (okami), voile/gardevoir (pokemon), shinon (fire emblem), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), * event - blind dates, doopliss (mario), erika (pokemon), frank west (dead rising)

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Comments 201

C6 headmasterhand October 2 2011, 21:10:10 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter W goes first]


Re: C6 midnitepsych October 2 2011, 23:31:41 UTC
Sitting down at the table, it seemed Weavile was the first to arrive. He was curious about who his partner for the evening would be. His previous blind date endeavors had been rather pleasant. But who knew what this time would bring.

Either way, he waited patiently. It wouldn't do to start ordering, or even looking at the menu, before his date arrived. That would just be poor manners.


third times the charm. :'| hazysheep October 3 2011, 00:59:29 UTC
They will continue to be pleasant, as Kasugami arrived. She wasn't even sure how she was signed up for such a thing, but oh well... she was doing it, there would be no harm in it, right? A nice dinner and a nice chance to say hello to folks! NOTHING COULD GO WRONG...

She wasn't even going to attempt to dress nicely, showing up in her usual attire. (minus the gourd of course) This was casually fancy, to her... and she even showed up more sober than usual. Kind of weird, Kasu... She was probably going to get wasted during dinner.

Either way, she made her way to the table and to her surprise, her date was already there. "I hope I did not keep you waiting that long." She began, taking her seat. "I'm Kasugami, it's a pleasure to meet you."


shhhhh it's okay <3 midnitepsych October 3 2011, 01:58:25 UTC
"Not at all," Weavile replied. He faintly recognized Kasugami as one of the new arrivals to their school. Someone from... Capcom, perhaps? He couldn't quite remember.

"I'm Weavile. The pleasure is all mine," he smiled at her. "You're one of the transfer students, correct?"


C7 headmasterhand October 2 2011, 21:10:26 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter F goes first]


Re: C7 overtimemode October 2 2011, 21:19:25 UTC
At first Frank didn't know what to make of the note. Meet up at a certain restaurant at a certain time with some mysterious stranger? Sounded a lot like contacts who had given him tips for big scoops in the past, but those were usually just in innocuous little coffee shops. This time the meeting place was suspiciously upscale.

Then he heard about the blind dates taking place on the same day he was arranged to meet this contact. Oh. At first he was a little disappointed, but mostly confused - he never signed up for anything like that. After a little consideration, he decided he couldn't turn down the opportunity to meet some charming lady and maybe have a good lay. Besides, there was always the chance that this was some anonymous tip after all and the blind date thing was just a cover. They would blend right in ( ... )


punchtheflowers October 2 2011, 21:48:47 UTC
This again... To be fair, Vinnie's last blind date hadn't been a spectacular failure, but the fact that everyone was being corralled into what he assumed to be another of Ganondorf's social experiments annoyed him. Somehow the guy's influence was still here even after he'd left. Of course.

Not exactly feeling enthused about the whole affair, the Venusaur hadn't really bothered to dress up. He walked into the place looking about the same as he did most days: hair a leafy mess and shirt several shades too blindingly pink to be allowed in the establishment under normal conditions. S'not as though the waiters could kick him out anyway, proper footwear or no.

He had to double check his table number when he entered in when he noticed some chairs had already been filled, but... wait. He walked up to C7. Who the hell was this guy?

Vinnie stared, unamused, before echoing his thoughts: "Who the hell're you?"


overtimemode October 2 2011, 21:56:33 UTC
"I could ask you the same thing."

In truth, Frank had been a good little snoop and browsed the school directory to get a good idea of who was at Smash and just what they did, and whether or not they seemed interesting enough to keep an eye on from the get-go. Vinnie was not one of those people, and while he recognized the face from the ID photos, he'd forgotten the name. All that mattered was that this was not a lady, and if he didn't know who he was, probably not a contact either. Lame.

"I'm Frank West, and I'm here for a date."


C8 headmasterhand October 2 2011, 21:10:41 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter V goes first]


Re: C8 reservedempath October 2 2011, 22:16:09 UTC
Blind dates... blind dates... Really? Voile never really went on dates in the first place. How did they expect her to go on a date with someone she didn't even know. What if it was someone she didn't like? (Not that there was anyone she would have disliked, but still. It was the principle of the matter.)

All the same, it was a little strange, especially considering she had a date with Sonny coming up in a couple of days. Oh, well. Maybe she'd learn something. So after taking a seat, she lifted her menu, and began to read - a bit weary that nothing was priced. She hoped she wouldn't wind up overeating. And washing dishes forever.


green_thundah October 3 2011, 00:23:36 UTC
Luigi looked down at the card in his hands, then scanned to tabletops for the corresponding number-letter combination. Ah! There it was! C8! There also appeared be someone at the table already. Was that who he was going on this date with?

As he got closer to the table, he got a better look at the person at the table. Oh! His date was a woman this time! That was much better than the person who had met last time. Not only that, but she was very beautiful, too! If she was just as friendly as she was beautiful, maybe this date would turn out better than last time!

"Hello! My name's Luigi! I-I guess I'm your blind date," Luigi greeted Viole, as he sat down across from her.


reservedempath October 4 2011, 02:16:30 UTC
She looked up from her menu, just barely over the top and eyed Luigi for a few moments. Then she set it down and reached over, having to get up just a bit, and offered her hand. That was what people did, right? Shake hands? It made sense to her, she thought.

"Ohhh, it's very nice to meet you." He seemed so flustered and she hadn't even done anything. Was he always like that? Or maybe she was just really intimidating or something. "My name is Voile. Please, make yourself comfortable."

Okay. Perhaps this wouldn't be so terrible, after all.


C9 headmasterhand October 2 2011, 21:10:54 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter D goes first]


timederp October 2 2011, 21:39:00 UTC
Why was she going through with this?? Especially in her current situation, Dana really did not even want to do anything she normally did. Oh my god was she not excited at all that someone signed her up without her consent.

This was really one hell of a week to have yourself get turned into a completely different pokemon.

But you know what? Dana is a big girl and she can live through one night doing something she didn't want to do, so yeah, she totally is! The awkward-bidoof dressed herself as decently as she could, considering that her entire outfit is basically the opposite of her current color scheme and made her way down to the fancy restaurant.

She made her way to the table that she was assigned to and sat down. Thankfully, she was the first one here, but it made her so anxious to who her mystery date was.


4x4_of_manly October 2 2011, 21:50:40 UTC
Lighter was used to being trapped in these situations. He didn't like them, but he would just go for the food and leave immediately if the date turned out to be someone he didn't like, and talk to them for a while if they were someone he did.

This time it was someone he didn't recognize at all.

He stood by the table, double-checking the number card. "Uh... Who're you?"

Tact: He does not have it.


timederp October 2 2011, 22:24:23 UTC
She knew this was going to go swimmingly, especially by Lighter's introduction. Out of everything that he could have asked, it was that. Yikes...

Dana looked around nonchalantly to try to figure out a name for herself. Considering that she was not going to chance someone knowing that it was actually her, she had to come up with something. It did not take her long before inspiration struck her.

"... Bella." she began, faking a smile. "Bella Bidoof, you may not know me only because I enrolled only a few days prior to this event."


C10 headmasterhand October 2 2011, 21:11:08 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter U goes first]


Re: C10 hawkhearsyou October 2 2011, 21:27:45 UTC
Let's start off the same way as someone else in this log and say Oh great, this is the exact same restaurant as last time. Ulki wasn't a very good conversationalist, but he figured last time's meeting with Meta Knight went alright... Sort of.

He's already decided that these are no longer to be thought of as a means to foster a mating fondness (as one would imagine a date to be), but rather as a mandatory get-to-know-people-in-the-school sort of thing. Sure, they were paid for their participation, but it also seemed that they were forced to attend, whether they cared for the money or not. How confusing... And he was signed up again against his will, just as he was last time. The situation was uncannily familiar: Ulki sat silently, the first one to arrive (even though that was not his intention).

Again, a waiter ran into his wings. This time, he didn't apologize, but he turned to give him a look. The waiter apologized.


dothelokomotion October 3 2011, 02:44:02 UTC
Why. Why did Byrne have to go on a blind date. WHY. He had no desire for romance, and little desire for general human interaction. He was essentially forced to go through with this, or he would lose his job. Then again, what was so bad about that? He could find somewhere else to park for a while.

At his table was a handsome man with wings who looked just about as pleased to be here as Byrne. Well, maybe they could meet, decide that this was not worth it, and leave. After all, the only condition for this was just to meet the date, right?

So, Byrne wordlessly took a seat at the table. Let's get this over with.


hawkhearsyou October 3 2011, 04:07:18 UTC
They had duels where silence was their only weapon the entire time. Then they traced their family history and it was Ulki.

The hawk laguz followed Byrne with his eyes as he sat across from him. Once they were sitting at the table together, Ulki looked at the other tables. Everybody was chatting or eating... He turned back to his company.

"Hello. I am Ulki." He figured that introductions were probably expected.


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