Blind Dates C Tables

Oct 02, 2011 17:07

Who: Anyone who was sent a note with C table numbers.
Where: Off-campus restaurant. AND BEYOND!
When: September 30th
Warnings: Who knows depending who is here.

[The third group's restaurant is a rotating fancy restaurant, the tallest in all of FDC! The place is high up in the air, and you can see all of the city from ( Read more... )

kasugami (okami), giratina (pokemon), apple kid (mother), dana/dialga (pokemon), marie/squirtle (pokemon), ness (mother), weavile (pokemon), ulki (fire emblem), luigi (mario), byrne (zelda), lighter (mother), ron delite (ace attorney), caim (drakengard), lieutenant surge (pokemon), amaterasu (okami), voile/gardevoir (pokemon), shinon (fire emblem), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), * event - blind dates, doopliss (mario), erika (pokemon), frank west (dead rising)

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C10 headmasterhand October 2 2011, 21:11:08 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter U goes first]


Re: C10 hawkhearsyou October 2 2011, 21:27:45 UTC
Let's start off the same way as someone else in this log and say Oh great, this is the exact same restaurant as last time. Ulki wasn't a very good conversationalist, but he figured last time's meeting with Meta Knight went alright... Sort of.

He's already decided that these are no longer to be thought of as a means to foster a mating fondness (as one would imagine a date to be), but rather as a mandatory get-to-know-people-in-the-school sort of thing. Sure, they were paid for their participation, but it also seemed that they were forced to attend, whether they cared for the money or not. How confusing... And he was signed up again against his will, just as he was last time. The situation was uncannily familiar: Ulki sat silently, the first one to arrive (even though that was not his intention).

Again, a waiter ran into his wings. This time, he didn't apologize, but he turned to give him a look. The waiter apologized.


dothelokomotion October 3 2011, 02:44:02 UTC
Why. Why did Byrne have to go on a blind date. WHY. He had no desire for romance, and little desire for general human interaction. He was essentially forced to go through with this, or he would lose his job. Then again, what was so bad about that? He could find somewhere else to park for a while.

At his table was a handsome man with wings who looked just about as pleased to be here as Byrne. Well, maybe they could meet, decide that this was not worth it, and leave. After all, the only condition for this was just to meet the date, right?

So, Byrne wordlessly took a seat at the table. Let's get this over with.


hawkhearsyou October 3 2011, 04:07:18 UTC
They had duels where silence was their only weapon the entire time. Then they traced their family history and it was Ulki.

The hawk laguz followed Byrne with his eyes as he sat across from him. Once they were sitting at the table together, Ulki looked at the other tables. Everybody was chatting or eating... He turned back to his company.

"Hello. I am Ulki." He figured that introductions were probably expected.


dothelokomotion October 3 2011, 04:33:22 UTC
"Byrne," he responded simply. "How do you do."

Except he wasn't usually polite like that, but hell, if he was being forced into this, he might as well not start any fights with his date. He seemed reasonable enough anyway.

After pulling the scarf off his face, Byrne took a sip of the ice water on the table. And so the evening begins.


hawkhearsyou October 3 2011, 05:38:04 UTC
Ulki gave him an all encapsulating nod, acknowledging his introduction and expressing that he was doing well. He curiously watched Byrne readjust his scarf, finally being able to see his features. The aide wondered from what land this man hailed; perhaps, if manageable, he could slip in the question at a more appropriate moment. Regular humans didn't have pointed ears as this man seemed to. His wings gave one gentle lift before settling closer to his body.


dothelokomotion October 3 2011, 18:02:47 UTC
Ulki didn't talk much. Neither did Byrne. What an eventful evening this was going to be. At least Ulki wasn't completely mute, like that rather unpleasant Caim. And Ulki seemed agreeable enough anyway, so this evening hopefully wouldn't end in any brawls.

Byrne really had nothing to say to the man, though. He was entranced by the lovely wings, however, and decided to express it: "Your wings. I've not seen anyone with them before."


hawkhearsyou October 7 2011, 03:50:09 UTC
If they were both reserved in manner and speech, there was a pretty good chance Ulki could get along with him. Yes.

He was almost glad this topic came up, for that meant that in moments, he could seek the information he intended to only seconds ago. His wings shifted again since they became the point of conversation, and he nodded shortly. "I am a hawk laguz, from Tellius," he began; "They are maintained in both my unshifted form... and my shifted form."

It was always a little weird explaining what a hawk laguz was. He had hardly ever had to do it before coming to the school. Even though he had done it a couple times already, he still wasn't sure how to describe the concept, which was just as easy to understand to him as the term "beorc" or "branded".


dothelokomotion October 7 2011, 04:16:18 UTC
What. The hell. Was a hawk laguz. And where was Tellius? Byrne had not heard of either of these things before. Did that mean that this man was part-hawk? Well, Byrne had seen stranger things before so it's not like he would have been completely surprised if that was the case.

Also, shifted forms? Unshifted forms?

So, all Byrne said was, "Please elaborate."


hawkhearsyou October 8 2011, 23:37:00 UTC
As expected, this man did not know what he spoke of. The pointed ears, then, did not mean anything he would be familiar with on Tellius, even though he could tell already by the lack of wings. Only those from the bird tribes had pointed ears, from what he knew.

So he would, indeed, have to describe what a laguz was. That was the awkward part. "The laguz... are a race of people who have the ability to transform into an animal," he tried, his eyes tracing to the side and watching what a miscellaneous table was up to. "I am a hawk. That is what I can shift into." He didn't feel any more description was necessary to express the point necessary to explain.


dothelokomotion October 9 2011, 01:24:09 UTC
"Ah..." Byrne answered. He figured it was probably something similar to the pokemon this damned school was filled with. Still, he hadn't seen any pokemon like Ulki, especially not with such beautiful wings.

Byrne did notice the man's pointed ears, though, and for a second thought that Ulki might be familiar with Hyrule, but then realized he probably wasn't, due to him being of a race Byrne had never heard. Then again, he did seem distinctly similar to the Rito Byrne had heard about: the ones who lived on Dragon Roost Island.

"Are you familiar with Hyrule at all?"


hawkhearsyou October 9 2011, 03:55:19 UTC
"No... not until I arrived at Smash Academy," Ulki replied, drawing his attention back to Byrne. Now that he'd been here for so long, he had already learned of so many lands he'd never been to or even heard of. Ulki not hearing of something is... well, unheard of, what with the ears he has. "I have heard of it."


dothelokomotion October 9 2011, 22:29:53 UTC
So, he had only heard of the land from the school. Figures. The only Hyrulean Byrne knew of here was Nabooru, and even then he was still uncertain if she was telling the truth, due to her claims of being part of an extinct race.

"I see," he responded. "Your ears are just very typical of Hyrule."


hawkhearsyou October 11 2011, 22:24:00 UTC
He could understand that assumption. Byrne's ears were characteristic of the bird laguz. And yet, a part of that felt ironic in Ulki's mind - when have his ears ever been labeled as typical, even among his hawk brethren? As he chewed on this bit of information, his head tilted just barely.

"I could... say the same about your ears, and the bird tribes of Tellius," he said, straying away from his amplified hearing abilities.


dothelokomotion October 14 2011, 01:51:32 UTC
Byrne had gotten used to seeing the smaller, round ears at this Academy, and was beginning to feel that the pointed ears that were so characteristic of Hyrule were a rarity now. Ulki's ears were definitely a sight he thought he wouldn't see again, but he was not from Hyrule.

"I assure you, I'm not a bird," Byrne responded.


hawkhearsyou October 15 2011, 05:06:49 UTC
"I can tell," he replied shortly.

Then again, after the whole Sephiran incident... you couldn't be too sure. But it is likely that Ulki is not aware of those developments...


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