Blind Dates A Tables

Sep 30, 2011 20:49

Who: Anyone who was sent a note with A table number.
Where: Off-campus restaurant. AND BEYOND!
When: September 30th, 2011
Warnings: Who knows depending who is here.

[The first group's restaurant is invited to last year's Asian Fusion Dinning, considering nothing blew up and they didn't mind playing host again. The rooms looks fancyRead more... )

balloon fighter (balloon fight), watt (mario), marth (fire emblem), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), blaze (sonic the hedgehog), edward falcon (power stone), rock light (mega man), blast/blastoise (pokemon), rhys (fire emblem), wario (mario), bowser (mario), flint (mother), sable (animal crossing), parakarry (mario), hawke (advance wars), sonny moe/snorlax (pokemon), sasha/charizard (pokemon), nabooru (zelda), * event - blind dates, mei ling (metal gear), blacky/misdreavus (pokemon), riwane/charmander (pokemon)

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Comments 229

TABLE A6 headmasterhand October 1 2011, 00:55:21 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter B goes first]


balloon_derp October 1 2011, 01:21:13 UTC
Blind dates... Balloon Fighter wasn't necessarily sure how he got into this, but for whatever reason, he hadn't back down despite the bad feeling in his stomach starting to grow.

The lanky fighter decided to discard his usual outfit, opting for something modern yet fashionable, something his parents usually want him to wear so it seems... it was always seems to give people a good impression of him, so it might for his date despite his current fidgety behavior.

Nervously, BF looked at the menu as he waited for his date to arrive.


punchvolcanoes October 1 2011, 01:37:22 UTC
Sasha, on the other hand, wasn't a bundle of anything but energy. This idea seemed pretty interesting and hey, a hundred dollars for food was more than enough for her. How many steaks could she even order with that amount of money...

Her eyes adjusting to the light, she carefully made her way to the table.

"A6, right?" she looked at her card and double checked to make sure. Yeap. That appeared to be the right one. The tall female Charizard extended her hand at him. This was going to be fun!

"Name's Sasha, but I think we've met before."


balloon_derp October 1 2011, 02:00:28 UTC
Oh, that was his date... yes, he recalled he might have met the slightly frightening girl during the island vacation.

"W-we have I think, I'm Balloon Fighter," he said nervously as he extended his own hand to shake Sasha's.

Either way this girl's enthusiasm might make this date fun, he always like the company of those who have good spirit.


TABLE A7 headmasterhand October 1 2011, 00:55:42 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter R goes first]


Re: TABLE A7 sicklypriest October 1 2011, 01:47:07 UTC
Last year's blind dates had gone nicely, even though he hadn't felt an appetite going on. But that was okay, since his date hadn't wanted to eat anything on the menu, either. He forged a bond with Cyrus that night and got to know him a little better. To Rhys, that was enough reason alone to go for a second date.

This time, he considered, he was feeling more up to it than last time, as far as his health went- he didn't have any illnesses overtaking him this evening. Maybe he would even feel up to eating this time around? He entered the familiar restaurant with a smile and made his way to his assigned table. Looks like he was first to arrive. Oh, how exciting it will be, awaiting the person who claims the seat across from him! He tried not to look too eager, but there was no hiding that faint edge to his usual calm expression.


Re: TABLE A7 pinkgingham October 1 2011, 03:01:01 UTC
Sable felt pretty good about tonight. The past couple of times blind dates rolled around, for her it was very successful, so she hoped that she'll be paired up with another nice person tonight! She was running just a little bit late, but at least she managed to find the restaurant okay. It seemed that her date was already there, and it was a familiar face to boot!

"Hello! I guess we'll be eating together tonight," Sable greeted, taking her seat at the table.


Re: TABLE A7 sicklypriest October 1 2011, 03:24:29 UTC
His face lit up when she greeted him and took her spot. "Oh, hello there, Sable! My, how wonderful it is, having you be my dinner date tonight! It's a nice surprise."


TABLE A8 headmasterhand October 1 2011, 00:55:57 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter S goes first]


Re: TABLE A8 punchtheflute October 1 2011, 02:45:40 UTC
How was he even here? Considering he had an actual real date on Sunday? What even was this? He'd not realized exactly what this was until a little after he'd arrived, and he pretty much hoped this wasn't going to end in some kind of disaster.

The main reason he hadn't politely excused himself was... well. They were going to feed him. And he had a powerful hunger going.

In fact, he was already part way through his second basket of free dinner rolls with whipped butter and just a small sprinkling of pepper. Mmm!


XDD I called it, my roomie owes me $5 o/\o will_ablaze October 1 2011, 03:01:11 UTC
Riwane didn't mind going on this, granted she was surprised when she got the note, but hey, that was how another pleasant night had started right?! And who could say no to free food? Not this gal!

With that in mind, she wondered just what to wear to the fancy place that was written on the note. Maybe she could use one of those sun dresses the old lady got her before she left. She decided to pick a nice light blue one, with a matching hat... and matching headphones... Why not?!

She set up with a cheery skip towards the place. Once there, she was pointed towards her table and frankly, her smile was beaming once she noticed who it was. Hey, if it was gonna be a surprise, who better than her best bud right?!

"Sonny!" she called out as she hurried that way, once there, she gave Sonny a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before settling down on her chair.

"Well, Ah shure wasn' s'pectin' ya ta be mah date."


XD Awesome punchtheflute October 1 2011, 03:12:55 UTC
"Oh cool!!" Sonny exclaimed, returning the hug warmly. He'd had no idea who it was going to be and he had to admit he was happy to know it was at least someone he liked spending time with!

"I'm happy it's you! I was a little bit worried it was going to be someone I didn't know." he admitted, scooting the basket of rolls and the butter toward his pal.


TABLE A9 headmasterhand October 1 2011, 00:56:19 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter H goes first]


black_hawke October 1 2011, 02:34:08 UTC
So, here he was again.

By this point, Hawke was beyond caring. It was a hundred bucks, money that he could certainly use, and all he had to do was pretend to be interested in a conversation for like an hour. Not really a terrible way to spend the evening.

Arriving just on time, he easily found his table and promptly ordered a cup of coffee, which he nursed while awaiting his MYSTERIOUS DATE.


things_go_boom October 2 2011, 03:31:47 UTC
Lash had mixed feelings on this blind date thing. On one had, she already had a guy. On the other hand, a hundred bucks. And last time had ended up with her turning someone's boat oar into a weapon. And then before that...Apple Kid.

She decided to arrive first so she could spy who it was and make a run for it if she didn't want to deal with them, but when a call for nature meant she had to go to the bathroom, Lash only returned to see a familiar someone sitting to the table she had been a few minutes later.

The wunderkind let out an undignified "aaa!" before she coughed, stratching the back of her head. "Birdy?...this is table A9...right?"


HAHAHAHAHAHA black_hawke October 2 2011, 22:43:46 UTC
Hawke looked up, and instantly grabbed the card on the table JUST TO MAKE SURE THIS WAS RIGHT.

And it was. This was right.

They were dates.

He wasn't entirely sure what to think about this new development, but he pushed the empty chair out from the table with his foot, inviting Lash to sit down.

"I suppose it is."


TABLE A10 headmasterhand October 1 2011, 00:56:40 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter B goes first]


Re: TABLE A10 hydropumpin October 1 2011, 01:29:57 UTC
Alright, he was still SUPER CONFUSED on how he even got roped into this in the first place, but he's here... and Blast is as ready as he can be. He arrived pretty much on time, dressed surprisingly well and his hair was even kept up as much as it could be.

Dang he looked good. But that's not the point. He sat down at the table he was assigned to and began looking over the menu. Was 100$ going to be enough for the both of them? Maan... he hoped so. While he continued to glance over, he also wondered when his date would arrive, and even wondered who they were. God was he hoping it wasn't someone he wasn't fond of.


140_96 October 1 2011, 02:20:24 UTC
SURPRISE IT WAS RED Talk about an actual blind date. Mei Ling barely remembered why she signed up in the first place except that she probably didn't have her morning coffee when she signed that piece of paper. Huh. She wasn't even into blind dating, but she might as well try it. Mei Ling had dragged herself away from her computer and now settled to the task of trying to find the table.

The note in her hand said A10 and she carefully navigated through the maze of tables, looking at each in turn until she eventually reached it.

And her "date" was sitting there. She wasn't going to call it a date, just a meeting. With food.

"Hi." began Mei Ling carefully. "A10? My name's Mei Ling, nice to meet you." She extended a hand for a shake.


hydropumpin October 1 2011, 03:46:25 UTC
HE WOULD HAVE BEEN PARTIALLY OKAY WITH THAT, OKAY? Yeah, calling it a date would probably be a little far, even for Blast. When he saw his date appear, he stood up almost instinctively and took her hand in a shake.

"Yep, you're correct about that. Nice to meet you, too." He began, smiling. "My name's Blast." After he finished his introduction, he waited until she sat down to also take his seat. LET'S GET THIS OVER WITH!


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