Blind Dates A Tables

Sep 30, 2011 20:49

Who: Anyone who was sent a note with A table number.
Where: Off-campus restaurant. AND BEYOND!
When: September 30th, 2011
Warnings: Who knows depending who is here.

[The first group's restaurant is invited to last year's Asian Fusion Dinning, considering nothing blew up and they didn't mind playing host again. The rooms looks fancyRead more... )

balloon fighter (balloon fight), watt (mario), marth (fire emblem), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), blaze (sonic the hedgehog), edward falcon (power stone), rock light (mega man), blast/blastoise (pokemon), rhys (fire emblem), wario (mario), bowser (mario), flint (mother), sable (animal crossing), parakarry (mario), hawke (advance wars), sonny moe/snorlax (pokemon), sasha/charizard (pokemon), nabooru (zelda), * event - blind dates, mei ling (metal gear), blacky/misdreavus (pokemon), riwane/charmander (pokemon)

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TABLE A8 headmasterhand October 1 2011, 00:55:57 UTC
[Person whose name starts with the letter S goes first]


Re: TABLE A8 punchtheflute October 1 2011, 02:45:40 UTC
How was he even here? Considering he had an actual real date on Sunday? What even was this? He'd not realized exactly what this was until a little after he'd arrived, and he pretty much hoped this wasn't going to end in some kind of disaster.

The main reason he hadn't politely excused himself was... well. They were going to feed him. And he had a powerful hunger going.

In fact, he was already part way through his second basket of free dinner rolls with whipped butter and just a small sprinkling of pepper. Mmm!


XDD I called it, my roomie owes me $5 o/\o will_ablaze October 1 2011, 03:01:11 UTC
Riwane didn't mind going on this, granted she was surprised when she got the note, but hey, that was how another pleasant night had started right?! And who could say no to free food? Not this gal!

With that in mind, she wondered just what to wear to the fancy place that was written on the note. Maybe she could use one of those sun dresses the old lady got her before she left. She decided to pick a nice light blue one, with a matching hat... and matching headphones... Why not?!

She set up with a cheery skip towards the place. Once there, she was pointed towards her table and frankly, her smile was beaming once she noticed who it was. Hey, if it was gonna be a surprise, who better than her best bud right?!

"Sonny!" she called out as she hurried that way, once there, she gave Sonny a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before settling down on her chair.

"Well, Ah shure wasn' s'pectin' ya ta be mah date."


XD Awesome punchtheflute October 1 2011, 03:12:55 UTC
"Oh cool!!" Sonny exclaimed, returning the hug warmly. He'd had no idea who it was going to be and he had to admit he was happy to know it was at least someone he liked spending time with!

"I'm happy it's you! I was a little bit worried it was going to be someone I didn't know." he admitted, scooting the basket of rolls and the butter toward his pal.


will_ablaze October 1 2011, 03:22:07 UTC
"Same here! This place's real nice. Ah feel jus' a bit outta place." she mused as she looked around a bit before turning back to Sonny.

"So, yew been 'ere before?"


punchtheflute October 1 2011, 03:46:37 UTC
"Nope! This is my first time coming to this place!" Sonny replied, looking around. "I'll admit, I feel kinda out of place too? This place looks really fancy and I didn't wear any fancy clothes?"


will_ablaze October 1 2011, 03:58:22 UTC
She smiled, "Well, Ah jus' grabbed one of them dresses tha old lady got me before Ah left, and Ah still feel sorta outta place, but hey! At least knowin' that it's yew definitely makes this much more comfortable!"


punchtheflute October 1 2011, 04:05:28 UTC
"Aw! I'm glad! You know I don't care what you're wearing, so long as we're getting to hang out together!"


will_ablaze October 1 2011, 04:14:15 UTC
"Oh man, wish Ah woulda known then. Ah dunno, Ah always feel so weird in these. Lahk, Ah'll git em dirty or sumtin, maybe Ah'm jus' afraid of ruinin' em."


punchtheflute October 1 2011, 05:30:30 UTC
"I ruin shirts sometimes. When I eat too fast and drop food on them, you know? So. I usually wear kind of casual stuff." he laughed.


will_ablaze October 1 2011, 05:44:23 UTC
"Well Ah hope Ah dun mess mine up. Would hate ta ruin such a pretty dress."

She let out a small sigh as she opened up her menu and began browsing through the things, looking at most of it confused. She didn't know what half of these things meant!


punchtheflute October 1 2011, 05:49:56 UTC
"Here! You can have my napkin!"

Sonny handed her the big cloth napkin he;d been provided with.

"Tuck that one into the top of your dress and then put yours on your lap - that way, any food you drop will mess up the napkins and not your clothes!"


will_ablaze October 1 2011, 05:55:08 UTC
"But what 'bout you Sonny? Don' yew need one as well?"

She looked at him curiously, appreciating the gesture nonetheless.


punchtheflute October 1 2011, 06:07:46 UTC
"It's OK! I didn't wear fancy clothes. I'm saving my fancy clothes for tomorrow!" he replied, picking up his own menu.


will_ablaze October 1 2011, 06:14:48 UTC
She smiled, nodding and placing her napkins in the appropriate places before looking at him happily.

"What's tomorrow? One of them beebee concerts or sumtin'?" She of course meant Sonny's favorite artist.


punchtheflute October 1 2011, 06:29:12 UTC
"Nope! Though, I wrote him another letter to see if he'd come!" SDonny replied with a huge grin. "Nope, tomorrow? I'm going on another date. A real actual romantic date!"


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