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Sept 8th, noonish 4x4_of_manly September 6 2011, 03:12:37 UTC
Lighter was more familiar with cutting trees down than helping them grow. That's not to say he was some crazy forester who cut down everything in his path or anything-- his cabin back home just needed an ample lumber supply to readily repair the damage from those constant lightning bolts. Thank god that was over.

Anyway, since helping repair and repopulate the greenhouse last year, Lighter took it upon himself to tend to the tomato plant he contributed. Since then one plant had become several, and while they weren't going to win any ribbons anytime soon they were tasty enough. And in the greenhouse they could grow all year!

His current batch was just ripe enough to harvest, so after his morning woodshop class he headed down to pick some tomatoes. Maybe he'd ask Nancy to whip something up with them for a late lunch. Mm...


Re: Sept 8th, noonish warpstar_rider September 6 2011, 08:42:54 UTC
There was a pink ball hiding behind a nearby plant, staring at the deliciously rip tomatoes...


Re: Sept 8th, noonish 4x4_of_manly September 6 2011, 17:10:25 UTC
It just so happened the nearby plant boasted a crop of huge pink berries, so Lighter was none the wiser. But he did feel like he was being watched. Not an unusual feeling in a building full of sentient plantlife, but this was an especially intense feeling.

He glanced around warily...


Oh I just now noticed the misspelling. 8'D warpstar_rider September 7 2011, 01:33:33 UTC
And the pink ball started crawling towards Lighter until he was almost next to the other.

Kirby stared at the other with large sparkling eyes.


RIP, delicious tomatoes. 2011-2011 4x4_of_manly September 7 2011, 02:40:04 UTC
WHOA where did that pink thing come from-- oh. It was Kirby. Lighter had seen him around often enough to know he wasn't much of a troublemaker, at least. But he couldn't decide if those enormous hungry eyes were cute or creepy.

"Uh... Hi."


warpstar_rider September 7 2011, 03:08:57 UTC
Kirby continued to stare until he realized he was spoken to and gave a few blinks before speaking.

"Are those tomatoes...yours poyo?" He asked.


4x4_of_manly September 7 2011, 15:26:24 UTC
Oh. So that's what this was about. Lighter grinned a bit and held one out.

"I grew'em, anyway, but you can help yourself. No way am I gonna be able to eat all of these alone before they go bad."


warpstar_rider September 19 2011, 05:15:08 UTC
"Really poyo?" Kirby's eyes sparkled with glee upon hearing it. He happily hopped around in a circle before taking the tomato.

"Thank you poyo!"

And then he ate it in one bite.


Re: Sept 8th, noonish voice_of_animus September 7 2011, 07:42:59 UTC
Caim was never the gardener. It just wasn't on his list of priorities. But when one had obligations and duties, it was often difficult to find time for things that weren't categorised into either of the former mentioned.

He'd been showing himself around the town, the forest, the greenhouse, the buildings, and trying to commit to memory every nook and cranny that he passed by. One never knew when it might come in handy. And he was nothing short of a man of the land - just not by choice.

The harbour for the plants was no exception. In face, he'd been crouching perfectly still for about ten minutes, just watching Lighter harvest his tomatoes. Most of his face was concealed by a rather bushy fern plant. The only thing that really showed were his blue eyes, but even then, you'd have to be paying attention to catch that.


Re: Sept 8th, noonish 4x4_of_manly September 7 2011, 15:29:40 UTC
There was the feeling of being watched again. Lighter set his basket down and stood up, stretching his back out a bit before turning around to see if he could spot the culprit. Nothing really stood out... Maybe he was just imagining things. Or maybe it was Erika's creepy vine monster again.

"Y'know, if you want a tomato just come up and ask, whoever's out there."


Re: Sept 8th, noonish voice_of_animus September 7 2011, 18:01:28 UTC
Except those who couldn't talk, couldn't ask. Still, it seemed like a prime time to get a better look at this Lighter person. He pushed his face through the bushes, never mind that he probably had leaves strewn about his hair, and he stared openly at Lighter, unsure of what he supposed to do from there.


Caim had grown up a fairly good boy, however, and had eaten his vegetables. So it wasn't like he disliked tomatoes or anything like that. Maybe if Lighter was feeling open-minded, he'd let Caim take one for himself.


4x4_of_manly September 7 2011, 18:21:00 UTC
Definitely not a vine monster. And definitely Lighter hadn't seen before - maybe if he paid a little more attention to the journal network, he would have realized that this was a new student and not some random creepy guy.

Or maybe he would have been more certain that it was a creepy guy.

He subconsciously tucked the toes of his boot under the 4x4 he'd set on the ground while he was picking tomatoes, just in case. When had he become so mistrusting? Ten years ago he would have given a warm welcome to anyone who stopped by.

"Who're you?"


voice_of_animus September 7 2011, 19:20:58 UTC
He couldn't be blamed. Caim from an initial look with his height and his inability to speak was definitely along the lines of being one seriously creepy guy. Look into his background and he would have been even more creepy. If Lighter had run, Caim wasn't going to hold it against him.

Instead, he was asked a question only. And a question wasn't enough to make him angry or invoke intolerance. So he excused himself out of the bushes, withdrew his notepad, wrote and showed it to his immediate companion.

"An observer."

For now.


4x4_of_manly September 7 2011, 23:45:22 UTC
"Can't talk, huh?" Lighter was never one for tact. He read over the note, still a little unnerved, but at least a mere observer was more desirable than some vegetable thief or some trollop.

"Not much goin' on here that needs observin', really. Unless you want a tomato." Hands on hips, he nudged the basket in Caim's direction with his foot. It was as friendly a gesture as any Lighter could manage.


voice_of_animus September 8 2011, 00:22:57 UTC
Caim was anything but a trollop, as amusing as that might have been. He pulled back his notepad and gave a look around. There was plenty to observe, honestly. Maybe Lighter just didn't work that way. No sense in trying to say it any other way or accuse him of this, that, or the other thing.

He did take a tomato and looked back to Lighter. Then he carefully pushed the basket back towards the other man.

"Thank you. I have been observing the people who come here."

He clarified, for yes, having the tomato was like bartering for information.


4x4_of_manly September 8 2011, 00:43:28 UTC
"Here to the garden, or here to the whole damn school? 'Cause the latter definitely is a more interesting place." He gave a lopsided and PAINED smile and shook his head.

"By that I mean you should probably turn back now 'cause this place'll make you lose your mind."


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