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Comments 352

Sept 8th, noonish 4x4_of_manly September 6 2011, 03:12:37 UTC
Lighter was more familiar with cutting trees down than helping them grow. That's not to say he was some crazy forester who cut down everything in his path or anything-- his cabin back home just needed an ample lumber supply to readily repair the damage from those constant lightning bolts. Thank god that was over.

Anyway, since helping repair and repopulate the greenhouse last year, Lighter took it upon himself to tend to the tomato plant he contributed. Since then one plant had become several, and while they weren't going to win any ribbons anytime soon they were tasty enough. And in the greenhouse they could grow all year!

His current batch was just ripe enough to harvest, so after his morning woodshop class he headed down to pick some tomatoes. Maybe he'd ask Nancy to whip something up with them for a late lunch. Mm...


Re: Sept 8th, noonish warpstar_rider September 6 2011, 08:42:54 UTC
There was a pink ball hiding behind a nearby plant, staring at the deliciously rip tomatoes...


Re: Sept 8th, noonish 4x4_of_manly September 6 2011, 17:10:25 UTC
It just so happened the nearby plant boasted a crop of huge pink berries, so Lighter was none the wiser. But he did feel like he was being watched. Not an unusual feeling in a building full of sentient plantlife, but this was an especially intense feeling.

He glanced around warily...


Oh I just now noticed the misspelling. 8'D warpstar_rider September 7 2011, 01:33:33 UTC
And the pink ball started crawling towards Lighter until he was almost next to the other.

Kirby stared at the other with large sparkling eyes.


Like... the 7th... mid-afternoon time_mast3r September 6 2011, 03:42:33 UTC
There were some advantages to having pokemon trainers at the school, one being that there would always be a variety of them if a certain trainer hadn't taken the liberty of ransacking the greenhouse a couple times for poffins. :'| growing different types of berries. It was really pleasing, since it meant a shorter trip for the legendary. Especially when you just have those certain cravings for certain berries. Normally Dana wasn't very picky - being Docile natured and all - but at times she did wish to have one thing other than another.

Today she seemed to be wandering aimlessly through the greenhouse, taking a look at the projection of growth. It had been some time since she had actually stopped to look. It was pretty amazing that in such "short" time, all of this would be grown as it was.

Oh but where was she? Oh right. Stopping by her current project, she lifted up the light blue pot to get a closer inspection on the fruits of her labor, then sat it right back down ( ... )


Re: Like... the 7th... mid-afternoon will_be_god September 7 2011, 04:27:38 UTC
And the berries happened to be planted close to the Gracedia flowers, which is exactly where Cyrus was headed.

He hadn't been there since they were planted, but he felt that day as if he should. When he saw Dialga he supposed that was why.


time_mast3r September 7 2011, 05:49:22 UTC

... )


will_be_god September 7 2011, 05:54:33 UTC
But he stopped, and stared at her.


All the time punchtheflowers September 6 2011, 03:53:08 UTC
In his free time, Vinnie was more often in the greenhouse than not. He had a number of Berries he'd planted in the gardens, along with several gigantic tulips that had made their homes here. Basically, anything he couldn't fit in his already crowded room.

Of course, being a Venusaur, he felt a responsibility to care for every plant in the greenhouse, not just his own. So whenever the Grass Type thought he was alone, he would take the time to look over all the other crops and flowers, making conversation with each one. Sure, he looked like weirdo talking to plants that very obviously couldn't talk back, but they grew better with the attention. Really.

It helped Vinnie get some things off his chest as well, considering his current woes. Sometimes he would get so caught up talking that if the plant's actual owner were to come back, it was possible he'd hardly notice.


besteststarter September 6 2011, 04:03:42 UTC
Maybe he would if they happened to speak up.

Bulba wasn't surprised to see the Venusaur talking to the plants (since hey he did it too), but it was a little odd to see him talking to his Anemones. Not that Vinnie probably knew they were his. It was clearly just an odd case of timing.

"Aw, now she's not going to want to listen to me."


punchtheflowers September 6 2011, 08:09:10 UTC
"--stayed like that longer, maybe he could've understood why. If I..."

When Bulba's voice suddenly interjected, Vinnie's head darted upwards and towards the direction of the sound. He looked a bit flustered - how much of that did the Ivysaur overhear?

There was an awkward beat before he admitted, "Didn't know she was yours."


besteststarter September 6 2011, 08:17:49 UTC
He hadn't heard much at all, but now Bulba was kind of curious about what he had been talking about. Getting a little flustered over talking to a flower wasn't really Vinnie's style, after all.

"Well it's not like my name's on her anywhere," he replied as he wandered closer to give the small pink flowers a better hello.


Sept 7-10th, Any Time and Every Time hasprettiestmon September 6 2011, 03:55:33 UTC
It wasn't a secret that if you ever needed to speak to Erika while she was on campus, you'd need to go to either the greenhouse or the gardens. It was where she spent the majority of her time, as there were always a number of things to be doing. Watering what needed watered, trimming what needed trimmed. The berries needed counted, the carnivores of the bunch needed fed, she needed to keep an eye on the student plots and see who had been neglecting theirs... The list was rather extensive at times. The current goal for the moment was to make some room for the students that had already expressed an interest in continuing their cultivations through the winter.

When there weren't things to do, she'd often sit with a cup of tea. Anyone was more than welcome to join her, providing the gym leader was awake enough to provide substantial company.


Any of the days at any time. boxingmidget September 6 2011, 17:56:24 UTC
One of her students came by for a visit. It was Mac. Surprise.

Mac already had taken Botany but he did like to come and help with the greenhouse. Someday at some point in the past, Mac probably promised this. That he'd still come around the greenhouse to be manual labor. Today was such a day.

"Miss Erika!"


hasprettiestmon September 6 2011, 23:23:17 UTC
This was completely unexpected. Totally.

Erika was already smiling when she turned her head towards the familiar voice, giving the student a nod of her head. She always did like it when he came by to vist. "Good afternoon, Mac."


boxingmidget September 6 2011, 23:49:57 UTC
"Afternoon, ma'am," Mac replied. "Just came for a bit of a visit. I see everythin's in top shape here?"

He examined the area. Yep, just as exotic and lively as he remembered.

Oh look, some of Erika's Pokemon were even walking around. Maybe?


EVERY NIGHT. miss_dreavus September 6 2011, 03:59:08 UTC
There seemed to be a lot more berries disappearing than their owners were harvesting. How strange. Oddly enough, the spicy ones remained untouched but for a single bite taken out of one that was then discarded on the ground.

At least she wasn't beheading flowers this time.


hasprettiestmon September 6 2011, 04:12:44 UTC

It had been concluded that the numbers were the most different each morning and stayed fairly consistent through out the day. How. Very. Curious.

So one night when insomnia was a plentiful friend, Erika took a special trip through the greenhouse, just to see what she could find.


miss_dreavus September 6 2011, 04:22:13 UTC
It would just so happen that Erika would find a mysterious woman lounging beneath a bluk berry bush, staring up at the stars through the glass roof and helping herself to the fruits. Even if she weren't currently eating them there were incriminating black stains on her lips and fingertips.

There would be no use pretending to be innocent for Blacky. Chances were she was going to do it anyway.


hasprettiestmon September 6 2011, 04:53:55 UTC
The woman was easy enough to locate. Erika came to a stop in front of her, her arms folded in her sleeves and a slight frown on her face. So it seemed that she had located the source of this mystery, perhaps.

"Good evening," was her terse greeting.


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