The undead shall walk...err float again.

Aug 01, 2011 00:04

Who: Sasha and ~you~
What: Sasha is now a floating dead lamp.
Where: The island. All around it.
When: After July 25th until they leave the Island
Warnings: Uh she might want to suck our your soul and ravish you.

This new body was confusing. Truthfully Sasha wasn't sure what type of Pokemon she was at first, and it was only thought the help of others ( Read more... )

sasha/charizard (pokemon), sable (animal crossing), midna (zelda), alex/zapdos (pokemon), !open log, flare (panel de pon)

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Comments 87

yellow_binesi August 1 2011, 04:30:36 UTC
Alex, unlike his trainer and friend, was not aware of the new generation of Pokemon that were native to Unova region. He had never traveled to that region, and he figured he would never need to in the future either.

He wished (even for a brief moment) he was more studious like Lash when he saw a floating chandelier floating towards his way.

"...The fuck is that." Was all he could say.


punchyoursouls August 1 2011, 04:50:42 UTC
To be fair Lash barely new them as well apart from the flying one. And the Bouffalnt. Sweet, sweet bouffalant.

Without thinking about it too much she floated up to Alex and gave him a four handed wave.

"Luuuuuuure" it said in a voice that sounded rather feminine and with a hint of warmness.


yellow_binesi August 1 2011, 06:20:55 UTC
Oh god it's coming closer get awa-- Alex blinked a few times as he raised a brow at the other Pokemon as it looked like it was greeting him. Without thinking he raised his hand for a wave, but immediately thought against it.

"The hell are you?" He said, staring at the other suspiciously.


punchyoursouls August 1 2011, 23:47:37 UTC
"Chandelure!" she replied, shaking back and forth with a small grin.


vinetales August 1 2011, 05:37:39 UTC
Over on the beach, there was a Ninetales sprawled out in a rather undignified looking way on the sand. Resting? Or was he just withering from hunger? Probably the latter, from the way he was chewing on that piece of driftwood.

But its tails, oh those majestic tails, they flowed with a life of their own, undulating with the sea. They were Captivating. Chalk it up to this idiot fox having no idea how to control his powers, but it was very likely that they had an otherworldly allure as well. Especially to the otherworldly.

Sensing a presence he couldn't quite explain, Vinnie lifted his head just slightly to glance around. Thankfully he hadn't a clue about Unova Pokemon, otherwise he would've just run away screaming.


punchyoursouls August 1 2011, 23:51:29 UTC
Hovering was a world of difference compared to flying. Sasha didn't feel tired at all doing it, and gleefully moved around until she spotted the Ninetales.

Those...moving pieces of fur. There was something about him she couldn't quite put her finger on, but she felt right at home and hovered right over. Without any warning, the Chandelure began to play with the tails, giggling in a small musical voice as she did so. This was so much fun!

It was much harder when your hands had fire attached to it, however.


vinetales August 2 2011, 00:45:18 UTC
Oh no. You did not just touch his tails. You did, didn't you. That was not the best thing to do.

Even if he couldn't explain it, this new Ninetales was fiercely protective of its tails, and even the slightest glance was worthy of retribution. Pride and rage swelled up in his chest with a source Vinnie couldn't quite describe, and instinctively lashed back.

The tails immediately began thrashing violently, whipped out of Sasha's hands with a forceful shake - the fact that her body had open flames didn't seem to affect him at all. If anything his Fire Type moves got stronger. The fox's gold hair was standing on end as he turned to snap at her, eyes blazing, "Lay the fuck off."


punchyoursouls August 3 2011, 02:56:30 UTC
Ow ow ow ow, that had hurt! It let out a small undignified screech that sounded more like a few souls dying as it stood her ground and snapped right back at him, sticking her face rather close to him.

"You've got a terrible mouth,", she snapped back, her voice having been changed from the gruff, country girl Sasha had to something a lot more feminine and soft. There was no excuse why she had being playing with his pride either. It's face didn't have much of a movement and sounded like clacking gears whenever it switched expressions by turning around. "I don't remember seeing you in school."


impish_shadow August 1 2011, 09:53:39 UTC
Now this was unusual. Late in the evening one night, Midna had stolen herself away outside to walk along the shore. This was not the unusual part. Like something out of a painfully cliche romance novel, perhaps, but not altogether unusual.

The unusual part was the drifting, bobbing, altogether spectral looking chandelier that was floating across the island sands.

Midna had taken to standing still, raising a finger to her chin as she arched an inquisitive eyebrow over its existence. "Now what in the world are you...?"


punchyoursouls August 1 2011, 23:52:15 UTC
"Chandelure!" It cooed adorably, moving it's tiny little arms back and forth. Hello, hello!


impish_shadow August 2 2011, 00:17:37 UTC
It seemed to understand her. At least Midna was assuming that was responding to her and not just making a random noise to make a random noise. She floated a bit closer herself, giving the foreign creature (it was a creature, right?) a safe berth as she inspected it. Chandelure was an awful strange thing to be able to say. Then again...

"I'm going to take a wild guess that you're a Pokemon, hmm?"


punchyoursouls August 3 2011, 02:49:18 UTC
A nod! Yes Midna, this was exactly it. Again, it swung it's arms back and forth, in a way that could remind one of a musical metronome. The childish laughter echoed rather well out in the open beach.


pinkgingham August 1 2011, 16:27:22 UTC
One night, Sable was sitting down at the beach, looking up at the stars. So far, her vacation had been quite nice, with no mishaps at least on her end. Things were pretty peaceful, for now at least.

She noticed something glowing in the distance. She squinted her eyes to try and decipher what that was. Was that...a floating chandelier? No, no it couldn't be. Her eyes must be playing tricks on her! The hedgehog got up and started to walk towards the light, just to see what it actually was...or to see if she was actually right.


punchyoursouls August 2 2011, 00:19:54 UTC
No your eyes were not deceiving you, it was indeed a talking, moving, creature that should be more hanging around a castle than out in the open beach. But there it was. Hovering.

And playing around with little orange flames, it seemed.


pinkgingham August 2 2011, 05:18:09 UTC
So she was right after all! Still, that didn't change the fact that it was odd to see a floating chandelier of all things at a place like this.

She very quietly approached the chandelier, not saying anything at first, but just observing what it was doing.


punchyoursouls August 3 2011, 02:47:38 UTC
It was doing something rather odd, all things considered. The flames danced in the air as it spun around, giggling to itself with a strange sort of childish happiness and glee. Sometimes it would let one of the flames dance in the air and juggle it around, marveling at the colors.


paneldeflambe August 1 2011, 17:30:57 UTC
If anyone could sense a fire-user within a mile away, it would definitely be Flare. She wanted to know whatever she could about the fire creatures lurking around the areas outside of Popples, and what better of a time would be on vacation?

As soon as she felt the crackling fire nearby, she ran straight for whatever the source might be.

That being a giant floating chandelier thing.

"... What."


punchyoursouls August 2 2011, 00:26:08 UTC
"Chandelure?" it shot right back. Alas Flare didn't know pokespeak or else it would have said "But what?"


paneldeflambe August 2 2011, 00:41:33 UTC
"What's that even supposed to mean?"

Flare was just going to stand here and stare. If only fire was a good method of communication, or else she would probably understand this talking light thing perfectly.


punchyoursouls August 3 2011, 01:54:29 UTC
The Chandelure shrugged, unable to say words...or wait! With one arm, it indicated for the fairy to follow her.


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