It's Rescuing Time! Time to save their parents before it's too late!

Jun 13, 2011 21:44

Who: Bowser, Parakarry, Watt and You!
What: Storming a castle! Rescuing parents! Breaking contracts! Beating the crap out of Bowser and his minions!
Where: First in front of the school, then at Bowser's Castle
When: Backdated to June 7th
Warnings: Fighting, fighting and more fighting! And maybe some swears too, I wouldn't be surprised if there were ( Read more... )

!rp log, bowser (mario), watt (mario), parakarry (mario), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), !open log, goombella (mario), little mac (punch out), luigi (mario), samus aran (metroid)

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Bowser's Throne Room electriccharge June 14 2011, 04:08:51 UTC
Now it was time for the final confrontation! There had to be some way to get rid of this stupid contract that Bowser binded them to. What better way than fighting him? Of course, it probably wasn't going to be easy...


doot doot doot time to fight an endboss ihateplumbers July 3 2011, 01:58:30 UTC
You bust through the doors to discover that inside of the throne room is...


A 100 foot tall Bowser. As it seems to happen in so many of his endboss battles As it sometimes seems to happen to him randomly, he's had a temporary growth spurt. This explains, probably, why you haven't seen him before getting to the throne room.

"You're all in a world of trouble," he said in a giant, booming voice.


Re: doot doot doot time to fight an endboss tattlemethis July 3 2011, 04:41:42 UTC
Goombella looked up. "Oh that's just not fair!" she declared.


Re: doot doot doot time to fight an endboss electriccharge July 3 2011, 05:52:32 UTC
At the moment, Watt didn't say anything, she just stared in shock at the giant Koopa king. She remembered having to fight a giant Bowser before, but she didn't remember him being this huge! She was starting to build up some electricity, but seeing how terrified she was right now, she wasn't planning on attacking anytime soon.


icequeen_aran July 3 2011, 08:04:56 UTC
On the contrary, Samus wasted absolutely no time fearlessly running past the group and charging in while switching her gun into whip-mode. The size of Bowser was... frankly, a little disturbing but merely a fleeting afterthought by the time she had made it halfway across the arena. The size of a foe hardly ever deterred Samus, and she'd see to it that he get cut back down to size like he should.

Flashbacks from two size-switching Christmaseses ago seemed to only fuel her ire.

Provided Bowser had no other tricks up his scaly sleeves other than his monstrous size, Samus was going to make a run for climbing up his leg. Mouths were always the weak spots, in her dragon-slaying experiences, and that's just what she was going to aim for with her whip.


monotreme_101 July 3 2011, 18:17:34 UTC
"See, now, you gotta admire that." Knuckles said to no-one in particular as he watched Ms Aran running accross the distance between them and the giant reptile.

He was actually a little perturbed by Bowser's size also - he'd fought huge enemies before. But they had all been robots - Not flesh and blood folks like this guy. Wherte di you even begin to take down in a non lethal manner such a huge beast?

Well. He'd have to figure something out. His feet started moving and he called over his shoulder "Well, C'mon guys! Dude isn't gonna knock himself out!" He slipped the Ray gun from it's holter and fired a couple of shots at Bowser's nearest hand.


boxingmidget July 3 2011, 23:24:10 UTC
Mac didn't have any weapons on him and obviously he was at a slight disadvantage because of this. How did Bowser get so huge? No matter. The moment the fight started and people started attacked, Mac wasted no time. He made a charge for the big brute trying to get up to Bowser's maw like Miss Aran was. She was gonna need so back up. And he best weapons were his fists.


tattlemethis July 4 2011, 04:42:32 UTC
"Here goes nothing!" Goombella leaped for Bowser and started to use her Multibonk ability on the first body part that presented itself.


mailcalltime July 4 2011, 07:23:20 UTC
"Watt, get moving!" Parakarry sternly ordered as he flew upward to join the group attack. Once he was at a good altitude, he hid inside his shell, took aim and threw himself right toward the middle of Bowser's gigantic nose.


electriccharge July 4 2011, 17:16:58 UTC
Okay, that was enough of staring. "Right, right!" she called back. She quickly got back into action and started to hover up towards the giant, all the while storing in as much electricity as she could. She released her shocking powers as soon as she rammed into Bowser's stomach.


THIS MAKES NO SENSE ihateplumbers July 4 2011, 22:56:42 UTC
Oh no, so many people hitting him in so many various and sundry places on his giant, giant person.


No, of course not, that would be silly.

Bowser stood up and... for some strange reason the throne room went away and instead you are all now standing on a little planet made out of throne room (this makes no sense at all, why is this happening) and Bowser is floating in space.

And then his fist glows purple. (Why????) And then he roars and... oh look, there are giant hunks of meteor headed for your planet now. (This is just absurd, who would have come up with this????)


NO, IT DOES NOT mailcalltime July 5 2011, 01:04:01 UTC
Parakarry's mouth hung wide open in bewilderment. What in Grambi's name was going on here? How was any of this even possible.

"Wh-what in the-" His stuttering was cut off by the sight of the approaching meteors.

"Dear Mamar!" he howled while he flew around in panic. "Take cover!"


electriccharge July 5 2011, 06:19:39 UTC
What. What. Why did Bowser's throne room turn into a planet? Was there always this small planet connected to his castle? Was this all just a bad dream? What was going on here.

Watt realized there wasn't much time to take in what just happened as soon as she noticed the meteors heading towards them. WHAT. "Yeek!! Um um um, there just has to be a way to stop these from hitting us!" she shouted, trying to flee as far away from the meteors as possible...if that was even possible.


monotreme_101 July 6 2011, 18:08:56 UTC
Knuckles wasn't nearly as phased by the sudden scenery change as one might think. Considering the things he'd seen happen before now in the same vein - like the stadium at school - this wasn't such a huge shock. The thing he was vastly more concerned about were the meteors.

His own preferred method of dodging airborne projectiles was to dig. And he could do so pretty quickly should he need to. However, considering he really didn't want his girlfriend to get hit by flying asteroids on fire, this was not an option.

Well, two could play at the airborne rocks game. He ran a little closer to Goombella to better repel anything headed her way. Stooping low for a second, he ripped a brick from the floor and hurled it at the Giant Floating Space King's nose. The nose was obviously Bowser's weak point as it was large and soft looking.


ihateplumbers July 8 2011, 01:50:06 UTC
Throwing bricks at Bowser's beautiful, beautiful face was not very kind, Knuckles.

"KNOCK IT OFF, CHUMP," Bowser gently requested.

Pew, pew, pew, here comes the meteors crashing into your little planetoid.


mailcalltime July 9 2011, 04:33:54 UTC
"Oh no! Oh no!" Parakarry could do nothing more than to fly around as quickly his wings could muster in order to avoid being pummeled by the incoming meteors.

"Aaaaah!" The force of one of the meteors sent Parakarry flying into a loop. He desperately flapped his wings to stop himself from being hurled into orbit.


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