honeymoon in the land of the brave and the proud.

Mar 02, 2011 13:01

Who: Lt. Surge, Goose
What: An honeymoon. U8
When: BACKDATED to Feburary 26th - February 27th.
Warnings: Swearing and sex at worst.

oh star-spangled banner~ )

!rp log, goose (pilotwings), !closed log, lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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Comments 123

badasstrenches March 2 2011, 18:52:07 UTC
Half-awake, Surge grunted at the tingling sensation. It wasn't really unpleasant. After all the excitement of the previous few days, the lieutenant felt like he needed to sleep for an eternity. But he couldn't fall back asleep with his ear being nibbled on like that.

Eyes still closed, he reached out and attempted to pull Goose towards him. "Five more minutes," he muttered.


badasscopters March 2 2011, 19:50:08 UTC

Not according to plan. Damn, and here he thought Surge being in the military would help him, you know, wake up earlier. They wake up really early in the military. It was, what, 7 o' clock now? Surge, why you no wakey?

Goose decided it was time for plan B. He frowned and furrowed his brows. This should jolt him awake. No pun intended.



badasstrenches March 2 2011, 22:05:32 UTC
Normally, Surge would've been up at 5 AM sharp, maybe 6 if he was feeling lazy. But months of planning and finally the wedding took a lot out of him. He was just plain tuckered out.

But upon his package being grabbed, the lieutenant bolted upright. Glaring at Goose, he swatted the offending hand away. "Don't do that," he hissed, "Especially when I'm still asleep."

Well that was a rude awakening. It definitely put a damper on his mood, and the day had barely even started! Things better pick up before his mood turned even more sour.

Oh wait. Honeymoon. Right. Suddenly Goose's attempt to waking him up made more sense.


badasscopters March 2 2011, 22:08:44 UTC
"Well," Goose sat up and pouted frowned, arms folded over his chest. "We kind of have to get ready. Y'know, we've got a wedding to go to and all that."

Goose had the ride itself planned out and everything! He wanted to take Surge to his home state to start. He was... honest to goodness curious about meeting his parents. That was probably kind of very important. A priority in his mind, at that. So of course he'd want to wake him up. Besides, he needed to actually... know where Surge's parents lived anyway.

The pilot was quick to smirk playfully. With a hand moving to be placed on his hip, he used to the other to flick Surge's nose with his finger. "Unless you want me to go to the US of A all by myself."


badasstrenches March 8 2011, 05:13:49 UTC
Surge's father raised an eyebrow at Goose's antics, "Sure are the friendly type." Glancing over, he shot Surge a questioning look. "How the hell did you get an enthusiastic guy like him?"

Flashbacks to the hot springs passed by Surge's mind. "It's a long story..." he grinned. "So, how 'bout that dinner?"

Surge's mother folded her arms, "I don't have much in stock in the kitchen. We weren't expecting guests. But we could always order pizza or something."

"That good with you?" Surge asked Goose. "I know you wanted to try some deep dish."


badasscopters March 8 2011, 14:57:11 UTC
Goose was about to make a playful, yet slightly jabbing comment at the mention of how they met, but once pizza was mentioned, all thoughts of that went out the window.

"... They got four meat or something in deep dish? Hell, anything with meat at all? Heh, who am I kidding, they've gotta. Right?"

The pilot paused again.

"... They got any desserts where you order the pizza? It'll be my treat." Namely because he wanted one for himself, but he'd get some for his parents, too. As for Surge... well, Goose knew by now that his husband didn't have much of a sweet tooth at all. Unless Surge asked, he probably wouldn't offer.


badasstrenches March 8 2011, 16:19:14 UTC
"Of course they have meat pizza," Surge's mom replied, chuckling at Goose's energy. "That's always what these two," she motioned towards her husband and son, "would always order. It seems you'll fit right in with the men of this house. Then again, I suppose you two wouldn't have gotten married if you weren't compatible."

Surge's father nodded at the suggestion of a four meat pizza. "Desserts? Let me see..." Searching through one of the kitchen drawers, he found a menu. "Here."

The lieutenant just smirked and shook his head. Leave it to Goose's sweet tooth.


badasscopters March 8 2011, 19:25:23 UTC
"Snicker's cheesecake."

Well, that didn't take long at all for Goose to make a very sweet decision. Hm. Maybe he would offer it to Surge, but in more of a playful way than a generous way.

"Don't that sound good to you? Aaaaall the cavities you can get," he spoke, elbowing Surge in the arm.


badasstrenches March 22 2011, 14:56:59 UTC
Damn that face. Damn Goose and his damned cuteness.

NO. Must be strong. Must not be swayed by his fiance's adorable face and silly little smile and--

"Yeah, well, this is revenge for that revenge."

Oh yeah. Real smooth.

"And I do. Just not in front of my parents."


badasscopters March 22 2011, 14:59:01 UTC
But look at how cute this face is!

Except... no, now Goose was sporting the slyest grin ever. That must not be a good sign.

"Not in front of your parents? M'kay then. I'll just take off my clothes and bend for you right here."

Okay, not really, but he might as well joke around and rile him up because... he's an asshole.


badasstrenches March 22 2011, 17:27:01 UTC
Nnnnn damn it Goose. It took every ounce of Surge's will power not to deck the pilot right then and there. Part of him was almost tempted to forcefully bend Goose over, just to watch the younger man squirm at being the butt of his own joke.

But no, that wouldn't do. Surge would take the higher ground. He would be the mature adult of the pair.

That didn't mean he couldn't still have a little fun. The lieutenant may or may not have been sporting a similar sly grin.

"Oh really? You'd do that for me? Well that makes my job a whole lot easier."


badasscopters March 22 2011, 17:51:56 UTC
"You know I'd bend for you anytime, and then some."

After a sassy, implicating wink, Goose slung his arm around Surge's own.

"So... c'mon. A suite, huh? How are they for these kinda chains?" He questioned the experience as they began to head off for the gyrocopter.


27th / in which i'm lame with tags badasscopters March 26 2011, 19:07:55 UTC
And Goose was sleeping in big time.

Hey, the trip wore him out, okay? Okay.


27th / in which Essay is the best tagger ever badasstrenches March 27 2011, 02:08:00 UTC
Used to getting up early in the morning, Surge awoke before his husband. Feeling a little devious, he was tempted to rudely wake up the pilot. But it was their honeymoon. Wasn't this supposed to be a romantic time where they spoiled each other? Or something mushy like that.

"Hey," he pulled the other man closer. "You plannin' on sleepin' the day away?"


Re: 27th / in which Essay is the best tagger ever badasscopters March 27 2011, 02:25:09 UTC
Goose let out a muffled noise once he felt his face pressed against Surge's chest. Now, it wasn't that he minded being so close to such an utterly manly, rugged chest such as his, but that kind of thing when he was half-asleep? What the heeeeeeellllll!!

The pilot struggled a little in his grip to raise his chin up. He looked at the lieutenant with beady, sleepy eyes.

"I don't... wannaaaaaaaaaa..."



Re: 27th badasstrenches March 27 2011, 16:47:18 UTC
For the love of-- He had allowed the pilot to sleep in and Goose was still tired? How much sleep did the younger man need? It was baffling.

"So you'd rather just spend the whole day in bed? Fine by me. I'll go out and have fun by myself." Untangling himself, Surge sat up on the bed.


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