honeymoon in the land of the brave and the proud.

Mar 02, 2011 13:01

Who: Lt. Surge, Goose
What: An honeymoon. U8
When: BACKDATED to Feburary 26th - February 27th.
Warnings: Swearing and sex at worst.

oh star-spangled banner~ )

!rp log, goose (pilotwings), !closed log, lieutenant surge (pokemon)

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badasstrenches March 8 2011, 05:13:49 UTC
Surge's father raised an eyebrow at Goose's antics, "Sure are the friendly type." Glancing over, he shot Surge a questioning look. "How the hell did you get an enthusiastic guy like him?"

Flashbacks to the hot springs passed by Surge's mind. "It's a long story..." he grinned. "So, how 'bout that dinner?"

Surge's mother folded her arms, "I don't have much in stock in the kitchen. We weren't expecting guests. But we could always order pizza or something."

"That good with you?" Surge asked Goose. "I know you wanted to try some deep dish."


badasscopters March 8 2011, 14:57:11 UTC
Goose was about to make a playful, yet slightly jabbing comment at the mention of how they met, but once pizza was mentioned, all thoughts of that went out the window.

"... They got four meat or something in deep dish? Hell, anything with meat at all? Heh, who am I kidding, they've gotta. Right?"

The pilot paused again.

"... They got any desserts where you order the pizza? It'll be my treat." Namely because he wanted one for himself, but he'd get some for his parents, too. As for Surge... well, Goose knew by now that his husband didn't have much of a sweet tooth at all. Unless Surge asked, he probably wouldn't offer.


badasstrenches March 8 2011, 16:19:14 UTC
"Of course they have meat pizza," Surge's mom replied, chuckling at Goose's energy. "That's always what these two," she motioned towards her husband and son, "would always order. It seems you'll fit right in with the men of this house. Then again, I suppose you two wouldn't have gotten married if you weren't compatible."

Surge's father nodded at the suggestion of a four meat pizza. "Desserts? Let me see..." Searching through one of the kitchen drawers, he found a menu. "Here."

The lieutenant just smirked and shook his head. Leave it to Goose's sweet tooth.


badasscopters March 8 2011, 19:25:23 UTC
"Snicker's cheesecake."

Well, that didn't take long at all for Goose to make a very sweet decision. Hm. Maybe he would offer it to Surge, but in more of a playful way than a generous way.

"Don't that sound good to you? Aaaaall the cavities you can get," he spoke, elbowing Surge in the arm.


badasstrenches March 8 2011, 20:18:02 UTC
Oh Goose. You knew that Surge didn't have a big sweet tooth. Now you were just being silly.

"Cavities and a sugar high. Yeah, sounds like my kind of snack," Surge rolled his eyes, batting away the offending elbow.

Surge's father let out an amused snort before grabbing the phone. After calling in the order, the food would arrive in less than half an hour. In the meanwhile, it gave them more time to talk. The older man showed them to the living room, taking a seat in a lounge chair.

Surge's mother followed suit and sat in a nearby lounge chair. Surge took the couch, motioning for Goose to follow.


badasscopters March 8 2011, 20:20:40 UTC
"M'kay, so... while we wait..."

Goose sat down at the couch and snickered, hand resting in his palm. His mind quickly went back to a year ago when he brought Surge to meet his mother for the first time. He also remembered a very certain thing that happened when they were there. He was dying to know about this now.

"Y'know, I kinda have always wanted to see Matt as a kid if you've got pictures..."



badasstrenches March 9 2011, 18:39:09 UTC
NO. Oh god no. Surge shot Goose a threatening glare. If the pilot so much as thought about humiliating the lieutenant, so help him--

"Of course we do," Surge's mother smiled. "Not many, but at least a couple of pictures. Let me go get them." Standing up, she quickly pulled out a photo album from a nearby bookcase. She brought the album over to Goose, placing it on his lap and standing beside him.

There were a few pictures of Surge as a baby and child. Normal pictures such as 'baby's first steps' or 'toddler with a messy, tomato sauce face.' There was even a Halloween picture of young Surge in a mock-military costume.

"I still can't believe he's all grown up and out in the world," Surge's mother tittered.

Surge buried his face in his hands. Surge's father just grinned at his son's discomfort.


badasscopters March 9 2011, 18:42:50 UTC
Oh. Oh god. Goose was so going to get mauled for this but he didn't care. This was absolutely... precious. He never thought he'd ever seen his husband looking to baby!chubby and cute and... far from well-built.

Speaking of which, maybe he should try to avoid being snapped in half like a twig. He didn't want Surge him as a toothpick for a hungry Wailord.

"Yeahhhh, ain't that something? He sure grew up biiiiiig and strong. Heh, I mean, I would've thought he'd have been born with those 'ceps."

He laughed and elbowed Surge in the arm. It was totally meant to be a very weird compliment.

"He sure looks cute in that there military costume. Was he ever a pilot for Halloween~?"


badasstrenches March 10 2011, 15:58:01 UTC
Yeah, that elbow in his arm? Not so appreciated. Surge glared at the pilot. What a jerk. Then again, the lieutenant probably acted similarly when they visited Goose's parents. Damn you, karma!

"A pilot? I don't believe so..." Surge's mother replied. "Let's see... He's been a ghost, a firefighter, a mailman... But I don't think he was ever a pilot... Do you remember, dear?" she turned towards her husband.

Surge's father shrugged, "I don't recall. All I remember is that he was more excited about dressing up and going out than about getting candy."


badasscopters March 10 2011, 16:13:27 UTC
"Ain't that cute."

Surge was especially going to hate him for THAT comment, more than likely. Goose expected that. But... but... it was admittedly adorable!

"Heh, a ghost... You don't have any pictures of that? I like those ones where you just cut up some ol' white sheet and it makes a costume. I think I did that one year."


badasstrenches March 10 2011, 19:56:08 UTC
"Yes!" Surge's mother nodded, "Just like that! The white bed sheet and everything."

"Most kids do that at some point, don't they?" Surge's father piped in. "It's a pretty standard Halloween costume."

"Unless you come from some place that doesn't celebrate Halloween," Surge shrugged. Considering how many people he had met at SBG who didn't know about Halloween, nothing really surprised him anymore.

Thankfully the food arrived shortly after. Once Surge's father paid for it and the delivery guy left, the pizza box was opened on the living room coffee table. The pizza was square and deep, the numerous meats layered between tomato sauce and cheese.


badasscopters March 10 2011, 21:59:18 UTC
YEEEEEES. Goose flew for that table faster than anything and got ready to snatch a slice... when he realized that it didn't come in slices. Oh, right. It was deep dish. It was more like a pie slice than a flat slice. A sloppy pie slice.

"It smells... amazing. You ate this shit all the time? Gotta say you're lucky, heh."

Goose cut himself a nice, big piece and attempted to put it on a paper plate.

It... didn't get there without a nice tomato saucey mess on the coffee table. "Fuc- I... eheh. Oops. I'll clean that." Way to go.


badasstrenches March 11 2011, 17:18:42 UTC
Surge rolled his eyes. "We've barely even been here and you're already makin' a mess. I can't take you anywhere, can I?"

"Don't worry about it," Surge's mother piped in. "We'll clean up after we're done eating."

Smirking, the lieutenant added, "That's a good idea. He'll probably continue to make a mess through the whole meal." It was time for some well deserved payback for the baby pictures.


badasscopters March 11 2011, 20:27:08 UTC
"Ain't a messy man, just good food," he retorted before sticking his tongue out like a child. Of course, he was only being playful.

But yes, the pizza. Oh, Goose was ready for this. He lifted it, expecting it to be at least somewhat easy to eat.

He... definitely spilled more of the cheese and sauce onto his lap, but managed to take a bite.

He paused.

... He then grinned wildly, ignoring the mess on his lap and focusing on the mess of awesome in his mouth.

"This is the best pizza I've ever had."


badasstrenches March 11 2011, 21:35:31 UTC
"And you are the messiest person I've ever met," Surge stated.

Surge's father grinned and took a piece for himself. "He's just enjoying himself. And he should. It's damn good pizza."

The lieutenant couldn't argue with that. Shrugging, he also took a piece. But unlike Goose, Surge and the rest of his family had years of experience eating deep dish pizza like this. They didn't make giant messes like the pilot did.


badasscopters March 11 2011, 21:38:45 UTC
"Yep. Sure is."

... Of course, Goose said that with his mouth full, so it probably sounded more like, "Mffrpmffurus." Beautiful manners.

"What other stuff's different around here? You ain't got flat pizza here at all?"


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