Shocky was serious about wanting to play bebe Jeff.

Jan 04, 2011 15:06

Who: Jeff, or a Jeff anyway. And whoever wants first dibs on meeting him... but there will be ample opportunity to meet him later on.
When: Evening of January 4th.
Warnings: Depends on who shows up now doesn't it.


!rp log, maxwell labs (mother), tony (mother), poo (mother), lucas (mother), !open log, captain falcon (f-zero), ness (mother), lash (advance wars), samus aran (metroid), jeff andonuts (mother)

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Comments 74

things_go_boom January 4 2011, 22:19:28 UTC
Lash did enjoy working outdoors in the snow. The air was still pretty crisp and while it cased a lot more smoke to rise as she worked on her tank...she didn't have to wait as long to move on to the next part. Plus she had taken a liking to fresh air, a vast improvement over the Black Hole bay hangers where she used to do everything.

The sound was deafening and hard to miss. Explosions in Smash were pretty normal (hell she was probably responsible for 50% of them) but right into the fountain? Someone was in trouble. Of course Lash would want to go see who she's get to make fun off.

It seemed to be the work of Jeff, of all people. Haha! This was rich. She stood at the smoldering vehicle, grinning, arms crossed.

"What are you doing dumbass, working with old technology?"


pedaltothemetal January 4 2011, 22:22:30 UTC
Okay shut up he was trying to work it off, Jeff. That was why he was jogging obsessively around the lake.

Or he was jogging obsessively around the lake, until the Skyrunner fell out of the air. The Skyrunner that he paid LIKE THIRTY-THOUSAND CREDITS FOR. He watched it streak towards the ground in disbelief for a few moments before taking off in the general direction of what was sure to be an epic crash. Scenarios flashed through his mind, none of them any good. What if Jeff was inside it? What if someone had stolen it and crashed it? What in the world was going on?

At least they'd installed airbags or did they.

It was not a terribly far sprint from the lake to the center of the main quad, where the ruined Skyrunner had done a number on the fountain. He would inspect the damage later--right now there was someone inside that needed to be extracted before the whole damn thing exploded. "Jeff!" He called, reaching the wreckage, completely ignoring Lash (who was standing there laughing what the fuck) and beginning to search it for ( ... )


blondprodigy January 4 2011, 22:31:17 UTC

... )


things_go_boom January 4 2011, 22:40:11 UTC
Oh and there was fattymcfatcon bursting next to her, love handles and everything, denying Lash the pleasure of saving Jeff's life before this prototype exploded. Oh well, maybe next time there would be time to make fun of him. Yet something seemed wrong when he stepped out, and it wasn't just that godawful bowlcut he seemed to have done to himself.

"What's with the accent? Did you hit yourself on the balls?" His voice sounded much lighter. Did he look younger? "What were you doing?" She inched close to him and looked at him in the eyes. By gazing downward WHAT THE HELL.



safetyglasses January 6 2011, 01:24:19 UTC

... )


things_go_boom January 6 2011, 03:19:26 UTC
Maxwell was a lot calmer than her on this situation. Lash was still sporting a horrified on the entire event (and maybe just feeling a little bit guilty for her initial actions, not that she'd tell anyone) throwing herself in a seat near the group, one hand supporting her head.

In a strange way it kinda made sense. This Jeff still knew Tony and Maxwell. Maybe there were some memories gone, but he still had memories of them, not suddenly becoming a total stranger. Or maybe Maxwell was just that calm. This was a guy who had survived her kicking him in the balls and still willing to talk to her, after all.

Hrrrgh she just. Couldn't stand there and do nothing. Not even a minute after she had sat down, Lash stood up again. Samus and Falcon were almost like his family, remembered or not. Tony and Maxwell were people he still knew and his best friends. Best friends. She was the odd woman out, no matter how she looked at it. Maybe she should ( ... )


pkloveomega January 6 2011, 05:45:33 UTC
No matter how long he'd been living in the city, Lucas had never really depended that heavily on technology. It was only serendipity that he happened to glance at the computer and spot Lash's urgent message at all.

Unfortunately, he'd been too late; when he'd arrived at the fountain, there was nothing there but the wreckage of the Skyrunner. Fearing the worst, he'd jumped to telepathy, desperately leaping to any mind he could reach in hopes of finding some sign of Jeff.

First, he found Lash. He barely lingered long enough to register that she was thinking of Jeff at all -- a vague impression of uneasiness, sorrow, something almost like loss -- before he found the mind he was looking for. Or... something like it? Confusion, nervousness. It was like Jeff, but... it was like a shoe on the wrong foot. Something was jarringly different.

Still, it was enough to point him in the right direction. Lucas ran into the cafeteria, half-expecting to be greeted by something heart-breakingly horrible. "J-Jeff! Are you okay?"


pedaltothemetal January 6 2011, 05:53:44 UTC
He'd figured it would turn into a regular party. Falcon did not do parties. Best to let Jeff catch up with Maxwell and Tony--people he actually remembered--while he went off to do something productive. Get clothes. Find Ness and Paula. Keep denying that the Jeff he knew was possibly gone forever. Thinking about a Jeff that didn't know him or Samus or the school so soon after Ionia's departure was difficult, and he wasn't sure he could even stand to be there.

It was one big headache. This Jeff was wet and cold and confused and Falcon was certain that the more people arrived, the more confused he would get. He glanced at Samus, who was perhaps the only person he felt comfortable leaving Jeff with while the student was in such a state.

"I'm going to go grab you some fresh clothes and see if I can't track down Ness and Paula. I'll be back."

And off he went.


SOME DAY LATER WHEN IT IS MOST CONVENIENT.... pedaltothemetal January 7 2011, 01:14:57 UTC
Somewhere in between dropping off a fresh pair of clothes, hightailing it out of there again, and retreating to the Falconcave firehouse/his office for copious amounts of brooding, Falcon realized he had overlooked a Very Important Thing.

If this Jeff had no memories of him or the school, he subsequently had no disappointment or disillusionment when it came to the Captain, something admittedly rife in their relationship. In his mire of "I completely and totally fucked up with Ionia", the prospect of a second chance with Jeff was a bittersweet one. Mostly he didn't know how to feel, but he did know that he couldn't avoid the student forever.

So he would seek him out. Maybe see how he was doing--hopefully he hadn't been completely overwhelmed by all these people saying they knew him. The obvious solution was to add one more.


Re: SOME DAY LATER WHEN IT IS MOST CONVENIENT.... blondprodigy January 7 2011, 18:31:19 UTC

... )


pedaltothemetal January 7 2011, 20:38:50 UTC
After checking the cafeteria, the common rooms, and OldJeff's dorm, Falcon figured the kid might be back with the Skyrunner, and sure enough, a walk to the fountain proved successful.

For a few moments, the Captain looked about as awkward as Jeff did, slowly approaching the crash site but wavering, or taking a step backward, or stuffing his hands in his pockets and nudging at the dirt with his sneaker...eventually he figured he should man up and stop acting like a creep.

He didn't want to sit there and tell the student about the Jeff he knew, or reminisce about days gone by, because upsetting him was the last thing Falcon wanted to do. After making up his mind to not pass over the Skyrunner without so much as a greeting, he walked up to the wreck and idly rubbed some dirt off the damaged hull with the edge of his sleeve. "Need any help?"


blondprodigy January 8 2011, 00:42:47 UTC

... )


also on a day of convenience swordofkings January 8 2011, 02:27:23 UTC
Poo was a little slow to arrive and had admittedly not gotten here by means of informative digital messages. The Skyrunner was a familiar sight and one that was difficult to miss with it falling out of the sky, as well as the commotion that quickly surrounded it.

Poo kept to the shadows and observed from a distance, overhearing the voices, piecing together what had happened. It was quite a strange predicament, and the prince was not certain if he could add to it any further. He was certain that his friend would be fine, however. He had plenty of good company to keep him safe and Poo deemed his presence not necessary.

But this particular company was going to go meditate on this. Poo was very deliberate in his meditation spots of choosing for the next few days, however; spots that he assumed Jeff would pass by at some point or another for however long he would be here, in the event Jeff did decide to bridge a connection with a friend he had yet to meet.


blondprodigy January 8 2011, 03:37:20 UTC
After a bit of skimming through the files on his (older self's) computer, Jeff had a very basic idea of who key people in his future were. One of them being the enigmatic Prince, although he only knew him as the older boy who looked like he belonged in some kind of kung-fu movie.

So when he saw the very good-looking older boy sitting in the snow, Jeff felt compelled to say hello and learn more about him. Like why he was sitting out in the snow.

"Aren't you cold...?"


swordofkings January 8 2011, 06:13:46 UTC
"No." The boy responded. "Are you?"


blondprodigy January 8 2011, 06:19:30 UTC

... )


Ness had come when he was called! He just... didn't know where everyone had went and was stuck staring at a slightly burning crash site. Oh god what was even going on where was Jeff where was everyone WHAT WAS... He was quite possibly about to start eating his hat when he was found by the good Captain and pointed in the right direction. They were in the cafeteria, OK. The capped hero ran off in pursuit, though not before he noticed that Falcon was just slightly off. That and Lash's message... well, they didn't bode entirely well and he wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

So he entered the cafeteria a bit warily, easily sniffing out the burger picking the boy out and making his approach to his table. "... Hey."


blondprodigy January 8 2011, 06:20:48 UTC
Jeff stared. Just an endless parade of people. He really was popular, what the heck?



rockinmelody January 8 2011, 06:27:17 UTC
This happens when capslocked text messages got around. They all came in droves.

Gosh, he did look pretty tiny. Ness pointed at the seat closest to him. "Mind if I take a seat for a bit?"


blondprodigy January 9 2011, 02:54:30 UTC

... )


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