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ERRY DAY ALL THE TIME pedaltothemetal December 3 2010, 03:49:46 UTC


The first snow of the season was one of those things that instantly made Falcon revert into more of a ten-year-old than usual. There was just something so great and refreshing about watching those first flakes fall from the sky and then turning those flakes into snowballs and pelting people in the back of the head.

This particular flurry hadn't quite gotten there yet, but rest-assured Falcon would be ready when it did, yellow earmuffs and all.



Oh and also scraping the snow off his car, that was also important.


icequeen_aran December 6 2010, 20:26:18 UTC
"I don't see any melting snow around here." Yeah she totally called you both un-manly un-snowmelting un-men.


blondprodigy December 6 2010, 20:35:13 UTC
And then Jeff put snow down the back of Samus' shirt.


icequeen_aran December 6 2010, 21:42:06 UTC
That was completely unexpected and her reaction was a sharp intake of breath at the sudden FREEZING COLD sliding down her back, and a scream that she managed to hold inside her throat... Which came out more like a rather un-Samus like squeak.

"JEFFFfffffffrey Galileo Andonuts!" A very angry squeak. She flailed only briefly to shake that damn snow out from her shirt and it was melty and cold and sticking to her skin GET OUT.

Run Jeff RUN.


pedaltothemetal December 7 2010, 05:53:39 UTC
Falcon could not help but throw his head back and laugh triumphantly. That's what she got for trying to ambush him with tiny, pathetic snowballs.

His laugh didn't last long, however, as it dawned on him that he should perhaps use this distraction to his advantage. They could still gang up on him, after all, so best to take them both out. When Samus dashed after Jeff, he scooped up some more snow and took off after them, waiting for the opportune moment to DESTROY THEM BOTH.


blondprodigy December 7 2010, 15:54:10 UTC
Jeff's secret defense strategy involved running as fast as he could possibly go even though Motherfags are pretty slow in Brawl sob sob and ducking into the main building. WHAT. A. CHEATER.


icequeen_aran December 7 2010, 22:25:02 UTC
Jeff you damn dirty cheater DON'T YOU THINK YOU CAN OUTRUN SAMUS.

She went into that building, grabbed the back of his shirt and proceeded to drag him back outside. She had plans for you, and those plans were: Operation Human Shield against Falcon.


blondprodigy December 7 2010, 22:31:19 UTC

... )


pedaltothemetal December 8 2010, 01:06:50 UTC
And here came Falcon, looking extremely menacing in his fluffy yellow earmuffs, snowballs in each hand. It was an epic face-off indeed, the Captain stalking towards the struggling student and his captor.

Falcon was going to destroy them both.

"This is what you both get for trying to run away."

Then he marched right up to them, shoved one snowball down Jeff's jacket and the other in Samus' face, and ran for it as fast as he possibly could.


icequeen_aran December 8 2010, 07:06:08 UTC
"Pfffghh." That was only slightly less expected and at least she wasn't suffering the same flailing, cold, fate that Jeff was. She shook her head and dropped Jeff so she could wipe the rest of the snow off her face.

Basic instinct gave way to another chase, knowing fully well she'd only ever be able to keep up with his tracks in an outright race. Jeff was temporarily forgotten about. "Come back here!"


pedaltothemetal December 8 2010, 08:15:29 UTC
He kept right on running. Hell had no fury like a Samus with snow in her face and down her shirt and everywhere that snow was not supposed to be. Falcon was not going to stick around and be an open target for the two of them, so sprinting away it was.

"No way. You gotta catch me." He called.


icequeen_aran December 8 2010, 16:25:13 UTC
She ran and ran and ran and just couldn't catch him or the tip of his dorky yellow scarf dangling mere millimeters away from her fingers. Oh god oh no she used to be able to at least catch his scarf what if she was getting out of shape HRRRGH. If Jeff could be a dirty cheater so could Samus.

SUDDENLY... POWER SUIT ON. Clang clang clang clang.



pedaltothemetal December 8 2010, 18:46:50 UTC
He heard it. He heard the transition from soft footsteps in the snow to the clang clang clang clang of metal boots. Falcon allowed himself one glance back just to confirm that yes, Samus had put on the Power Suit and now he was screwed.

Pushing himself into a sprint, he called back to her. "THAT'S CHEATING! YOU'RE CHEATING!" What if someone saw him being chased by a giant orange robot?

Though she certainly couldn't outrun him in the Power Suit, there were ways for her to get around that, mostly the glowy blue rope that lashed out and snagged him at the ankle. He fell to the cold, wet ground with an "Oof!" and immediately stretched out his arms and dug his hands into the dirt. He squirmed and struggled and did everything in his power to prevent the inevitable dragging backwards towards Samus and certain doom. "YOU'RE A CHEATER."


icequeen_aran December 9 2010, 05:16:03 UTC
"I am NOT, you are a cheater!" YOUR FATE WAS INEVITABLE FALCON. She dragged him across the ground with no mercy and proceeded to plant the heel of her metal boot on his back. Not hard, but enough to keep him right where she wanted him.

"..." This was the part of her not-cheating plan she didn't think through very well and bent down to scoop together fresh snowballs to bombard him with.

...it did not take Samus long to realize she could not do this, despite great efforts. She had only one hand. The other was occupied by a cannon. This was not very conductive for making snowballs with and kind of saddening. Eventually she gave up and settled for 'just throw snow and yell at him'. "You brought this on yourself!"


pedaltothemetal December 10 2010, 02:29:27 UTC
You could practically see ten neat lines where he'd dug his nails into the dirt and she'd dragged him back. He kicked and struggled and pushed and shoved but it was all for naught, as Samus' steel boot pinned him into place and snowy doom was rained upon him.

"NO." He shouted, still trying to squirm out from under her foot. "You started it! You cheater!"


icequeen_aran December 10 2010, 06:04:04 UTC
"Cheating would be shoving my ice missiles up your ass." She continued to pelt the back of his head with whatever snow she could get her cold, metal hand around. "Which I can certainly do!"


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