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Comments 278

DAY ONE blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:00:22 UTC
Charmeleon wasn't keeping still today. Blindly following his instincts, he set off to scour his territory. The dorms, the halls, the auditorium -- anywhere on campus was free game. There was no rhyme or reason to his movements, but that reptilian urge to fight had never burned stronger. The flame on his tail had swollen to a remarkable size, making standing near him almost unbearable. It was easy to guess his intent with just one look. Give no mercy. Attack on sight.


Re: DAY ONE tank_rockarms May 15 2010, 04:22:49 UTC
Max found Char and put him in a headlock for four days, the end.


Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 04:31:21 UTC
Normally, General Guy would not be someone to be out so late, but the weather was especially nice, the night especially serene. He would never admit it to anyone, but he was a sucker for his solitude, every once and a while, and though he had enjoyed it all day, because for some reason his room mate hadn't been around, he decided to take a walk. There wasn't a student or teacher to be found tonight, ever since the retreat and Sharks invasion, many of the residents of Smash Academy had chosen to take the weekend off, sleeping in late and turning in early. He wandered into a portion of the campus on the side, not too far from where the lake was, and looked out over the grass, totally unaware to any kind of extreme pain he might be in very shortly.


Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:49:47 UTC
There were warning signs, if Genny had been looking for them. A steady, glowing light somewhere behind him, growing brighter and brighter with each second. The sound of quick footfalls in the grass, faint at first, but getting louder. A low, dangerous growl.

And, of course, if he failed to notice any of those, then maybe a jet of flame shooting just above him would do the trick. Lord only knew that years of rooming with Char had probably given him a sixth "incoming flamethrower" sense.


DAY TWO blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:01:27 UTC
Evolution was an exhausting ordeal. A rapid change like that meant burning up a whole lot of energy. By all rights, that instinctual need to fight should have extinguished itself by now: the body only demanded it so that he could achieve evolution, and with that goal out of the way, the greater priority should have been resting up.

That wasn't the case.

Hunger, thirst, fatigue -- unimportant. He was stronger now. He could feel it in every last cell of his body. He needed to keep on fighting. He had to. There was an almost drunken sort of recklessness to his movements now; he was still clumsy in this new body, but he was positively revelling in its strength. Char stuck to the outdoors today. The football stadium, the campus grounds, the nearby forest... this body screamed for wide-open spaces.


BEHOLD, ARISING WITH THE SUN (7AM) tank_rockarms May 15 2010, 04:29:21 UTC
Max woke up crazy early every single day so that he could run or swim, then lift weights. Max had just finished his swim in the pool, and was headed off to the weightroom. To lift weights. He'd just got back the night before, and he'd won the "Orange Star's Strongest Man Contest," of course.

But that didn't mean he could rest on his laurels! Oh my, no. He was always active.

And walking to the gym with a duffel bag in one hand and a damp towel over his shoulder.


Re: BEHOLD, ARISING WITH THE SUN (7AM) blazinglizard May 15 2010, 05:09:48 UTC
Char was outside this morning, but a bit of movement managed to catch his eye. He could see someone moving inside the school, his massive frame practically taking up the entire window.

Just one look was all he needed.

He knew this one. He knew how strong this one was. The strongest, maybe. And that... that was a challenge. He was stronger now, bigger... and he wanted -- no, needed -- to know just how much stronger.

Char couldn't turn away from this one. He seized the nearest thing within his grasp -- a trash can -- and hurled it through the window, right at Max.


Re: BEHOLD, ARISING WITH THE SUN (7AM) tank_rockarms May 15 2010, 05:33:13 UTC
Max got wanged in the shoulder with a trashcan.

Who the heck just wanged him in the shoulder with a trashcan?

"WHO THE HECK JUST WANGED ME IN THE SHOULDER WITH A TRASHCAN?" Max hollered, as he looked out the window.

Some sorta... orange dragony guy. With a flaming tail. Flaming tail? Orange dragony guy?

The gears they were grinding, oh they were grinding. "Are you Char's big brother?" asked Max, now less angry and more 'Huh.' "Or his dad or somethin'?"


DAY THREE blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:02:17 UTC
The day was a gray and oppressive one. Char had left his territory behind, moving into the city streets in search of more prey. As the daylight faded, however, he returned to the school grounds.

Which turned out to be for the best; nightfall brought heavy rain. Char was forced to take cover -- for the remainder of the night, he would be roaming inside the school itself. There were very few places with room enough for him to stretch his wings, and there was a distinctive heaviness to his steps. It was more than just the awkwardness inherent with such a radical change in size. Char was beginning to tire.


Around 10pm. umbreon_blacky May 15 2010, 04:43:59 UTC
Blacky had spent most of her time since getting back from the "team building" trip catching up on sleep. In the few moments she had been awake, it was mostly to give her e-mail a quick glance or go to the bathroom. Now that she was feeling rested enough to at least keep her eyes open for more than a few moments, she decided it was time to find something to eat. Ideally she would have had a long hot bath before leaving her dorm but her growling stomach drowned out her desire to look and smell presentable.

Hopefully Nancy would still be around to do the cooking for her. If she had to be the one to do any work in her weak state she may very well pass out right on top of the stove, and that wouldn't do. But at least whatever happened it couldn't be nearly as bad as that retreat!

Famous last words...

As she made her way to the cafeteria an unfamiliar sound reached her ears. Footsteps. Heavy ones, with claws. Whose did those belong to? A new student? It sounded like they were just around the next corner, actually. She'd find out.


Re: Around 10pm. blazinglizard May 15 2010, 05:16:40 UTC
He could hear her. The footsteps were quiet and dragging -- something no heavier than a human, and tired to boot. Weak. Hardly challenging. Any other time, he would dismiss it as unworthwhile.

But not now. Now, there was nothing but that burning hunger for battle. Strength was unimportant. Size was unimportant. The only important thing was sinking his teeth into something alive and struggling. He crouched where he was, every last muscle tensed and prepared to strike. The second his prey stepped into his sight, he sprung, throwing all his impressive body weight into a reckless tackle.


Re: Around 10pm. umbreon_blacky May 15 2010, 05:33:45 UTC
Hm. That was odd. The footsteps seemed to stop. Maybe there was--

Her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sensation of her feet leaving the ground, followed by the slightly delayed pain of something enormous slamming into her, followed again by her delicate body striking the wall behind her. She choked out a gasp, eyes wide as the orange blur came into focus. A Charizard?

It didn't matter who this guy was or what his problem was. Questions could come later; the only thing that mattered now was getting out alive. Blacky might have had absolutely no skill in battle, but like almost every living creature she still had base survival instinct that kicked in now. There was no way she'd be able to get this hulking lizard off of her, even if she had the strength of a regular human being, but maybe if she changed sizes...


DAY FOUR blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:03:10 UTC
Char's rampage was beginning to take its toll on him. He was showing clear signs of exhaustion. When not on the attack, his tail flame dwindled down to the size of a golf ball. His wings hung limp, and he apparently paid no mind when they dragged or scraped against something -- it was as if he'd forgotten their existence entirely. Even then, that restless need to fight never ceased. He lumbered on, relentlessly searching for just one more fight.


2PM FIREDRAGON VS. DRAGONTURTLE ihateplumbers May 15 2010, 04:41:20 UTC
Bowser had come back from going back home or whatever the heck he was doing instead of going to that stupid retreat. Regardless, he was in the hallway, outside of his office.

He was, as usual, in a foul mood.

Know what would cheer him right up? Beating the crud out of a stupid student. Somebody should do something to make that happen. Chop, chop.


Re: 2PM FIREDRAGON VS. DRAGONTURTLE blazinglizard May 15 2010, 05:22:33 UTC
Always happy to oblige.

Char was growing careless; rather than hunting down every telltale noise or ghost of a scent, he was doing little more than mindless wandering. It was a complete accident that he even managed to spot Bowser. The second he did, however, it was like waking up. This was a big enemy. Spiky and strong. Big claws, sharp horns, fearsome teeth, hard armor.

Already, the adrenaline was humming in his veins once more. Char's tail flame flared up, and he let out a low, hungry growl as he took heavy, deliberate steps toward Bowser.


Re: 2PM FIREDRAGON VS. DRAGONTURTLE ihateplumbers May 15 2010, 05:40:29 UTC
Why in the world did it sound like some lightweight version of himself was stomping towards Bowser? Who was even close to being his weight? Morton oh god when did Morton get here did he sneak back to school on the airship?

Bowser wheeled around, expecting to yell at one of his offspring for whatever reason popped into his tiny, lizard brain. And that's when he saw it wasn't one of his children, it was one of those stupid pokemon students.

"You have a problem, orangey?" he asked, glaring his most glare-filled glare.


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