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DAY ONE blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:00:22 UTC
Charmeleon wasn't keeping still today. Blindly following his instincts, he set off to scour his territory. The dorms, the halls, the auditorium -- anywhere on campus was free game. There was no rhyme or reason to his movements, but that reptilian urge to fight had never burned stronger. The flame on his tail had swollen to a remarkable size, making standing near him almost unbearable. It was easy to guess his intent with just one look. Give no mercy. Attack on sight.


Re: DAY ONE tank_rockarms May 15 2010, 04:22:49 UTC
Max found Char and put him in a headlock for four days, the end.


Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 04:31:21 UTC
Normally, General Guy would not be someone to be out so late, but the weather was especially nice, the night especially serene. He would never admit it to anyone, but he was a sucker for his solitude, every once and a while, and though he had enjoyed it all day, because for some reason his room mate hadn't been around, he decided to take a walk. There wasn't a student or teacher to be found tonight, ever since the retreat and Sharks invasion, many of the residents of Smash Academy had chosen to take the weekend off, sleeping in late and turning in early. He wandered into a portion of the campus on the side, not too far from where the lake was, and looked out over the grass, totally unaware to any kind of extreme pain he might be in very shortly.


Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 15 2010, 04:49:47 UTC
There were warning signs, if Genny had been looking for them. A steady, glowing light somewhere behind him, growing brighter and brighter with each second. The sound of quick footfalls in the grass, faint at first, but getting louder. A low, dangerous growl.

And, of course, if he failed to notice any of those, then maybe a jet of flame shooting just above him would do the trick. Lord only knew that years of rooming with Char had probably given him a sixth "incoming flamethrower" sense.


Re: Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 04:58:53 UTC
Woah. Genny had started to notice the signals pretty early, as in the darkness it was hard to miss the bright light of what was obviously his room mate's tail. He sighed to himself, and continued to face the lake, refusing to give the Pokemon the satisfaction. Around the time of the deep, menacing growl, though, he turned around. It was far more likely for him to hear a "Waitin' for your prince, Moon Princess?", or a "I spend all day tryin' to avoid you, and here your scrawny ass is.", or even just a simple "Hey, Fagasaurus Rex, night time is for the big boys." But that growl... It was good timing, too. Just as he turned, the jet of fire came, and he ducked hastily, surprised, but trying to mask the jolt of adrenaline that came with the sudden attack.

Unfortunately, a feeble and squeaky "What--" was all he could manage.


Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 15 2010, 05:39:47 UTC
It was a waste of breath. Sounds were meaningless to Char now.

He'd missed. Not that it mattered. The fire might have let him down, but his claws and teeth wouldn't. This one was taller than Char, as he was now, but that meant nothing. He was strong, and this one was weak. There was nothing to protect that throat. Without a single warning, without so much as one jeering taunt or biting remark, Char shot forward, fangs bared and tail blazing.


Re: Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 05:48:58 UTC
Something was wrong. It wasn't out of the ordinary to get into a fight with the other boy, but there was usually at least some kind of verbal aspect. Unfortunately, where Genny's reflexes had saved him from the Flamethrower, he was still caught too off guard to dodge the secondary attack, waiting for a comment from Char that never came. He started to move, and instead of the bite hitting him in the throat, it hit where his shoulder met his neck. Less damage, but still dangerously close to the jugular, far too close for comfort. He yelped in pain as his room mate's jaws closed down over his collar bone, and fell to the ground beneath him. As soon as they made contact though, he was already struggling, pushing up on Char's chest and rolling over, fast.


Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 15 2010, 06:12:17 UTC
Char was strong, but he was light. Even Genny could push forty pounds off of himself, even if said forty pounts were full of sharp teeth and fire. His teeth were wrenched free of their target, and he was shoved to the ground.

It hadn't hurt. This was not fighting back. This was the panicked flailing of cornered prey. If anything, he was merely egged on further. Prey mustn't be given time to recover, time to run. Char sprang at Genny once more, this time lashing out with his claws.


Re: Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 06:19:21 UTC
There was a surge of relief that washed over Genny's body as Char hit the ground, but he also knew that it wasn't much of a hit, and wasn't surprised at all to see the Pokemon spring to his feet and prepare himself for another strike. It was obvious something out of the ordinary was going on, but Genny didn't have much sympathy for his room mate, even under normal circumstances. He knew it was an unfair fight-- Char was super powered, Genny wasn't much without his tank, but dodging and running from something as dangerous and fast as the lizard wasn't really an option at this juncture. Char lunged, and suddenly Genny remembered something he read about scuba divers and sharks and reared back, punching him right in the snout.


Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 15 2010, 06:51:01 UTC
That reversed his momentum pretty quickly. Char staggered back, hands rising up to his noise. If Genny had hoped that this would be enough to drive Char off, however, he was sorely mistaken. Even on a regular day, he wasn't so easily deterred.

As he was now, there was no chance of being scared off.

Char bared his teeth, a low, venomous growl bubbling up from his throat. He flexed his claws, which now seemed to burn with a sinister dark purple energy. Again, he advanced on Genny, intent on engraving a few marks into his newest victim.


Re: Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 14:04:28 UTC
Genny moved a step backwards, raising his hands in anticipation. He studied the purple mist bubbling off of Char's claws, sure that this was the root of the problem. He knew talking probably would do no good, but there was no point in attacking, his main concern right now was his defense, and if he couldn't diffuse the situation, he had to escape it. His mind briefly flashed to the possibility of turning into his normal form, and escaping into some small crevice, but a quick sweep of the surrounding area revealed he had trapped himself in a pretty flat area. He turned back to the growling monster in front of him, very visibly nervous by this point.


He bit his lip. It would do no good, but all he could do was wait. Turning his back on the other boy now would be suicide.



Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 15 2010, 18:39:37 UTC
Meaningless noise. Pointless fear-babble without a single ounce of purpose or intent. Far worse than the feeble cornered-animal struggles, because it accomplished absolutely nothing. How could something that stood so much taller than him be so weak? He'd expected better from this one. He'd expected...

Charmeleon. The name cut into his thoughts like a whip, bringing him to a sudden halt. There was significance to those syllables. For the briefest of moments, confusion flickered across his face, as if Genny had uttered some archaic, barely-recognizable word.

But it was only for a moment. Then the growl crept back into his throat, and he charged once again. He didn't want to hear that noise again. He only wanted to rip, to tear. This one was nothing more than an opponent. Another body to sink his teeth into.


Re: Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 21:20:10 UTC
Genny hastily brought his hand up to his neck, and came back with blood. Damn. He tried to ignore the pain that was beginning to crowd his senses, but when it came down to it, he just wasn't strong enough. He moved his arm up just in time to catch Char's jaws again, and although it was obviously preferable to getting his chest ripped into, it wasn't like he didn't feel it. What he lacked in physical strength, though, he made up for in technique. He pulled his arm forward, dragging Char with him, and brought his closed fist quickly and bluntly down on the Pokemon's neck.


Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 15 2010, 21:41:58 UTC
Char hadn't intended to let go of his prey anytime soon, but it was funny how getting punched in the neck could change a guy's plans. He released Genny's arm and rolled to the ground, coughing and spewing insubstantial embers.

Genny might not have had the brute strength of a Pokemon, but it was a good hit. If nothing else, Genny had bought himself time while Char shook it off. Juding from the way his blazing tail thrashed against the ground, Genny was going to need it -- once Charmeleon was on his feet again, he was going to be dead set on getting even.


Re: Night, around 10:30 toyboxarmy May 15 2010, 21:50:34 UTC
He grabbed his arm instantly, making sure it wasn't broken after Char's jaws had come down like a vice on it. Bone intact? Check. But bleeding freely; by this point he was sure he looked a fright, his white shirt ripped and bloodied by the two separate wounds. All of this mental checking happened rather quickly though, as he knew Char would only come back at him angrier than ever in a matter of moments, and- still grabbing his arm in pain- he took off like a mad man for the lake. It was still a pretty good distance away, his legs moved almost mechanically, breath coming in short bursts, running for his life.


Re: Night, around 10:30 blazinglizard May 16 2010, 06:59:49 UTC
Genny managed to get a good head start. He was almost out of sight before Char had recovered enough to get back up.

This one was running now. That was how Char knew he would win. They only ran when they were weak, and the weak ones couldn't run for long. Char knew he was fast, and he still burned with wild animal energy. Even if this one escaped him, it was wounded. Bleeding. He was leaving a trail that any creature could follow.

So Char darted off in pursuit, his tail lighting the way like a flaming harbinger of doom.


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