Rules and Important Dates
Sign-ups: March 30-April 15
Beta Sign-up: April 26- May 2
First draft: June 25th
Art selection: June 25-30
Posting: August 1- August 10
1. Final drafts must be at least 15K. (This is about 35-36 pages in Times New Roman 12’’ font.)
2. Previous works are okay. If a snippet has been posted, the entry must be locked until the unveiling and the snippet should be overhauled from what was written.
3. Drafts must be at least 10,000 words by June 25th
4. All work must be beta’d upon final submission. You wrote it or made it, let your work look its best.
5. If characters are engaged in NC-17 activities, then it needs to be stated that the characters are at least 16 in the header.
6. All genres and pairings welcome. ( Het, Slash, and Gen are all acceptable.) Genres: Aus, futurefic, pre-series…Run wild!
7. The short list of no-no subject matter: No generational incest. This means: no Lex/Lionel, Clark/Jonathan… No extreme kinks. We’ll let you think of what this entails, if you’re curious contact a mod for clarification.
8. Big Bang entries can be crossovers as long as they have at least one Smallville character at the heart of the story. Ex: Chloe/Dean, SV!Clark/Bruce, Lex and the Legion of Doom, SV/SPN, etc.
9. Squicky subject matter must be indentified in the header. Ex: Character Death, abuse, mpreg, etc…
10. Writers can use their regular beta. Just try to keep the fic under wraps until the final posting period.
11. This challenge is based on the idea of the more, the merrier. Please, if you don’t like the pairing, don’t read the entry. Be respectful. Don’t read any stories or view art, if you can’t be respectful in commenting.
12. Grace period for those who need it. E-mail or PM a mod in regards to final works only.
13. Collaborations are fine! The word count minimum increases to 20,000, so beware.
14. PM a mod if you’re dropping out of the challenge. There’s no penalty for withdrawing.
15. During the final posting period, please post to your journal and link to the master list on the comm.
16. Create as many entries as you like as long as they meet baseline requirements.
17. Standard header:
Word Count
Author’s Notes/Warning/Disclaimer/ Spoilers
18. Art will be distributed during the days between the initial and final posting times in August.
19. Be Creative!
20. Have Fun!
Rules for Vidders
1. Vids with plots. The vid submissions can be of genre and the plot is of the vid maker’s choosing.
2. The vid maker can make a video to coincide with a fic of another author. Please keep the discussions private until the unveiling.
Rules for Artists
1. Artists can choose if they want to make artwork for a written story or a cover for a vid.
2. They can also make independent works.
3. Sign up : June 25-30
Rules for Betas
1. Sign-up period is April 26-May 2
2. In the sign-up post, please indicate what you will read: all pairings and genres. Ex: Het only, slash only, gen only, Chlark only, Clois only, Clex or Clollie…etc.
3. Include in bold your squicks. Ex: no character death, no mpreg, no evil!Lex, no Lana bashing…etc.