Artists, time to claim! ETA - All gone. List coming in a few hours.

Sep 22, 2012 01:02

Artists - please claim one story, and then put down two you are interested in if no one else claims them.

Okay, we have about a dozen stories needing art.  You may claim one story, and list up two others you'd be interested in.  That's only is you want to list that many, of course.  All you need to do is claim one.  It will be on a 'first come, ( Read more... )

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Comments 32

murderdetective September 22 2012, 05:26:06 UTC

Interested in:
1.The Second Hand Unwinds


twinsarein September 22 2012, 12:27:44 UTC
I'm confused - you're not actually claiming a story? So, if no one else claims those two, then you'd be interested in doing one of them?


fruitbat00 September 22 2012, 13:12:52 UTC
Oops sorry I think I messed it up as well I have fixed it now and dont think my choice impacts on anyone above me. See my apologetic
pm :)


murderdetective September 23 2012, 01:59:39 UTC
Oh. I was confused. I wanted to claim the second hand unwinds. Sorry I took so long reply!


omg_wtf_yeah September 22 2012, 05:32:26 UTC

Interested in:
1. Requiem
2. Convergence


twinsarein September 23 2012, 02:29:55 UTC
Were you claiming one of these stories, or are you only interested in doing art if the two you list don't get claimed?


omg_wtf_yeah September 23 2012, 04:58:54 UTC
Sorry about that. I was trying to get a claim in before my battery died (crap). Is Requiem still unclaimed? I think I saw somebody had claimed Convergence.


chosenfire28 September 22 2012, 05:40:11 UTC
Interested in:
1. Hidden In The Details

2. Requiem


twinsarein September 23 2012, 02:30:05 UTC
Were you claiming one of these stories, or are you only interested in doing art if the two you list don't get claimed?


chosenfire28 September 23 2012, 02:41:34 UTC
Oh damn the coding got messed up, but definitely interested in claiming Hidden In The Details.


twinsarein September 23 2012, 02:42:23 UTC
Got it. Thanks for the quick reply.


fruitbat00 September 22 2012, 07:27:45 UTC
1. Convergence

Interested in:
1. So Familiar A Gleam
2. The Second Hand Unwinds


firefox1490 September 22 2012, 13:17:44 UTC
1. Convergence

Interested in:
1. Hidden In The Details

2. The Second Hand Unwinds


twinsarein September 23 2012, 05:38:22 UTC
Actually, these have already been taken by others. There are still some stories left, if you'd like to consider one of them.


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