Artists, time to claim! ETA - All gone. List coming in a few hours.

Sep 22, 2012 01:02

Artists - please claim one story, and then put down two you are interested in if no one else claims them.

Okay, we have about a dozen stories needing art.  You may claim one story, and list up two others you'd be interested in.  That's only is you want to list that many, of course.  All you need to do is claim one.  It will be on a 'first come, first served' basis, so pay attention to the comments ahead of yours, because someone may have already claimed the story you wanted to claim.

If a story doesn't get claimed by the 23rd, then I'll give it to the first person who has it listed on their 'interested in' list.

So, comment below with


Interested in:

I'll post the author/artist pairs Sunday evening, if all stories have an artist, otherwise, I'll put out a second call for artists.  Once authors and artists are matched up, and that post has been made, it will be up to you to reach out to your partner, and start communicating right away.

Title: Hearts & Minds
Word Count: 27,684
Rating: PG-13/T
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Drama/Angst/Friendship/Family

Characters/Pairings: Tess Mercer-Centric, features Chloe, Conner, Lana, Lois, Emil and hints at an Emil/Tess ship.
Summary: AU from the Smallville comics. You don’t just narrowly survive having your heart ripped out on your father’s orders and then nearly dying at your brother’s hand without any trauma at all. Tess finds that out the hard way.
Warnings: Language (Occasional but not excessive use of the f-bomb), mental health issues (PTSD), disturbing/violent imagery.

Title: Stranger Things (That Happened)
Characters/pairing: Clark, Lex
Rating: G
Current word count: 11,494
Warnings: n/a
Summary: After Jonathan showed him the Ship, Clark didn't just run to the graveyard woods and skulk around there all day. He ran to someplace else that he'd always known to be deserted -- the castle. (Author's Note: The timeline is sped up just a tad -- Clark gets the truck the same afternoon as the bridge collision, not the next day.)

Title: Human Nature.
Characters/pairing: Chloe/Clark (Chlark). Martha/Jonathan. Lois. Lex.
Rating: R - For smut. (Could be M, but I don't think it's that
Current word count: 11 thousand +
Warnings: Sexual content.
Summary: After graduating high school and realising that the world
really can swallow you up and spit you out all over again, in a twist of
fate, Clark mysteriously loses his super powers rendering him human. Clark
leans on his best friend for support and the two soon become intimate. But
when Chloe finds Lois and Clark in a compromising position, the knot
begins to unravel and Chloe finds herself in danger yet again. Facing off
against Lex Luthor and without his powers, can Clark save the woman that
he loves and live to tell the tale?

Title: 1989 (working title)
Characters/pairing: Gen - 10 year old Dean Winchester (a.k.a. Jason Teague), Oliver Queen & Lex Luthor (+Sam Winchester)
Rating: PG
Current word count: 11,700-ish
Warnings: Nothing, really. Canonical character deaths. The implication that sometimes some men keep boys locked in basements for unsavoury purposes. (That's pretty much exactly how I phrased it in the story.)
Summary: Smallville/Supernatural crossover. Story picks up with Oliver's parents deaths. John Winchester (who was once known as Edward Teague) gets custody of Oliver. He then takes the boys to Smallville in the aftermath of the meteor shower and leaves them there with Lionel while he goes hunting. Ollie deals with his parents' deaths. Lex deals with the fact that he has no hair. Sam deals with the fact that Ollie's trying to steal his brother. And Dean deals with all of them while looking for a hunt around every corner.
Featuring: Lots of the boys hanging out inside the Luthor castle, fancy dinners, meeting the alien not yet known as Davis, snow, meteor rock, Dean, Sam & Ollie with shaved heads, the shtriga attack on Sam, Ollie's first bow, Christmas, fencing...

Title:  Requiem
Pairing:  Clark/Lex
Rating: R
Current Word Count: 10K
Warnings:Alternate Universe, m/m sex, profanity, medical issues, hurt/comfort
Summary:  Clark Kent has always valued the importance of family and friends.  They've served as the glue that's held him together through all the changes, revelations, and losses he's had to endure over the last 19 years of his life.  However, will their love and support be enough to save his life when Jor-El begins to drain Clark's life force in an attempt to push him into accepting a destiny he's never wanted?

Title: Just Another Day in Metropolis
Characters/pairing: Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Perry White, James Bartholomew "Jimmy" Olsen
Rating: PG
Current word count: 8,115
Warnings: None
Summary: Take one meta-human experimentation lab and blow it up. Add one pissed-off Lex Luthor who can't seem to decide if he and Clark are friends or arch-nemeses, one volcanic Death Trap, one concerned Lois Lane, one earnest yet oblivious Jimmy Olsen, one angry Perry White who is no longer taking "Lex Luthor kidnapped me" as valid excuse without a witness statement, three LexCorp employees each of whom can kill you with you with just her thumbs, and one mild-mannered reporter slash superhero who's really just trying to make the best of everything. Mix well and season with kittens in peril to taste. Welcome, to a day in the life of Clark Kent.

Current word count:11582
Warnings:None, that I can think of...
Summary: After the confrontation between Lex and Oliver in Lex's office thanks to the rage-inducing strength serum, Clark's eyes are opened. He realizes how close Lex came to dying and he realizes that's something that he definitely doesn't want to happen. His feelings for Lex have always been complicated, but one thing is suddenly clear...he can't go another day without letting Lex know how he feels. And he knows he needs to tell Lex everything first. Unfortunately, his attempts to talk with Lex don't go as well as planned. First, he's got to get Lex to listen; then, he's worried about recording devices in Lex's office. When they move to Metropolis Central Park, their talk is interrupted by two strange wizards popping up in front of them from nowhere. In the course of talking with Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, they realize there might be more to Lex's uniqueness than just the meteor showers. Could he be a wizard? Clark isn't sure what to think of this. All he knows is that he'd really been hoping to be having sex with Lex by this point...

Title: His and Only His
Characters/pairing: Loki/Chloe Sullivan
Rating: R
Current word count: 8.5K
Warnings: violence, off-side death, spoilers for other Marvel movies (X-Men) 
Summary: No one knows Chloe Sullivan in the future because traces of her existence were wiped out when she was given a second chance. Her second chance also turns out to be a second chance for a particular God of Lies amd Mischief. Loki needs someone who won't bow to public opinion or turn away when he makes bad choices. Chloe Sullivan proves it when she approaches him in Stuttgart. How fortunate she turns out to be his perfect match, one with the power to break Thanos's hold on him, to mend the cracks in his soul. When Loki insists she leave with him Chloe agrees because she had seen too much, uncovered much more. She knows the potential for a civil war is high and isn't willing to risk being caught in the crossfire though she does make an effort to defuse it by exposing the ugly underside, hidden truths. The end result of both changes everything.

Title: So Familiar A Gleam
Rating: R (NC-17 Maybe? I'm not sure)
Pairing: clark/lex
Word count: 8,487 warnings: n/a
Summary: "I know you! We've met before!" Clark said. A Sleeping Beauty AU.

Title: Hidden In The Details

Characters/pairing: Lex Luthor, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lionel Luthor, Martha Kent, Jonathan Kent, Chloe Sullivan, Clark/Bruce

Rating: PG-13

Current word count: approximately 30,500

Warnings: Kidnapping, torture (not shown on screen), mentions of past underage prostitution, not much else.

Summary: When Bruce receives a secret call for help from his old friend Lex Luthor, he drops the restoration work on Wayne Manor to go to Smallville. Once there he discovers far more than young Clark Kent's fate. Hidden in the details of Clark's abduction are threats to the world's survival, the restoration of a friendship long thought gone and, possibly, the key to Bruce's heart.

Title: Scarlet Nights
Pairing: Oliver/Clark, Zod/Oliver, Zod/Clark (Chlollie and Clois later on)
Warning: Spoilers up to Dominion (10x19), Alternate Universe, Slash, slight bloodplay, dub-con/non-con, dark!Clark in later chapters
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~3579
Summary: Set in Dominion (10x19) - AU - When Oliver and Clark get trapped in the Phantom Zone under Zod's rule, Zod plays his own game to pit the two against each other. Oliver seems to give in too easily, but proves himself a worthy ally to Zod's cause. Clark is relegated to the role of slave to all the Zoners as punishment for the House of El, even a slave to Oliver as his friend abandons him to stand by Zod. In order to make it out of the Phantom Zone and save Earth from Darkseid's coming, Clark must force himself to accept the brutality of his captors - unless he takes Zod's offer: Join Darkseid and live as a god once again, or die here and lose everyone he's ever cared about.

Title: The Second Hand Unwinds
Characters/pairing: Clark/Lex
Rating: M/NC-17
Current word count: 3,000
Warnings: Violence, TC, Slash
Summary: During a battle with Lex in the skies over Metropolis, Clark is suddenly sent back to Smallville and the early days of their friendship before it all went wrong.
Notes: I am using Season 1 Episode 12 as a base for this story.

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