A short follow up on my December 8th fic

Dec 11, 2010 14:11

Title: The girl that got away
Fandom: Smallville
Pairings/Characters: Bart, Caro (My heart belongs to her)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: all characters belong to CW/DC Comics
Word Count: 485
Spoilers/Warnings: I hardly know any French and don’t know about Christmas traditions, so I looked it up on Google. I hope I am not offending anyone.
Summary: Bart’s Christmas in France
Author's Notes; A little fic for my lovely friend babydracky. A follow up to my Advent Calendar fic from December 8th, called ”Happy Home”.
I hope you like it sweetie, Happy Birthday♥♥

The girl that got away

Europe was cold in the winter, Bart knew that, but still he felt the cold every year.
Ever since the accident Bart had taken to spend his Christmas Eve in Europe.
He had tried out Scandinavian for a few years, and now he was working his way through the rest of Europe.

This year it was France.
Paris looked gorgeous with all the lights and all the happy people.
Bart wandered around a bit trying to find someone to work his magic on to get some money, when he ran smack into someone that tumbled over landing with Bart on top.

“Excusez-moi”, a female voice sounded from under Bart and he looked a bit closer at the girl.
She was dark-haired and one of the most beautiful girls Bart had ever met.
He got up on his feet and offered the girl a hand up.

”I´m soo sorry”, Bart said with his most charming smile as the girl got to her feet.
”il n'y a rien qui s'est passé”, the girl answered with a sweet smile, and held out his hand to Bart; ”I´m Caro”

”Where do you come from Bart?”, Caro asked as Bart started walking down the street with her.
”America”, Bart answered, ”But I decided to try Christmas in France this year.”
”With your family.”
”No”, Bart said, ”I´m alone here.”
” Oh no, no one should be alone on Christmas”, Caro said as she looked him over as if to see if he looked like a serial killer, ”Come have Christmas at my house.”
”Really?” Bart smiled, ”you just invite strangers home for Christmas.”
”Why not?….Christmas is a time to help others and be nice to mankind.” She paused for a second the continued; ”My husband is build like Dolph Lundgren”

Caros home was a cozy Christmas decorated place. It was warm and homey and Bart felt comfortable there. He had been introduced to Caro husband - slightly smaller than Dolph - and her mother, that was spending Christmas there too.

After a delicious dinner the tree was lit and now they all sat in the living room listening to Christmas Carols and looking at the ”out of space” red tree that glowed with all the lights.

Bart had complimented the tree as it matched him perfectly with the bright red colour.
He felt a little jab in the pit of his stomach seeing how happy Caro and her family were, and how his own family had abandoned him.

Around midnight Caro gave him some blankets and he said his good nights to the family and watched as they went into their rooms.

It was time to go home, but first Bart left a note to Caro, thanking her for an amazing Christmas and a sincere apology for raiding her fridge before he took off again, to another place where it was still Christmas Eve.

[character] - bart allen/impulse, [character] - original character, [rating] - pg, [fanfic] - advent calendar

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