Advent Calendar: New Traditions - PG13 - Chloe/Bart - OneShot

Dec 13, 2010 12:35

Title: New Traditions
Category: Smallville
Genre: Romance/Humor
Ship: Chloe/Bart
Rating: PG13
Prompt: Picture | North Pole
For: smallearth - Advent Calendar - Day 13
Word Count: 2,185
Summary: Bart makes it his mission to make one of Chloe's childhood wishes come true.
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[rating] - pg 13, [pairing] - chlart, [fanfic] - advent calendar, [show] - smallville, [character] - bart allen/impulse, [fanfic] - one shot, [prompt] - advent calendar, [pairing] - bart/chloe, [character] - chloe sullivan/watchtower

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