Advent Calendar December 14th

Dec 14, 2008 06:48

Title : Season of Giving
Day : December 14th
Prompt : Wood Fire
Pairings / Characters : Bart/OMC (Tyler Queen)
Rating : MA

Season of Giving )

[fanfic] - one shot, [prompts], [character] - bart allen/impulse, [character] - original character, [prompt] - advent calendar, [fanfic] - advent calendar, [show] - smallville

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prophet144 December 14 2008, 21:55:20 UTC
Ollie hasn't forgotten Bart, nor Victor and AC, but in my storyline, Ollie hasn't told Clark yet about the Justice League. That's why at the top of the post I put the info about who Tyler is and what series you can find the info in.

Thanks for reading though. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And if you look at my icon, that's Tyler.


babydracky December 21 2008, 18:23:24 UTC
Ollie having a younger brother? Oooh... Why not? The guy doesn't deserve to be alone^^

I was about to say that I don't understand why Ollie haven't called the guys for Christmas but just read your answer! ;))

Well! Happy Bart for having his Queen boyfriend!:)


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