Advent Calendar December 14th

Dec 14, 2008 06:48

Title : Season of Giving
Day : December 14th
Prompt : Wood Fire
Pairings / Characters : Bart/OMC (Tyler Queen)
Rating : MA

***For those of you that don't know, Tyler Queen is a character in my AQD series. The first story is titled Another Queen in the Deck. It's available on World of Slash, my LiveJournal page and Soon, it'll also be available on Ollieville and Hallowed Walls of El.***

Rain continued to fall outside on Star City, adding to the feeling of being cut off from everything that had been heralded in by the power going off. Of course, with the power went the heat. Or it would have if the place didn't have a fireplace. Luckily, the owner had enough foresight to keep plenty of wood on hand and now a bright wood fire burned in the hearth.

In a corner behind them stood the Christmas tree that had been bought and decorated the day before, lending an aroma of fresh pine to the air and helping to remind the pair stretched out in coital bliss of the holiday season. There were few decorations in any of the other rooms. This room alone had been deemed the centerpiece of their rather impromptu holiday celebration. When the weather had finally set in and taken the power with it, they turned to other activities besides movie watching to keep them entertained.

And while the fire was lovely, nothing was quite as lovely as the man stretched out beside him. Bart Allen gazed down at the blonde who was laying amongst the pile of blankets they'd pulled from the bed and closets before grinning. “Sure you didn't arrange this whole thing?”

Tyler Queen smirked at the brunette before leaning up and capturing his mouth in a searing kiss. It wasn't until he needed to breathe that he released the speedster and settled in the blankets once again. “I made sure that there was enough wood if the weather got bad, but this is California and rain is a lot better than snow, even if it is almost Christmas.”

“Still can't believe you came all the way out here just to see me for a few days.”

“Where else would I be? You're going to be with AC and Victor for Christmas Day and I'll be with Ollie, Clark, Martha and Chloe. If Ollie wasn't such a slow poke, you three might be joining us as well.” It was the one thing he was still pissed at his brother about, but for now he was letting it slide. Instead, he was more than happy to have an early Christmas with the man he loved.

“Yeah well, considering you still haven't been cleared for traveling, I'm surprised Ollie let you come home like this.” He stared down at his lover, watching as a hard blush spread across his body. “You didn't tell him?!”

“He knows I went to visit you, I just didn't tell him where I was meeting you.”

“I ought to tan your hide for that.”

Arching an eyebrow at his boyfriend, Tyler grinned. “Promise?”

His answer was a searing kiss that made the wood fire burning behind them almost obsolete. Sometimes the holidays didn't get much better than the person you loved, alone, in the dark except for a fire that was more internal than external. This year, it definitely seemed that this was a season of giving.

[fanfic] - one shot, [prompts], [character] - bart allen/impulse, [character] - original character, [prompt] - advent calendar, [fanfic] - advent calendar, [show] - smallville

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