Smallville Season 8

Sep 21, 2008 20:52


I suppose you all know smallville season 8 first episode was aired on friday in USA.
Here you are the Opening.
And what can I say? I'm just so happy they gave Justin Hartley, our favorite Green Arrow, what he deserved, his place with the cast ^____________^

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What can I say?
=> First episode and the Justice League is already in \O/
I so wished we had Bart and Victor too... But it seems they couldn't make it but I'm keeping faith! I know we'll see them again!
=> I like that we can see the Justice League Winter outfits ÖÖ
And Ollie is sexy too with longer sleeves and I did prefer Black Canary with longer hair and pants ^_^
=> I really don't like Tess and for now I just feel she won't be able to make it instead of Lex but I'll have to wait and see.
=> I do really like brunette Lois!!^^ She is just so pretty like that! \^O^/

Isn't she lovely?^^
Credit : Andreas at LJ

And, what about you?
What did you think about that first episode?
I really like it because of the Justice League and Ollie BUT it kind of dissapointed me -_- Really... It is to messy... Too many things happen, too many plots and I didn't like how they things are happening... but well... Ollie is here and Ollie is DAMN SEXY when talking in Russian ÖÖ (okay, he kind of sucks with the accent but who care? ÖÖ HE IS SEXY with his "iskra" love ÖÖ)

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Now I'm just scared they won't be able to handle Ollie's character ToT
(I'm really not happy with what they did in that first episode already è_é)

[show] - smallville

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