Sep 06, 2008 01:45

Title : Love is Unfair
Pairings / Characters : CLOIS, Clark/Lois
Rating : * G
Words : 132
Warning : English isn't my native language and I didn't have a beta to read my drabble so sorry for all the mistakes.
Written for svgurl for the Friends Day.
Summary : After Oliver, there isn't love anymore, Lois knows that.


Lois really thought she won't be able to love again when she decided to leave Oliver Queen in her past, when she let the Green Arrow go free.
She was courageous and strong, she knew that. But her heart was broken and even if she could find a man she knew he'll never be able to heal her aching heart.
Though when he holds her against his heart, softly whispering in her ear that everything will be alright, gently strooking her shaking back, letting her hide her shame and pain in the soft shape of his neck, she knew.
She knew that she could trust again.
She knew that she was falling in love.
With the man of steal, another hero who was not affraid to die for others.
Life was unfair.

[character] - lois lane, [pairing] - clark/lois, [fanfic] - drabble, [pairing] - clois, [character] - clark kent/boyscout/superm

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