wtf is up with all these friends cuts? im looking through my friends list they all apperantly dont want friends so you know what im not posting on any of them because im antisocial and i dont want any friends anyway!
im sure no one cares because im a mean person >:0 and no one wants to be friends with a jerk
hello school is way cool many new friends i have a class with katie and a class with jp and a class with ashley wing and like 5 classes with kai so its all awesome becky is cool I LIKE KATIE QUISH SOO MUCH
Hr 191 roche 220 english kiraly 137 spanish milano 420 us history scire 924 gym(first symester) paolini 945 sub (second symester) sweeney 330 algebra 2 Frank 020 Bio lab Bouchard 525 keyboard Spaziani 020 Biol Bouchard *subject to change kind of confusing someones gonna have to explain all this and whats with the letters