Jan 19, 2019 17:53

*Blows the dust off*

I had my monthly visit with my psychiatrist on Wednesday - I'm doing really really well - and I mentioned to him that I used to blog regularly, but that it had become too hard because of brain fog. He immediately ordered me to start blogging again, not only because it would be an "excellent tool for appropriate catharsis" (lol ( Read more... )

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Comments 18

piperki January 20 2019, 03:29:54 UTC
Hey there, old friend. Just wanted you to know I'm still out here and I'm reading. I don't think the tiles are that bad, but then, they're not in MY house.

I can't remember the last time I heard from you, but be advised: a lot of things happened to me in the past few years! :D


slytherincesss January 20 2019, 17:38:07 UTC
My friend! <3 <3 <3 I have thought of you over the years and have wondered how you were and what you were up to. I'd love an update - if you don't want to leave your personal shizznit in a livejournal comment, please don't hesitate to email me. I have missed you and hope you are well. Update me! Much love xoxoxo


djin7 January 20 2019, 07:22:15 UTC
Glad to see you and hear you're doing better. Sorry about your Auntie. <3 I hope to see you post more!


slytherincesss January 20 2019, 17:43:07 UTC
It actually felt good to write this blog entry yesterday; other times it felt stilted and like hard work to get the words out. I hope to keep up on posting more. And, yeah, it feels good to be doing better. Granted it takes a shit ton of medications for me to feel normal, but, hey, whatever it takes. Those meds exist for a reason. It's so good to see you again <3


gmth January 20 2019, 16:02:33 UTC
Hey, stranger! Good to see you again.


slytherincesss January 20 2019, 17:47:16 UTC
Hey! It's so good to see you, too :) How are you? What's new? I would love to know how you've been and what you've been up to these past couple of years. <3


gmth January 21 2019, 03:52:29 UTC
I'm doing well, can't really complain. My son graduated from college a little over a year ago and is now taking culinary classes and loving them. I've been reading up a storm but haven't written anything for years and I'm missing it a lot, but other than that, life is generally good. I'm glad to hear you found a treatment regimen that works for you, fingers crossed it continues to do so!


slytherincesss January 24 2019, 02:08:48 UTC
Congrats to your son for graduating college. Lately I have been into the Food Network, so culinary is on my mind. I miss writing too. I don't know if I ever will write again - right now I can't picture writing, but who knows? Other than a memoir I don't know what I'd write, and really I don't think my story is all that special. Lots of people have lived similar lives.


aome January 20 2019, 20:28:02 UTC
I'm sorry to hear about the death of your aunt and the resulting family drama. I remember a similar situation with my former best friend (the valedictorian), her brother (learning disabilities and rebel) and their parents. I'm hoping we don't have that happen between Two and MiniPlu - as it is, they both think the other one gets away with more. :P

I do hope that blogging helps you, and, of course, I'm always happy to see you around! As for writing - we have a support group over at Dreamwidth called ushobwri. (Locked posts, but anyone can join.) I know of other groups that encourage flashfics, which would probably be right up your alley - drabbles and such. If you stop by ushobwri, there are loads of people who could point you in the right direction. :)

Hugs to you. Would love to hear what your kids are up to these days (well, except they're probably adults now :-P) when and if you feel up to it. Welcome back!


slytherincesss January 24 2019, 03:02:05 UTC
Well, it wasn't so much family drama as it was me being internally appalled at my mother. I personally think she's being rude - you don't miss you're sister's funeral because you have symphony tickets!

My kids also thought the other got away with more, haha!

Thanks for the heads up on the writing community - I put in a request to join. I would love to get my creative juices flowing again. I haven't written anything since 2011. Maybe this would help.

Yes, they are both adults now. Ariel is involved in a program for individuals with autism and she works four hours per week. She just was awarded SSI. She is almost 22. I wish I had a current picture of her.

Hunter is 20 and is waiting tables. He wants to go to college but doesn't know what he wants to do. He's a good kid, though, and will be moving into his own apartment on February 1st - he'll be living with two friends. I'm heartbroken and I don't want him to go. Here's a pic:

... )


enchanted_jae January 21 2019, 02:48:44 UTC
I have metal cupboards in my kitchen, and I love them! They're plastered with magnets. Ha ha!

Good to know you're feeling better, and I am happy we'll be seeing more of you here. I am sorry to learn of your aunt's passing, and even more sorry to know your mother won't attend the funeral. She is cutting off her nose to spite her face, but it's obvious no one can tell her that. I fear she'll come to regret this decision some day.



slytherincesss January 24 2019, 04:24:29 UTC
You know, I actually don't think my mom will regret her decision not to go to my aunt's funeral -- she's very compartmentalized and has probably already moved on.

But, yes! I am glad to be back. I've missed blogging. :)


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