Sep 29, 2013 20:27

Unpacking is funny! I found a list of the songs on a mix tape I made for my very first official boyfriend in 1983 -- it's dated June 25, 1983. What's odd is that it's clearly something I wrote in later years -- it's written with a thin Sharpie marker and the notebook paper is perforated, neither of which existed in 1983. Anyhow, ( || CLICK TO READ MY PLAYLIST FOR MY FIRST BOYFRIEND'S MIX TAPE FROM THE SUMMER OF '83 -- THIRTY YEARS AGO ! || )

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Comments 5

piperki September 30 2013, 03:10:42 UTC
Oh, this is VERY amusing! :D We didn't have cool radio like that when I was in high school, so I didn't hear these bands until I got to college (coincidentally in 1983).

I think any replies call for the Long Duck Dong icon, also.


slytherincesss September 30 2013, 15:22:10 UTC
You rang, haw stuff?!?! ;)

I always managed to have friends who were on the cutting edge of the music scene. For example, even today, I have an acquaintance who fills in on keyboards for Naked Eyes here and there. I have no idea how a graphic designer who plays keyboards on the side managed to pick up that gig, I have no idea!


heinous_bitca September 30 2013, 12:49:56 UTC
This is like my high school years all over again. Like the only song I don't immediately recognize is Don't Pay the Ferryman, so I googled it. It's vaguely familiar, but now something I could sing word for word like every other song on that list. <3


slytherincesss September 30 2013, 18:19:40 UTC
Yeah, Don't Pay the Ferryman is a bit obscure. I think Chris DeBurgh is mainly known for Lady in Red.

Sometimes I wish I could have a moment or two back in time so I could experience discovering our music for the very first time again :D


kerosinkanister October 4 2013, 12:09:43 UTC

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