fic: you must be a masochist {weeds - andy/nancy)

Jan 28, 2011 21:19

Title: You Must Be A Masochist
Fandom: Weeds
Characters/Pairings: Andy/Nancy
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,100
Author's Note: Written for Porn Battle XI. Breaking my Weeds cherry.
Summary: AU version of the S6 finale. Plan D.

all you tired human beings )

challenge: porn battle xi, character: weeds: nancy, fandom: weeds, !fic, ship: weeds: andy/nancy, character: weeds: andy

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Comments 10

gigglemonster January 29 2011, 03:35:34 UTC
Holy shit.
[All my comments to your fic are starting to look the same lol but I tend to have the same dumbfounded reaction every time, so I can't help it!]
I love that the first half of this totally broke my heart but then the second half kinda makes me need to take a cold shower lol
Can we talk about how fucking amazeballs your characterization is here? Everything, down to the smallest details, is so spot on. This may be a weird detail to comment on, but I love the way you describe Nancy's little mannerisms - what she does with her hands and stuff. It's things like that that you barely even notice when you're reading but they're so crucial to what makes her her (imo lol).
In conclusion this made my chest ache in spots and made me blush in other spots and was 100% AWESOME.
I just don't know how you do it.


slybrunette January 29 2011, 03:47:18 UTC
I love that the first half of this totally broke my heart but then the second half kinda makes me need to take a cold shower

LOL, that was how I was while writing it too. I got to the halfway mark and remembered I was writing this for the porn battle and, thus, porn is expected. Insert panic and some serious reworking. Ahem.

The mannerisms, let's face it, are probably part me overcompensating and trying too hard to get this right, and part me having seen this show twice though in a matter of months, with a third in the process (thank you mother, you freaking fangirl in sheep's clothing). Really, though, I wasn't sure I was doing either of their character's justice here so I kind of want to hug this review (and you too) because, dude, the waves of relief I'm feeling right now are palpable.

Thank you so much for always being so lovely and encouraging! I'm glad you enjoyed this!


anr January 29 2011, 07:51:04 UTC
Oh, awesome. If only this had happened at the end of the episode. Great story!


slybrunette January 29 2011, 22:12:35 UTC
If only, then maybe I wouldn't have been quite so devastated.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


moeexyz January 29 2011, 15:58:26 UTC
This is fantastic. You're characterization of both of them is perfect.


slybrunette January 29 2011, 22:13:21 UTC
Aw thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed this!


falseeeyelashes January 29 2011, 23:05:56 UTC
I . . . don't think I've ever read Weeds fic before? lol. AND YOU! You have set the bar high, my friend.

She laughs again, even less pleasant than back in Pittsburgh, the back of her hand muffling the sound, and she stops looking at him or even feigning the illusion of it, head turned towards the window, curtains drawn, and so it’s nothing but white walls and the faint glow of streetlights shining through taupe drapes, every sound and every shadow a reminder of the not-so distant threat of red and blue flashing lights, and that’s if they’re lucky.

UGH, that is just so perfect. I could picture all of this - all of this was incredibly vivid, and Andy's voice throughout, slightly irreverent and more than a little hurt but still that manic ANDY-NESS to it? So great. Also, hi, hot. Also, you write Nancy super well, and I feel like that's amazing. She's such a slippery, tricky character! But, yo - I totally enjoyed reading this and please to be writing Weeds fic always and forever, haha.


slybrunette January 30 2011, 00:40:20 UTC
Not going to lie, I might have flailed a little bit when I saw that you read this.

I've read maybe two Weeds fics ever. There's not a lot -- and there's even less quality, and maybe that's why I'm writing it? Wish fufillment or whatever. Idk, it was fun.

It's really hard to write Andy. Like I thought Nancy would be the absolute worst but that manic-ness that he's got going? Insane. Which is interesting because it should be second nature to me given my own behavior, lol

Believe me when I say there will be more Weeds fic in the future. That show is my new addiction and at this point I'm just looking for an excuse to write it.

I'm glad you enjoyed this bb! Thanks so much for reading and reviewing!


dulcedeusex February 1 2011, 07:34:49 UTC
HOLY CRAP! my second Weeds fic ever (the first was a drabble at the doomed shipathon).

I haven't seen Season 6 yet but I did get a little bit spoiled about the finale.... so yeah.

So far it's been a show that I frigging love but don't really do or read anything fandom-wise with... don't know why, seeing as it's got so much material.


On The Verge Of A Breakdown Nancy is an entirely different animal and he’s not too manly to admit that it’s also one that scares the hell out of him.

She laughs again, even less pleasant than back in Pittsburgh, the back of her hand muffling the sound, and she stops looking at him or even feigning the illusion of it, head turned towards the window
-- Way to capture her mannerisms, that make her such a fantastic character and the actress so frigging amazing.

He doesn’t mean for it to sound as pathetic as it comes out. He doesn’t mean to sound so unsure. There are large chunks of Andy’s life that can be summed up similarly; he doesn’t mean to but he ( ... )


slybrunette February 4 2011, 08:44:19 UTC
Jeez, how am I just now seeing this review? I apologize for how long it seems to take me to comment back to things these days ( ... )


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