
Mar 03, 2009 08:28

1) I broke my own rule about no sequels and leaving well enough alone. Probably not for the better. However, the way I figure it, if the sequel is longer than the original (which this is) then at least it means you had something more to say. So anyway, everyone who was clamoring for a sequel to that fic from yesterday, it'll be up today. I'm just ( Read more... )

fannish: tales from the long-winded, r/l

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Comments 33

_noa March 3 2009, 15:00:10 UTC
I loathe the facebook chat feature... I just make it so I appear offline to everyone else by clicking the green thingie (I'm so helpful lol!) If I need to "chat" with someone through FB, I just message them.

I hope the weather gets better for you soon... icy and cold is not fun at all :(


slybrunette March 3 2009, 15:05:09 UTC
Dude, I don't even get a chance to hit that button before people see me. That site takes so long to load -- and once one person sees you it's all downhill lol. But you're right, messaging is so much more efficient.

Thanks! I don't mind it as long as I don't have to go out in it. The snow is pretty at least :)


ladybeth March 3 2009, 17:32:11 UTC
1. I'm happy for a sequel even though I haven't read story #1 yet. But I think I did see it and it said 'alex' which means I'm definitely going to have to read it

2. Want my snow? I'll gladly give it to you.

3. Facebook has been a pain lately. I haven't been on it long enough to get any chatting on there (If I'm going to talk to someone, chances are I already have them on another messenger) but the whole TOS issue a few weeks ago has them in 'evil glare' category.

4. I wanted a home-made strawberry shake, but my mom wouldn't let me get the ice cream for it and I have no vanilla yogurt to make a thick smoothie (well, I have Activia...but somehow that does not appeal). Which has nothing to do with your lack of a blender except I can relate.

5. Um...nothing really to say here, except happy birthday to prettybutt even though I don't know them.


slybrunette March 3 2009, 17:45:04 UTC
1) lol, it might not be all you expect it to be.

2) Sure, send it down this way!

3) Yeah, that TOS debacle plus the virus going around kind of has me blacklisting them.

4) I want a strawberry smoothie in particular, actually, so it's funny that you say that. Apparently we're both in a similiar boat.

5) You did that for consistency's sake didn't you? I have such a bad habit of having to fill out replies for all the bullet points, even if I don't know what I'm talking about lol.


ladybeth March 3 2009, 23:30:56 UTC
1. I expected Alex, with a touch of Izzie and it was there even though she wasn't expressly mentioned.

2. *sends*

4. Strawberries are good:)

5. Yep.


siluria March 3 2009, 20:05:54 UTC
Hey, if the bunnies and the muse cry out for a sequel, don't deny it :)


slybrunette March 3 2009, 20:08:36 UTC
Oh believe me, I listened. Unfortunately, by listening I had to put about three other fics on the back burner, but that's life for ya ;)


siluria March 3 2009, 20:10:52 UTC
AH, the bunnies - they is evil!!!!!!!!


slybrunette March 3 2009, 20:31:35 UTC
Okay, you're icon is adorable, and so is the first one (which apparently did not notice, lol, what with my keen sense of perception and all).

Secondly, clearly they prefer to be called rogue bunnies. Evil just feels so negative...lol.


majiklmoon March 3 2009, 20:34:17 UTC
didja know you can disable the chat feature? There's a little dot down on the lower right hand corner of the page, click on it and you can disable it


slybrunette March 3 2009, 20:36:34 UTC
My only problem there is how long FB takes to load. I don't know what it is with that site but by the time everything loads and I can, you know, move my cursor again, I generally have someone bugging me. Otherwise I do disable it, believe me, lol.

Clearly there's a solution here: only go on it at 3am when no one's on right?


majiklmoon March 3 2009, 20:39:18 UTC
mine stays disabled all the time - i don't have to re-disable it each time


slybrunette March 3 2009, 20:44:16 UTC
hmm, that's interesting, I have no clue why mine doesn't. Maybe something is set up differently on mine.


big_girl_shoes March 3 2009, 20:57:10 UTC
Set yourself to offline on facebook! =)


slybrunette March 3 2009, 20:59:09 UTC
In theory, that should work. Sadly in practice I only get there half of the time before I have a tiny blinking window to contend with.


big_girl_shoes March 3 2009, 21:08:20 UTC
seriously! ah that is freaking annoying. there's gotta be a way to automatically disable it.


slybrunette March 3 2009, 21:14:28 UTC
I think I've got it to do that now, actually, I just had to change a setting. But thank you for the advice!


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