(no subject)

Mar 03, 2009 08:28

1) I broke my own rule about no sequels and leaving well enough alone. Probably not for the better. However, the way I figure it, if the sequel is longer than the original (which this is) then at least it means you had something more to say. So anyway, everyone who was clamoring for a sequel to that fic from yesterday, it'll be up today. I'm just editing it right now.

2) We have a two hour delay today. There are other issues, however, with me getting there so as it turns out I'm either going in later than that or not at all. Not sure. I don't understand why they didn't just close us; it's icy as hell out there.

3) Is anyone else increasingly annoyed with Facebook? Specifically it's chat feature. Every time I get on for five seconds I end up with three chat windows blinking, full of people from school, and can NEVER get out of those conversations. It's ridiculously overwhelming and it makes me want to tell everyone to please go away, which is kind of not socially acceptable. So there's that.

4) I REALLY want a smoothie. And have no blender. Fail.

5) Trying to remember birthdays, and just caught this one out of the corner of my eye. Happy birthday to prettybutt !!! Hope it's a great one!

fannish: tales from the long-winded, r/l

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