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Comments 67

archibalds October 31 2008, 21:04:06 UTC
Grey's Anatomy, of course!

- Meredith & Alex: home alone on Halloween
- Izzie & Alex: using the song "Drop Out - The So Unknown" by Jack's Mannequin. lyrics here if you need them!


archibalds October 31 2008, 21:04:43 UTC
Or if you need the song I can probably upload that for you later when my internet isn't lagging.


slybrunette October 31 2008, 21:05:28 UTC
No, I've got it, thanks!


witches and goblins aren't the only things rearing their ugly heads on Halloween {meredith, alex} slybrunette November 1 2008, 19:31:19 UTC
It works out so that they’re the only ones home Halloween night. Derek and Izzie are both on the same surgery, both still in the OR when they left, and so it’s just them and a dark house and small children knocking on the door, searching for candy that Meredith knows is somewhere around here. This was supposed to be Izzie’s job, not theirs ( ... )


wonder149 October 31 2008, 21:43:13 UTC
*knock knock*

Boone/Claire: Friendship or shippy, a shared moment during the early days of being stranded.

Meredith/Dylan (bomb squad guy): This may be a stretch, since Dylan wasn't an established character. But a short scene full of angst/tension would be a great read - Jack Johnson lyrics: "Cause this moment keeps on moving / We were never meant to hold on"

Alex/Izzie: Fluff and pumpkin carving.


weehobbit October 31 2008, 21:46:07 UTC
Oh, fun! ::almost runs over little kids to get to the door::

Mark/Derek - end up at Mark's or Derek's after a long shift and watching movies on Halloween. Falling asleep/drunk/end up in each other's arms on the couch. Is that too fluffy? lol.


cynthia_arrow October 31 2008, 22:13:22 UTC
What a lovely idea. :)

Izzie/Alex (or Izzie, Alex)
pajamas, road, once
doesn't need to be Halloween related (but that's cool, too)


bebitched November 1 2008, 01:51:26 UTC

Kate/Sun (because I'm predictable), in the hotel after they're rescued
Meredith/Starbuck, drinking buddies
Boone/Shannon, sandbox


she's got a dirty mind {meredith/kara} slybrunette November 3 2008, 04:10:33 UTC
It’s on a night when everyone else seems to have skipped Joe’s and Derek’s working far too late for her tastes (also for the ache between her legs) that she first takes note of the new girl. She isn’t new in a sense that Meredith’s never seen her before, because she has at least a handful of times, but that she doesn’t work in the hospital; she’s just a straggler who looks fairly out of place and sometimes just a bit confused ( ... )


Re: she's got a dirty mind {meredith/kara} bebitched November 3 2008, 15:44:18 UTC

Her name is Kara, she’s from out of town
This cracked me up. If only Meredith knew how far out of town...

Extreme hotness here. Extreme.


Re: she's got a dirty mind {meredith/kara} slybrunette November 4 2008, 20:02:18 UTC
Or how far out of the planet for that matter.

I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


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