
Oct 20, 2008 17:33

Title: Now You See It All And What Is Real
Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Characters/Pairings: Mark/Derek, some hints of Meredith/Derek
Word Count: 2,600
Rating: R
Prompt: #40 - Days for 100_tales
Author's Note: Fic for the Support Stacie auction. My lovely bidder, holycitygirl, wanted Mark/Derek. Unfortunately she wanted minimal angst, which I've never quite been able to ( Read more... )

table: 100_tales, character: ga: derek, fandom: grey's anatomy, !fic, character: ga: mark, ship: ga: derek/mark

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Comments 27

gigglemonster October 20 2008, 23:54:49 UTC
Oooh this is SO so good!
I haven't watched Grey's Anatomy in forever and never really felt like I got to know the character of Mark very well but everything in this story is very believable.
I love that their friendship and their history stays constant throughout this. It's very sweet :)
This is just plain awesome.


slybrunette October 21 2008, 12:41:40 UTC
Mark's kind of...cut and dry. To me. I could not watch anything past Season Three and probably still understand him pretty well. Of course that's not to say he doesn't have layers, he does, he just makes sense to me (that sentence doesn't though, lol).

I always think people with a lot of history like this are fun to write because you get to delve and play with things you may not have seen on the show.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


_nigella_ October 21 2008, 06:18:20 UTC
oh my god do I love that someone is going there with these two, they are my absolute gay men OTP.

excellent and really realistic set up for this scenario, I'm very impressed and have been left wanting more. like... ASAP


slybrunette October 24 2008, 20:02:39 UTC
Same here, I love them so much.

I definitely want to write more of them -- though not as a continuation to this...not yet anyways.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


alemyrddin October 21 2008, 09:50:29 UTC
Ah, that best friends/more than friends dynamic between them is always so intriguing.
Well done - I loved in particular this line
Derek likes this denial thing far too much to think about that.

also, the "college is almost like Vegas" thing made me lol. ;)


slybrunette October 24 2008, 20:03:47 UTC
I like them as friends first, but I can't help going there with them, you know?

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


weehobbit October 24 2008, 19:02:49 UTC
Oh my god!! For some odd reason for how long I've been watching Grey's, I haven't went and read any Mark/Derek and when I was looking today I found this. And you totally hit the hurt/comfort that I love! I'm so going through your tags and I hope you don't mind I friended you? :D


slybrunette October 24 2008, 20:00:17 UTC
Well sometimes it doesn't occur to us to look until way late -- I've experienced that before with other ships, that's for sure.

I'm friending you back, since it seems we have quite a bit in common (for one your GA ships, and also Lost)

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


book_babe October 25 2008, 05:59:28 UTC
I've definitely had this tab open since the day you posted this, but I kept forgetting to comment. I love this a lot. Like a lot a lot. I love them just being friends in, like, the show real world, but I can see this. And it makes sense. And, I don't know, exactly, but I feel like this captures them really, really well.

And in all seriousness, even if I thought it didn't, I'd still love it. There's just something about it, I don't even know.

Ugh I seriously need to catch up on Grey's, like, yesterday.


slybrunette October 29 2008, 01:12:08 UTC
Well thank you for coming back to do so hun, that means so much to me. I like them as friends a lot, I mean that's the basis of their relationship anyways -- sometimes I just like to push the limits of that.

And yes, you so need to catch up ;)

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing hun!


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