
Jul 26, 2008 17:16

Title: I Like To Keep My Shell Intact
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Charlotte/Sawyer
Word Count: 1,603
Rating: R
Prompt: This is the real reply to superduperkc's day as queen (aka the one I wrote specifically for her). Also for #18 - I Pity You at un_love_you.
Spoilers: Up to "There's No Place Like Home Part 2".
Summary: "You don't actually have a ( Read more... )

table: un_love_you, ship: lost: sawyer/charlotte, character: lost: charlotte, character: lost: sawyer, flist: kc owns my soul, fandom: lost, !fic, challenge: lostsquee

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Comments 9

bebitched July 27 2008, 03:34:14 UTC
Ah-ha! First review.


bebitched July 27 2008, 03:36:57 UTC
Okay, now that that's out of the way... I'm very intrigued by this pairing. They seem like the perfect clash of the titans, fire meeting fire. Like Kate only bitchier. I also like this version of what happens after the island disappears and that whole shabang, because they will look to Sawyer and he'll resist it at first. Well done!


slybrunette July 27 2008, 03:40:01 UTC
When I saw the first comment I was going to smack you. Thankfully this has substance. Also, you're only first because the former Queen is reading it as we speak and just got online. So you got lucky.

Everyone pretty much knows that Sawyer will be in charge, he'll be the leader. It just fits. And I wanted to mess with that here. Also, you were the one who gave me the idea in the first place.

I'm glad you liked this hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!

(Rainn Wilson is on SNL repeat now; heads up)


bebitched July 27 2008, 04:11:57 UTC
Which is why I put that in there before someone could get it first ;)

I gave you the idea for the Sawyer-leader or the pairing? Because if I do recall the pairing was a product of boredom in Latin.

(Turning it on now.)


gigglemonster July 27 2008, 03:43:47 UTC
I really, really enjoyed this. The dialogue was awesome, I could just see and hear them saying it in my mind and that's always fun to read.
I love the idea of Charlotte being the one to challenge Sawyer and be a little rough with him, I think that seems like a totally plausible way for them to hook up.
Loved this, thank you for sharing :)


slybrunette July 27 2008, 03:47:19 UTC
I worked at the dialogue -- mostly because I had to (never written Charlotte dialogue before) -- so that's great to hear. As for this being a plausible way for them to hook up, it's tension, and that can easily be released in a number of ways, hooking up being one of them. Plus I see similarities between her and Kate and even the two of them and it just...fits in my head.

I'm glad you liked this hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


crickets July 27 2008, 03:49:51 UTC
Briefly, there’s the thought of going out into the jungle to find Claire, to try again (he still sees her, in dreams, he still hates himself for giving up his search), just tell Juliet she’s in charge and leave. Except he probably wouldn’t come back.

I made an audible sound at this point, one that sounded very much like "awww." I love you for including this little tidbit. (Okay I love you for many reasons, but this is one of them.)

I love the confrontation it's so remarkably Charlotte.

(he understands that - he saw her with the guy she came with, the jumpy little physicist, the one who never came back - he’s not an idiot)

I liked this little mention of Daniel but it does make me sad that he didn't make it back in this universe. Especially what it means for his fate out on that ocean. Scary!

I especially love how you compare the two of them. It really makes even more sense than I thought it did before reading this fic. Which was a kind of a lot ( ... )


slybrunette July 27 2008, 03:53:08 UTC
Like I would leave out Sawyer/Claire in fic for you, pshaw. Plus it helps you ignore the fact that Juliet is mentioned ;)

I'm glad it's remarkably Charlotte, because I've never written her before, at least not speaking. As for Daniel...well I have fic about him that fits this universe. And it isn't pretty.

To me, comparing them just makes sense. They are a lot alike to me, but I guess it's good that it made even more sense.

I'm really thrilled you liked this hun! I wanted to do something special, so hopefully I achieved that goal.


(The comment has been removed)

slybrunette July 27 2008, 17:37:04 UTC
I'm not crazy about her, but I think she has potential in fic.

As for the beach, I think it really stands for hope, for waiting for rescue, going all the way back to Season One. And now, with that hope gone, I think they need to move away. These people need to settle in.

I'm glad you liked this hun! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


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