
Dec 30, 2007 22:03

Title: Another White Dash (Part 2/4: South)
Fandom: Lost
Characters/Pairings: Claire, Juliet, mentions of other characters.
Word Count: 1,493
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: Part three and four are up tomorrow.
Summary: AU, post island. The second month she's there she befriends a Miami-Dade cop, name of Kevin.

She settles in Florida. Miami, to be exact. ( Read more... )

character: lost: claire, fandom: lost, character: lost: juliet, !fic, character: lost: kevin, table: 4seasonal, verse: lost: another white dash

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Comments 20

elliotsmelliot December 31 2007, 05:23:44 UTC
Oh, I love how you're continuing the coincidental connections. Poor Kevin and his attraction to mysterious women with sad pasts. The description of Juliet's eyes was great. And how tragic for Aaron. I don't even want to know the details.

Great work! I can't wait for more.


slybrunette December 31 2007, 15:46:25 UTC
Yes, each part of this has connections. Somewhere. This had two because I kept changing my mind on what I wanted to do with it. But yeah, Kevin has the worst luck in the world with women, lol.

As for Aaron, I was going to put details, but the idea in my head is not one I want to put into words so hence the non-details. I think that almost makes it better.

More will be posted this afternoon and evening. Thanks for reading!


(The comment has been removed)

slybrunette December 31 2007, 15:58:02 UTC
I'm starting to not be a fan of direct characterization. I like to reveal things indirectly, through conversations or even just simply body language. I figured Juliet would strike enough of a chord to bring Aaron into this.

See, I don't see a happy ending after the rescue. I don't think people will just be able to go their seperate ways. They are forever connected, whether they like it or not, and that's where I'm really going with this.

Above all, I guess, I want to take Claire on a journey of sorts, I want to have her learn something, and here she's starting to, even if she and the readers don't quite know it yet she is going somewhere, and this is just the set up.

I'm glad you're liking this so far! Thanks for reading/reviewing!


tinkerbell99 December 31 2007, 20:35:21 UTC
I just read parts one and two of this fic and I am LOVING every word of it. I adore your characterization of Claire here - there's something really interesting about her being on the road and alone and just trying to start over (yet all of these connections won't seem to let go.) I think someone else mentioned it, but the lack of details about Aaron is (I think) more powerful. Imagining what could have happened is probably more effective than spelling it out at this point. Plus, it adds to the intrigue of this.

I'm really looking forward to reading more :-)


slybrunette December 31 2007, 20:43:44 UTC
Yikes! Someone was busy.

I've had this idea for a long while and what I wanted to do pretty much spelled out. I didn't want to go into too much detail with Aaron, I knew that from the beginning. Sometimes it's better that way.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for r/r-ing!

(I've got the next two parts almost ready to be posted, btw :))


tinkerbell99 December 31 2007, 20:52:08 UTC
Yay! I can't wait to read them!


bachlava December 31 2007, 20:38:33 UTC
Again, lovely work! I can see that happening to Aaron... and Claire being so devastated that she'd persist in a possibly overly charitable interpretation of Juliet's past actions! (Then again, I'm not sure the show's writers won't, either...) And of course she'd wind up involved with Kevin. How couldn't she? ;) He seemed like a decent guy.


slybrunette December 31 2007, 21:05:11 UTC
Thank you!

I needed something to really...tear Claire up emotionally, and the death of her son is really just about the only thing I could think of that would just absolutely devastate her. Because of that she can't really deal with Juliet right then, it just triggers too much in her.

And bringing Kevin into this was just another way for me to tie in all these connections. Plus, I thought it was interesting that him and Juliet are pretty much in the same location.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks again for reading and reviewing!


sapphire_child January 1 2008, 04:42:02 UTC
I didn't make the connection with who Kevin was at first and then I just went "omg that's awesome!" *facepalm*

This is beautiful - poignant and sad. I love the way your write Claire. I must admit in the first part I was wondering where Aaron was - how awful that he should perish after she got home again.

I'm off to read the third part now. I admit myself intrigued, and very much enjoying this.


slybrunette January 1 2008, 06:19:07 UTC
Sometimes people don't pick up on the minor recurring characters. That's why I use them a lot. To test the reader.

I'm glad you liked this, hun! To hear I write Claire well from someone like you is truly a very high compliment. Thanks for reading!


sapphire_child January 2 2008, 01:02:17 UTC
Well it's a very clever thing to do and I applaud you for it - and for making me think!

Well for you to say that to me is a great compliment to me as well! Thank you so much ^_^ and it was a pleasure to read this so thank you


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